Show Notes 04-10-2016

Sunday Show 04-10-16

LeVar Burton: ‘It was time’ to remake ‘Roots’
LeVar Burton was initially skeptical of remaking “Roots,” the groundbreaking miniseries that launched his career in 1977. But Burton, who played a young Kunta Kinte, overcame those concerns after seeing the educational value in helping the new generation of Americans better relate to the plight of slaves and African-American history.
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Christians occupy Washington in sacred assembly
In a powerful, electrified gathering, pastors and Christian leaders assembled at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on Saturday to pray for our nation in a “solemn assembly” of unity.
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Major hotel CEO: “anti-gay laws are not ok”
In first-person opinion piece on CNBC, Sorenson wrote: “I was asked to join a group of American business leaders and CEOs in opposing North Carolina’s HB2, a bill passed recently that sanctions LGBT discrimination across that state.
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Saudi columnist and television anchor Nadine Al-Budair harshly criticized Muslims in the Arab world as “hypocrites” for failing to admit terrorism does not represent their faith. She said it was time for Muslims to own up to elements of their faith that encourage followers to commit terrorist attacks.
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“Christianity of course is under attack in this nation,” Chumley said in an interview. “If you dispute that, then you’re just not paying attention to what’s going on, and you have your head in the sand. If you look anywhere in the news on a daily basis, you will see examples of Christianity under attack.”
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HUD’s Proposed RV Rule Causes an Uproar as RV Sales Hit 39-Year High
In February, as sales of recreational vehicles (RVs) hit a 39-year high with 35,929 units sold, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) published a proposed rule in The Federal Register to revise the definition of an RV as “designed only for recreational use and not as a primary residence or for permanent occupancy.”
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First in 3 decades: US deploys B-52 bombers to Qatar to bomb ISIS
American B-52 Stratofortress bombers have been sent for their first Middle East operational deployment since the 1991 Gulf War 26 years ago. The aircraft are flying from Qatar to bomb Islamic State targets. An undisclosed number of B-52s have arrived at the Al Udeid Air Base on Sunday, the US Air Force said.
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All Three Zumwalt Class Destroyers to Be Assigned to Pacific: Carter
All three of the new Zumwalt class of stealthy destroyers — the Zumwalt currently undergoing trials and two others yet to be built — will be assigned to the Pacific as part of the rebalance of U.S. forces to the region to promote stability and counter China, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Friday.
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History of the Panama Canal
The idea of creating a water passage across the isthmus of Panama to link the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans dates back to at least the 1500s, when King Charles I of Spain tapped his regional governor to survey a route along the Chagres River.
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Panama Canal expansion faces a new problem: Not enough water
The $6.9-billion expansion of the Panama Canal might have overcome leaks, labour disputes and financial hurdles, but appears to have run into a mightier foe: Mother Nature.
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Show Notes 04-07-2016

Thursday Show 04-7-16

These powerful words catapulted our nation toward Revolutionary War
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Parents face criminal charges for walking kids to school
A Texas elementary school regularly threatens criminal charges to parents who enter the property to drop off or pick up their children. Branch Elementary School in Magnolia requires parents to wait in a lengthy car pickup/drop-off zone each day no matter how close they live to the building.
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Terrified college students mistake Priest for KKK member
Students at Indiana University Bloomington melted down after a priest carrying a rosary was misidentified as a whip-carrying member of the Ku Klux Klan.
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21 charged with student visa fraud after feds open fake college
It was little more than a storefront — manned by undercover agents posing as corrupt school administrators — but over several years the University of Northern New Jersey flushed out more than 1,000 foreigners seeking fraudulent student and foreign worker visas to unlawfully stay and work in this country, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman said Tuesday.
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Male Muslims students refuse to shake hands with women teachers
Male Muslims at one Swiss high school won the right from administrators to turn down handshakes from their female teachers – an upset of long-running traditions at the northern Therwil municipality.
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Terrorists entering Europe because of porous borders may be undetectable, EU’s own border agency admits
Terrorists are using the migration crisis to enter Europe and plot atrocities across the continent, the European Union’s own border agency has admitted.
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The Islamic state has agents all around the very sensitive facilities in the world like Metro stations, ike Airports
TEL AVIV – The Islamic State has agents working in Western airports, metro stations and “very sensitive facilities in the world,” a leading Islamic State-allied militant claimed in an exclusive interview.
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Border Patrol Apprehends 102 Illegal Aliens Crossing Rio Grande on Tuesday
Border Patrol agents working near Fronton, Texas detained 102 illegal aliens trying to cross into the United States on Tuesday. That’s just one day in one of the eight Southwest Border Patrol sectors.
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After months of restraint, Mexico adopts new strategy: Standing up to Donald Trump
The rise of Donald Trump and the anti-immigrant wave he is riding in his presidential primary campaign have alarmed the Mexican government so much that it has reshuffled top diplomats and, according to officials, adopted a new strategy — to defend the image of Mexicans abroad.
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Show Notes 04-04-06

Monday Show 04-4-16

State Department suspends review of top secret Clinton e-mails.
The State Department has suspended its internal review into whether former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or her top aides mishandled emails containing information now deemed ‘top secret.”
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Trump Doubles Down on NATO Criticism: ‘Doesn’t Cover Terrorism, Okay?’
Reiterating his recent criticisms of NATO, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said Tuesday the transatlantic alliance was “obsolete,” does not deal with terrorism, gets too much U.S. funding, and should be “rejiggered.”
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20 ICE Managers Complete Sensitivity Training Course at LA’s Museum of Tolerance
The Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) says 20 of its “high-level” managers have just completed a training program at the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, making ICE the first federal law enforcement agency to partner with the museum on training of this type.
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American College of Pediatricians: Gender Ideology Harms Children
The American College of Pediatricians issued a position statement last month entitled “Gender Ideology Harms Children,” which will be followed by a peer-reviewed statement on the subject that’s expected to be released by summer, the college told
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Lab-Grown Skin Sweats and Sprouts Hair
In a lab in Japan, researchers have grown complex skin tissue, complete with hair follicles and sweat glands, according to a new study.
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Axe-wielding Attacker Taken Down by 60-year-Old Concealed Carry Citizen
In another display of heroism and the need for citizens to be armed and able to use their arms, a 60-year-old man who carries his gun concealed stopped an axe-wielding man at a 7-Eleven in Washington.
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Concealed carry gun looks like a smartphone
A concealed carry gun is coming out this year that can be folded into a box resembling a smartphone … a feature that makes cops nervous. Ideal Conceal, a Minnesota startup, is developing a two-shot pistol that folds into a palm-sized square. It can be slipped into a back pocket or displayed openly in a coffee shop with no one the wiser.
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Smith & Wesson sales surge 61.5%
Smith & Wesson sales surged during the same quarter as the San Bernardino mass shooting. Sales of handguns used in self defense were a particular standout.
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Show Notes 03-20-2016

Sunday Show 03-20-16

Palm Sunday
The celebration of Palm Sunday originated in the Jerusalem Church, around the late fourth century. The early Palm Sunday ceremony consisted of prayers, hymns, and sermons recited by the clergy while the people walked to various holy sites throughout the city.
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Pope in Palm Sunday homily decries indifference to refugees
Pope Francis in his Palm Sunday homily decried what he called indifference to the refugees flooding into Europe, making a comparison to authorities who washed their hands of Jesus’ fate ahead of his crucifixion.
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Bill would take Alabama out of marriage license business
The Alabama Senate on Tuesday voted to do away with state-issued marriage licenses after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that effectively legalized same-sex marriage.
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Manager and job applicant foil thief at fast food restaurant.
A job interview was in progress when a thief grabbed cash from the till at a fast food restaurant. The manager conducting the interview then blocked the door, and the applicant grabbed the thief’s arms.
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“Passion” will tell Jesus’s story live
Fox scored a creative hit with its buoyant, well-produced “Grease: Live” in late January. Now the network is trying another twist on the live musical with a modern retelling of the Easter story in “The Passion,” broadcast live from New Orleans, 8-10 p.m. Sunday.
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Troops at Ft. Gordon Subjected to Unauthorized Lecture on ‘White Privilege’
Troops stationed at Ford Gordon, Georgia were subjected to an unauthorized lecture on “white privilege” during an Equal Opportunity briefing last year, according to a PowerPoint presentation the Army released last month to Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
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Family buys Purple Heart at Goodwill for $4.99 searches for its real owner
A husband and wife in Arizona spotted a deal when they uncovered a Purple Heart with a $4.99 price tag at a Goodwill store, but they said they had a duty to find the real hero who received the medal, local media reported Wednesday.
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Futuristic Military railgun bullets could travel at mach 6
 New “bullets” for military railguns, which could strike enemy targets traveling at a whopping six times the speed of sound, are being tested.
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Students told: ‘If you’re Christian, confess to be atheist’
A University of North Carolina professor encourages students to make false “confessions” to parents of a religious or sexual nature as part of his Spanish class.
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NASA agrees to stop censoring Jesus fro employee email’s about “Praise and Worship Club”
In June 2015, attorneys at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, told Christian employees they could no longer mention the name “Jesus” in e-newsletter announcements for their Praise and Worship Club because they believed it violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution.
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Archbishop: “It’s not racist to oppose refugees
Britain’s Archbishop of Canterbury said it is “outrageous” to describe people who are worried about the impact of mass migration as racist. There is “genuine fear” of the impact on housing, jobs and the national health system, Archbishop Austin Welby told Parliament’s The House magazine.
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