Show Notes 10-25-2018

Thursday show notes 10-25-18

Politicians stoke voter fears every Halloween season>

Man orders 2 waters at Greenville hot dog joint, leaves $10,000 tip

Now drinking milk a symbol of ‘white supremacy’

Some Parents Outraged After Drag Queen Speaks At School Career Day

Painting of Jesus miraculously survives inferno at historic Massachusetts church

Cinemas drop ‘Gosnell’ film despite success

Show Notes 06-28-16

Sunday Show 06-26-16

America’s Founders proclamations for fasting and prayer
In May, 1774, the British Parliament ordered an embargo of Boston to begin June 1. Immediately the Burgesses of Virginia passed a resolution protesting this act and setting aside the day of embargo to seek God with fasting and prayer.
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Obama Invites 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America
Under the Obama administration’s expansive interpretation of executive authority,  legal immigrants seeking citizenship through the nation’s Naturalization process are now exempt from a key part of the Oath of Allegiance.
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Outrage over candidate’s ‘Make America White Again’ sign
A candidate for Congress  is under fire for a campaign sign highlighting his hope of making “America White Again.” The sign, which appeared over Highway 411 near Benton, Tenn., was placed there by independent candidate, Rick Tyler, who is currently running for Tennessee’s 3rd congressional district seat, WRCB-TV reported.
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Hospital boots abortionist in demonic baby killing rant
A California hospital has reportedly severed ties with an abortionist involved in a “demonic” confrontation with a pro-life activist, in which the doctor charged through the front doors of a medical facility while wielding a pair of scissors and proclaimed his “love” of tearing unborn babies apart in the womb.
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England’s Farage: ‘The EU’s Failing, The EU’s Dying, I Hope We’ve Knocked The First Brick Out of The Wall’
“An opinion poll in the Netherlands said that a majority there now want to leave,” said Nigel Farage in a speech today, covered by numerous media (and video here from RT).  “So we may well be close, perhaps, to a Nexit.
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Explosive new twist in idaho sex assault case
The Obama-appointed U.S. attorney for Idaho has taken the highly unusual step of intervening in a local criminal case involving an alleged sexual assault by juvenile Muslim migrants and threatened the community and media with federal prosecution if they “spread false information or inflammatory statements about the perpetrators.”
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One of two remaining airmen who flew in World War II ‘Doolittle Raid’ dies
One of the last two surviving members of the Doolittle Raiders — who bombed Japan in an attack that stunned that nation and boosted U.S. morale — has died in Montana, his family said.
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The Doolittle Raid, 1942
Once the shock of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor subsided, the focus of American military planners turned to retaliation – even if it was only symbolic. A few weeks after the attack, Lt. Colonel James H. Doolittle presented his superiors with a daring and unorthodox plan. B-25 bombers, normally land-based, would be transported by an aircraft carrier to within striking-distance of the Japanese mainland and launched to attack a number of cities.
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Pope Francis Sparks Another Controversy by Saying ‘Great Majority’ of Catholic Marriages Are Invalid
“The great majority of our sacramental marriages are null,” Pope Francis was quoted as saying last Thursday in an impromptu answer to a question on what the Catholic Church should do regarding the “crisis of marriage”, sparking another controversy over Catholic teaching.
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Bishop at Vatican Synod: ‘One Can Still Perceive the Smell’ of the ‘Smoke of Satan’ in Vatican DocumentReferencing Blessed Pope Paul VI’s statement in 1972 that “the smoke of Satan” had entered the Catholic Church, one of the leading archbishops at the Vatican’s ongoing synod (meeting) on the family, said the “smoke of Satan” tried to enter last year’s meeting on the family and now “one can still perceive the smell of this ‘infernal smoke’ in some items” of the working document the bishops are using in the current meeting.
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Can states separate politics from gun policy; California aims to try
Days before Democrats and Republicans in Congress traded verbal blows over four failed gun control amendments in the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando, Fla., the California Legislature voted to allot $5 million over five years to establish a state research center on gun violence.
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Show Notes 03-20-2016

Sunday Show 03-20-16

Palm Sunday
The celebration of Palm Sunday originated in the Jerusalem Church, around the late fourth century. The early Palm Sunday ceremony consisted of prayers, hymns, and sermons recited by the clergy while the people walked to various holy sites throughout the city.
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Pope in Palm Sunday homily decries indifference to refugees
Pope Francis in his Palm Sunday homily decried what he called indifference to the refugees flooding into Europe, making a comparison to authorities who washed their hands of Jesus’ fate ahead of his crucifixion.
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Bill would take Alabama out of marriage license business
The Alabama Senate on Tuesday voted to do away with state-issued marriage licenses after the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that effectively legalized same-sex marriage.
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Manager and job applicant foil thief at fast food restaurant.
A job interview was in progress when a thief grabbed cash from the till at a fast food restaurant. The manager conducting the interview then blocked the door, and the applicant grabbed the thief’s arms.
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“Passion” will tell Jesus’s story live
Fox scored a creative hit with its buoyant, well-produced “Grease: Live” in late January. Now the network is trying another twist on the live musical with a modern retelling of the Easter story in “The Passion,” broadcast live from New Orleans, 8-10 p.m. Sunday.
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Troops at Ft. Gordon Subjected to Unauthorized Lecture on ‘White Privilege’
Troops stationed at Ford Gordon, Georgia were subjected to an unauthorized lecture on “white privilege” during an Equal Opportunity briefing last year, according to a PowerPoint presentation the Army released last month to Judicial Watch under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
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Family buys Purple Heart at Goodwill for $4.99 searches for its real owner
A husband and wife in Arizona spotted a deal when they uncovered a Purple Heart with a $4.99 price tag at a Goodwill store, but they said they had a duty to find the real hero who received the medal, local media reported Wednesday.
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Futuristic Military railgun bullets could travel at mach 6
 New “bullets” for military railguns, which could strike enemy targets traveling at a whopping six times the speed of sound, are being tested.
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Students told: ‘If you’re Christian, confess to be atheist’
A University of North Carolina professor encourages students to make false “confessions” to parents of a religious or sexual nature as part of his Spanish class.
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NASA agrees to stop censoring Jesus fro employee email’s about “Praise and Worship Club”
In June 2015, attorneys at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, told Christian employees they could no longer mention the name “Jesus” in e-newsletter announcements for their Praise and Worship Club because they believed it violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the Constitution.
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Archbishop: “It’s not racist to oppose refugees
Britain’s Archbishop of Canterbury said it is “outrageous” to describe people who are worried about the impact of mass migration as racist. There is “genuine fear” of the impact on housing, jobs and the national health system, Archbishop Austin Welby told Parliament’s The House magazine.
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