Pentagon Fingered as a Source of Narco-Firepower in Mexico

This will be an ongoing story that we will be following. Folks, no one is talking about this, no one. Thank God for the Internet. Pay attention people, this is important.
From narcosphere.narconews,com

Another series of leaked State Department cables made public this week by WikiLeaks lend credence to investigative reports on gun trafficking and the drug war published by Narco News as far back as 2009.

The big battles in the drug war in Mexico are “not being fought with Saturday night specials, hobby rifles and hunting shotguns,” Narco News reported in March 2009, against the grain, at a time when the mainstream media was pushing a narrative that assigned the blame for the rising tide of weapons flowing into Mexico to U.S. gun stores and gun shows.

Rather, we reported at the time, “the drug trafficking organizations are now in possession of high-powered munitions in vast quantities that can’t be explained by the gun-show loophole.”

Those weapons, found in stashes seized by Mexican law enforcers and military over the past several years, include U.S.-military issued rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers and explosives.

The State Department cables released recently by WikiLeaks support Narco News’ reporting and also confirm that our government is very aware of the fact that U.S military munitions are finding their way into Mexico, and into the hands of narco-trafficking organizations, via a multi-billion dollar stream of private-sector and Pentagon arms exports.

Please, people, read the entire article. You have got to be Uncooperative readers, Listeners and Citizens, and that entails finding information and educating yourselves. Good Journey!!
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China is Not Our Friend

That’s right, China is not our friend, folks and these two articles are just the tip of the iceburg.

An alarming new report says the United States is choosing to rely on China for the rare earth metals that are critical for the production of America’s strategic defense weapons, giving the communist nation a chokehold on the ability of the U.S. to defend itself, according to Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

While the U.S. has the world’s second-largest reserves of the substances, instead of facilitating production, it has left China to take over the market – it controls some 97 percent of the global sales of these elements, according to the report.

The American Security Project, in fact, says the U.S. is “completely reliant on China” for rare earth metals for the production of the nation’s most critical weapons systems.

Please read the “rest of the story”. And then there is the next article which is just creepy.
Again from

Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert reports Google Earth photographs of China depict city after city of vast complexes consisting of office skyscrapers, government buildings, apartment buildings, residential towers and homes, all connected by networks of empty roads – with some of the cities located in China’s truly most inhospitable locations.

Images of these “ghost cities” – after countless billions of dollars have been spent on the towns’ design and construction – reveal nobody lives in them.

I’ll let you, the folks, ponder why they are doing this.
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The Uncooperativebloggers/ Radio show's State of the Union Address

The State of the Union sucks. There ya go people. No matter what our President/Caesar and our elected cockroaches did, said, or promised tonight, do not believe it. The Constitution is the solution!!! Did ya hear that word tonight? NOOOOOOOO. WhyYYYYY! And no, we did not watch it tonight. Brian was sick all day, but we did record it. Oh, and by the way, it is Unconstitutional to televise the State of the Union Address. It was only meant to be given to the congress and the senate. Not to “we the people”. We will review this on our radio show this Thursday 1/27/11 @7pmest, on
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Oregon: Islamic Organization Issues Muslim ID Cards

Happy New Year American Patriots. It’s a new year, with a new battle looming. Sorry, but we still have to fight for our Republic, So lets start with this bloggers’ research on Islam in our country.

I hope everyone had a great New Year’s Eve, but now it is time for us to get back to work! The Sharia movement continues without rest. Today, we are going to take a look at the Islamic Social Services of Oregon (ISOS). Their motto is “Serving the Community through Islam”.

Hat tip to New Crusader.

Read all of this people, and decide for yourself. Great article Logan. My Hat Tip to you! Happy New Year!!Technorati Tags: , , , , ,