Show Notes 12-04-2018

Tuesday show notes 12-04-18

World Bank ups funds to tackle ‘existential threat’ of climate change

Charged with war crimes and stuck in the brig, a Navy SEAL vows to fight on

Show Notes 02-03-2017

Friday Show 2-3-17

History of The Statue of Liberty
America probably could not have won its freedom from the British during the American Revolution without the help of the French. France provided arms, ships, money and men to the American colonies.
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History of The Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was not a gift from France to America. We have all heard the shorthand that implies that the statue was exchanged government to government.
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Symbols of The Statue Of Liberty
Torch: The torch is the strongest symbol that Bartholdi incorporated into the Statue. In fact the Statue’s real name reflects its true meaning: “Liberty Enlightening the World”.
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Emma Lazarus
The year was 1883 when Emma Lazarus, a young, high society New York poet and the descendant of Jewish immigrants, was asked for a favor.
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Emma Lazarus
Emma Lazarus was born into a large Sephardic-Ashkenazi Jewish family, the fourth of seven children of Moses Lazarus and Esther Nathan. The Lazarus family was from Germany and the Nathan family was originally from Portugal and resident in New York long before the American Revolution.
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After seven centuries of Islamic occupation, which included episodes of forced conversions and massacres, Ferdinand and Isabella drove the last of the Muslims out of Spain in 1492 – the same year they sent Columbus on his voyage to find a new route to India and China.
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Military Convoy Flying Trump Flag Belonged to SEAL Unit
The military convoy spotted on Sunday flying a Donald Trump flag near Louisville belonged to an East Coast-based SEAL unit, a Navy spokesperson told ABC News.
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Reservist Sentenced to Home Confinement for Threats to Mosque Members
Federal prosecutors say a North Carolina man was sentenced to eight months of home confinement after pleading guilty to charges that he threatened members of a mosque.
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Obama Pentagon official says anti-Trump military coup now possible
In an editorial penned for Foreign Policy, senior Pentagon policy official Rosa Brooks publicly suggested a military insurrection against the Trump administration may be the only option to oust one of the most divisive presidents in American history.
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Friday Show 11-11-16

Veterans Day
This holiday started as a day to reflect upon the heroism of those who died in our country’s service, and was originally called Armistice Day. It fell on Nov. 11 because that is the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I.
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Former Navy SEAL Wins Governorship as Vets Head to Congress
In an election night that proved to be an unexpected nail-biter for the presidential race, a number of veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars found their own paths to victory.
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Isolationist Trump Stokes NATO Defense Fears
Donald Trump’s “America first” approach has Europe worried he may cut US commitments to NATO just as it mounts its biggest military build-up since the end of the Cold War to counter a more assertive Russia.
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Facebook to ban advertisements that exclude certain races
Facebook announced they will no longer allow advertisers to exclude certain races or ethnic groups when placing certain types of ads on Facebook.
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Don’t blame Facebook for Trump victory, says Zuckerberg
Months before the presidential election, Facebook decided to lay off its human editorial team and leave decisions about the Trending section almost completely to algorithms.
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Trump bucks protocol on press access
Donald Trump is keeping Americans in the dark about his earliest conversations and decisions as president-elect, bucking a long-standing practice intended to ensure the public has a watchful eye on its new leader.
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In the wake of Donald Trump’s stunning election as president, every major media outlet did stories questioning how the pollsters got it so wrong. But some of the biggest brand-names in journalism actually looked inward and published stories asking how the media got the election so wrong.
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‘Nationwide shut down’ planned for Inauguration Day
A self-avowed Marxist member of the Seattle City Council who is part of the George Soros-funded Occupy Wall Street movement has called for a “massive protest” against President-elect Donald Trump and a “nationwide shut down” on Inauguration Day.
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Show Notes 01-14-2014

Thursday show 01-14-16

Carter says ‘navigation error’ – not mechanical problem – put US boats in Iranian waters
The Pentagon has backed off claims that a mechanical failure contributed to U.S. sailors drifting into Iranian waters and touching off a diplomatic incident earlier this week, with Defense Secretary Ash Carter now saying a “navigation error” was to blame.
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Scientists say humans have basically canceled the next ice age
At a time of intense planetary warming, it’s odd to even contemplate a counterfactual world in which we might instead be in or heading into a glacial period, sometimes more popularly called an “ice age.”
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Oregon folk singer and self-styled “Peace Troubadour” James Twyman wants you to know he’s no hero, but “hero” is probably not the word that came to most people’s minds when he announced his planned concert for peace in ISIS-controlled Syria.
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Flying turkey ruffles feathers about ’emotional support’ animals on planes
If you think that air travel has gone to the birds, it has -literally. We’re talkin’ turkey, as in that big Thanksgiving bird, one of which recently was spotted aboard a Delta flight acting as a “support animal,” and that’s causing a flap over how passengers are using, and abusing, comfort animal rules.
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Farmer cut off his right hand in failed ploy for insurance money
A Spanish court sent a farmer to prison after he cut off his hand and faked a car wreck for insurance money, local media reported Wednesday. Investigators said the farmer had run short on cash in 2007 when he concocted the plan. He started by hacking off his right hand and quickly applying a tourniquet to stop the bleeding, according to The Local.
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10 Yemeni detainees sent from Gitmo to Oman, in ‘troubling’ transfer
The Obama administration on Thursday quietly transferred 10 Yemeni detainees from the prison at Guantanamo Bay to neighboring Oman – so quietly, in fact, that the news was first reported by state-run Middle East news agencies. And once the news got to Capitol Hill, it set off alarm bells given the host country’s proximity to Al Qaeda’s most active branch.
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Herb from plant may aid in cold, flu prevention
The Ache: Cold and flu season is here, and with it, a healthy dose of misery.
The Claim: Echinacea, a herbal remedy made from a flowering plant, can prevent respiratory infections—or even help treat them once they begin.
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Things to know about the flu shot: Lots of options this year
Give flu vaccine another chance: This year’s version got a recipe change that should make it more effective after last winter’s misery from a nasty surprise strain of virus.
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Show Notes 09-27-15

Sunday show 09-27-15

Boehner says he would have survived recall vote, vows no government shutdown
House Speaker John Boehner on Sunday struck a defiant tone after announcing his resignation two days earlier, saying he would have had enough votes to survive a potential recall effort and that House conservatives won’t get a government shutdown.
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God Bless greeting lands Louisiana school in hot water with ACLU
The ACLU of Louisiana is accusing a high school of promoting Christianity in an open letter on Friday because a student group hung prayer boxes and the principal ended an online letter with “May God Bless You All.”
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Sunday’s rare supermoon eclipse: What you need to know
Stargazers are in for a treat Sunday when a supermoon combines with a lunar eclipse for the first time since 1982. The supermoon eclipse will last 1 hour and 11 minutes, and will be visible to North and South America, Europe, Africa, and parts of West Asia and the eastern Pacific, according to NASA.
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Jindal on Boehner Resignation: ‘Mitch McConnell, It Is Now Your Turn’
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) called for the resignation of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Friday at the Values Voter Summit, in response to House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) n announcement earlier that day that he is stepping down.
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History of The Statue of Liberty
America probably could not have won its freedom from the British during the American Revolution without the help of the French. France provided arms, ships, money and men to the American colonies.
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10 things you didn’t know about the Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty was not a gift from France to America. We have all heard the shorthand that implies that the statue was exchanged government to government. In fact, Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi, a mid-career statue maker, decided to pitch a country he had never visited before on his vision to build a massive lighthouse in the shape of a woman.
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Symbols of The Statue Of Liberty
Torch: The torch is the strongest symbol that Bartholdi incorporated into the Statue. In fact the Statue’s real name reflects its true meaning: “Liberty Enlightening the World”. Rea
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Pope Francis: End ‘The Marketing of Human Organs and Tissues
Speaking to the General Assembly of the United Nations yesterday, Pope Francis called on government leaders to take immediate action to end the marketing of human organs and tissues and “respect the sacredness of every human life.”
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Gen. Dees: Social Experimentation is Degrading Our Military Readiness
The military readiness of the United States is being “degraded by social experimentation,” Maj. Gen. Robert Dees (U.S. Army-Ret.) said Saturday at the Values Voter Summit in Washington.
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Navy Commander Welcomes Female SEALs, Warns of Higher Injury Risk
The commander of the Navy’s special warfare units is recommending that the SEALs and combat crew jobs be opened to women, but he warns that women will have greater risk of injury and says the service may be pressured to adjust or lower standards for the jobs.
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