Show Notes 08-05-17

Saturday Show 8-5-17

Nets Barely Notice Venezuela’s Vote for Dictatorship
Venezuela’s president held a sham election on July 30 that created an assembly out of his own supporters, to bypass that country’s elected representatives and rewrite the constitution.
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Local Butcher Shop hangs animal-rights sign under duress to stop protests
Reminiscent of the “smoking kills” labels on packs of cigarettes, a sign denouncing the killing of animals now hangs, counterintuitively, in the window of a North Berkeley butcher shop.
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Mom who killed home invader: ‘It was either him or me, and I wasn’t going’
Homicide detectives are investigating a deadly home invasion in Cobb County.
Marietta police said a 911 call came in from the 90 block of Griggs Street around 2:30 a.m. Thursday.
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Top Trump Admin Intelligence Official Ezra Cohen-Watnick – Fired! McMasters Being Shown the Door
The White House is currently going through a massive shakeup. It was just announced that Ezra Cohen-Watnick, the senior director for intelligence on the National Security Council, has been fired.
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Today’s hottest collectible cars are trucks
Forget about classic sports and luxury cars, the hottest collectibles today are trucks.
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China Tears Down the Tibetan City in the Sky
At the eastern end of the vast Tibetan Plateau lies a sprawling monastery named Larung Gar, which is the largest Tibetan Buddhist institute in the world and a monumental landmark to Tibetan culture, religion, and history.
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Poll: More Americans Consider Islamic State a Major Threat (74%) Than Climate Change (56%)
More U.S. adults consider the Islamic State and cyber security as major threats to the country than consider global climate change to be a major threat, according to a survey released Tuesday by the non-partisan Pew Research Center.
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Corruption! Australia’s Weather Bureau Caught Tampering with Climate Data
Australian scientists at the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) ordered a review of temperature recording instruments after the government agency was caught tampering with temperature logs in several locations.
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EXCLUSIVE: Al Gore’s Home Devours 34 Times More Electricity Than Average U.S. Household
On Friday, Al Gore’s sequel to “An Inconvenient Truth” – “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power” – arrives in movie theaters across the country.
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Cannabis Grower Buys California Town to Build Pot-Friendly Outpost
American Green Inc., a maker of cannabis products, is taking an unusual step to attract new customers as it capitalizes on California legalizing marijuana: It’s buying an entire town.
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U.S. Faces Looming Shortage Of Primary Care Physicians
America will soon face a shortage of as many as 90,000 doctors. CBS2’s Dr. Max Gomez reports a combination of retiring doctors and increasing demand will lead to a significant need for primary care physicians. But some medical schools are working to ease the problem.
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Trump’s border wall, immigration plans re-emerge at top of national debate
President Trump’s campaign promise to build a border wall is again starting to galvanize Washington after months of taking a back seat to ObamaCare and the investigation into Russian election meddling.
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Friday Show 08-04-2017

Friday Show Notes 8-4-17

Dinesh D’souza’s Facebook page hijacked after “Big Lie” 
Days after the launch of a book arguing fascism and Nazism are ideological spawns of the left, author and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza says he and his promotion team have been locked out of his Facebook page by hackers.
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Facebook Faces Diversity Deficit: ‘We Aren’t Where We’d Like to Be’
“We aren’t where we’d like to be,” Facebook said Wednesday in a report on the lack of diversity of its staff.
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Muslims suffer insanity, low IQ, recessive disorders from 1400 years inbreeding
During the pilot transition program with the KV-107 and C-130 with Lockheed, we found that most Saudi pilot trainees had very limited night vision, even on the brightest of moonlit nights.
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‘Civilizational Jihad’ underway at 3,000 US Mosques 
Even as President Trump’s administration tries to crack down on Muslim terrorism, public officials from both sides of the aisle remain blind to the threat of Islam, contends the man who infiltrated a top Muslim organization in the U.S.
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12 Wisconsin-Based Fighter Jets, 200 Airmen Heading to South Korea
A dozen F-16 Fighting Falcons and 200 Wisconsin Air National Guardsmen will arrive in South Korea this month as tensions continue to rise over the North’s nuclear and missile programs.
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Child Sex Abuse by Afghan Forces Detailed in Classified Report
A government watchdog agency called on the Pentagon on Tuesday to declassify a report alleging the sex abuse of children by Afghan security forces.
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US Special Ops help UAE forces in Yemen anti-terror operation
U.S. special operations forces are assisting Yemeni and United Arab Emirates forces in a major operation in Yemen against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), long seen as the biggest threat to the United States through its development of non-metallic bombs designed to slip through security and bring down commercial airliners.
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Iowa Girl Scout Builds Trap Shooting Range For Her Community
Lizzy Worthington isn’t a typical girl from Iowa. She is a Girl Scout and a member of her high school trap shooting team, the BGM Shotgunners.
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Veteran Describes How New York’s SAFE Act Wrongly Stole His Gun Rights
70-year-old Vietnam veteran Don Hall was shocked when deputies arrived at his Taberg, NY home one night to take his guns after he had wrongly been flagged “mentally defective”.
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Suspects sought after shooting in San Francisco’s Dolores Park
Three people were shot Thursday after a gunman opened fire at a San Francisco park full of families and tourists, police said.
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A Military brand you’ve never heard of
In June of 1775, citizens acting as merchant mariners captured the British schooner HMS Margaretta around Machias, Massachusetts.
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A Forgotten Founding Father

One of our wonderful Founding Father that no one talks about. Please go to the web page and read all about him. Knowledge is power.

John Dickinson was the only major political figure active on the home front at every stage of the founding of the United States from the protest of the Sugar Act in 1764 through the ratification of the Constitution in 1789. He published more works for the American cause than any other individual, earning him from historians the title of “Penman of the Revolution.” Yet many scholars do not consider Dickinson among the principal Founders. His refusal to sign the Declaration of Independence damaged his reputation then and has perplexed historians since.
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Show Notes 07-29-2017

Saturday Show 7-29-17

The Six Senate Republicans Who Flip-flopped in Favor of Obamacare
Senate Republicans shot down Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) clean Obamacare repeal bill. Paul’s bill, the “Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act of 2017,” failed 45-55. Seven moderate Republicans voted against the clean Obamacare repeal bill in the Senate.
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Hollywood Invokes ‘God’ to ‘Bless’ John McCain for Saving Obamacare
Liberal Hollywood celebrities are showering Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) with love for casting a decisive vote as one of three Republican Senators who derailed a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act health care law (Obamacare).
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Goat Yoga combines the foundations of yoga with the cuteness of goats
Yoga’s foundations can be traced back thousands of years, and the practice has taken many different forms during that time. But one class in Las Vegas is expanding that definition to include goats.
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Goat Yoga combines the foundations of yoga with the cuteness of goats
Taxpayers will be forced to pay the legal fees of the wife of an Orlando terrorist who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, according to a motion her attorneys filed in court and released Monday.
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Sarah Huckabee Sanders reads ‘Pickle’ letter at White House briefing
A 9-year-old boy nicknamed “Pickle” wants to be friends with President Donald Trump. That was the takeaway from a letter that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read at the start of the White House press briefing on Wednesday afternoon.
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Radical Left Recruiting Foot Soldiers With $15K Full Time Wage
The “resistance” to Donald Trump has been wholly fabricated by the radical left, and a new advertisement demonstrates just what lengths these liberal lunatics will go to in order to stifle the President.
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Hunt underway for Biblical Tabernacle that housed Ark of Covenant
At the site of an ancient city on the West Bank, archaeologists are hunting for evidence of the tabernacle that once housed the Ark of the Covenant.
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Christians make pre-emptive stricke against “gay” weddings
A Christian couple looking to add wedding videos to their business repertoire is suing the state of Minnesota after officials there made it clear that laws require anyone working as a wedding vendor accommodate same-sex couples.
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Bible verse plaque displayed at Tennessee police department to be moved
A Bible passage displayed at police headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee, is going to be moved after an atheist group complained.
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Brownback’s Nomination to Int’l Religious Freedom Post Wins Praise – But Not From CAIR
President Trump’s decision to nominate Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback to the post of ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom was applauded by religious freedom advocates and colleagues Thursday, while an Islamic lobby group expressed alarm, accusing the conservative Republican of anti-Muslim actions.
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The Office of International Religious Freedom
The Office of International Religious Freedom has the mission of promoting religious freedom as a core objective of U.S. foreign policy. The office is headed by the Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom.
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Russia, China are North Korea’s ‘enablers,’ Tillerson says
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson lashed out at Russia and China early Saturday, following North Korea’s second test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile – and reports that Kim Jong Un’s regime was now capable of striking cities on the U.S. mainland.
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Saturday Show 7-29-17

The Six Senate Republicans Who Flip-flopped in Favor of Obamacare
Senate Republicans shot down Sen. Rand Paul’s (R-KY) clean Obamacare repeal bill. Paul’s bill, the “Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act of 2017,” failed 45-55. Seven moderate Republicans voted against the clean Obamacare repeal bill in the Senate.

Hollywood Invokes ‘God’ to ‘Bless’ John McCain for Saving Obamacare
Liberal Hollywood celebrities are showering Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) with love for casting a decisive vote as one of three Republican Senators who derailed a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act health care law (Obamacare).

Goat Yoga combines the foundations of yoga with the cuteness of goats
Yoga’s foundations can be traced back thousands of years, and the practice has taken many different forms during that time. But one class in Las Vegas is expanding that definition to include goats.

Goat Yoga combines the foundations of yoga with the cuteness of goats
Taxpayers will be forced to pay the legal fees of the wife of an Orlando terrorist who pledged allegiance to the Islamic State, according to a motion her attorneys filed in court and released Monday.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders reads ‘Pickle’ letter at White House briefing
A 9-year-old boy nicknamed “Pickle” wants to be friends with President Donald Trump. That was the takeaway from a letter that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders read at the start of the White House press briefing on Wednesday afternoon.

Radical Left Recruiting Foot Soldiers With $15K Full Time Wage
The “resistance” to Donald Trump has been wholly fabricated by the radical left, and a new advertisement demonstrates just what lengths these liberal lunatics will go to in order to stifle the President.

Hunt underway for Biblical Tabernacle that housed Ark of Covenant
At the site of an ancient city on the West Bank, archaeologists are hunting for evidence of the tabernacle that once housed the Ark of the Covenant.

Christians make pre-emptive stricke against “gay” weddings
A Christian couple looking to add wedding videos to their business repertoire is suing the state of Minnesota after officials there made it clear that laws require anyone working as a wedding vendor accommodate same-sex couples.

Bible verse plaque displayed at Tennessee police department to be moved
A Bible passage displayed at police headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee, is going to be moved after an atheist group complained.

Brownback’s Nomination to Int’l Religious Freedom Post Wins Praise – But Not From CAIR
President Trump’s decision to nominate Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback to the post of ambassador-at-large for international religious freedom was applauded by religious freedom advocates and colleagues Thursday, while an Islamic lobby group expressed alarm, accusing the conservative Republican of anti-Muslim actions.

The Office of International Religious Freedom
The Office of International Religious Freedom has the mission of promoting religious freedom as a core objective of U.S. foreign policy. The office is headed by the Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom.

Russia, China are North Korea’s ‘enablers,’ Tillerson says
U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson lashed out at Russia and China early Saturday, following North Korea’s second test launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile – and reports that Kim Jong Un’s regime was now capable of striking cities on the U.S. mainland.