Show Notes 08-26-2017

Saturday Show 8-26-17

Trump Administration Again Declines to Endorse ‘Two-State’ Solution
Seven months into the Trump administration, Palestinian leaders say they still don’t know what President Trump’s position is on their conflict with Israel, frustrated that he refuses to commit publicly to the so-called “two-state solution” as the key to resolving it.
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Breitbart, other ‘alt-right’ websites are the darlings of Russian propaganda effort
Amid an investigation into Russian meddling in the last U.S. presidential election, a Russian propaganda Twitter network aimed at American audiences consistently spreads links to Breitbart and other right-wing or conspiracy theory websites that boost President Trump and bash Democrats.
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Southern Poverty Law Center ‘hate group’ label hit in evangelicals’ lawsuit
A prominent evangelical ministry has filed a federal lawsuit against the left-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), saying it defamed the Christian organization as an “active hate group” because it endorses the biblical view of homosexuality.
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President Trump pardons Sheriff Arpaio
The White House announced late Friday that President Donald Trump has granted a presidential pardon to Joe Arpaio, former Maricopa, Arizona, County sheriff.
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President Trump’s Accomplishments During His First 6 Months
2) Had a major victory on sugar exports from Mexico, made Mexico drop the exports % and the amount of refined sugar. This will help our sugar industry and the US sugar mills that produce refined sugar from raw sugar.
3) Notified Congress of NAFTA renegotiation on May 18th. Talks can start 90 days later on Aug 16th, 2017
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Zinke: No National Monuments to Be Eliminated
Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke announced Thursday he will not recommend the removal of any national monuments, assuaging the fears of some opponents who warned that vast public lands and marine areas could be stripped of federal protection.
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Show Notes 08-19-2017

Saturday Show 8-19-17

Standing Ovations for Triumphant Dennis Prager, Conducting at Disney Hall
Conservative talk radio host Dennis Prager received a standing ovation from a near-capacity crowd the moment he walked on the stage Wednesday evening to conduct the Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra at Walt Disney Concert Hall.
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Pelosi Calls for Resolution to Censure Trump for His ‘Repulsiveness’
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi issued a statement today declaring her support for the Congress to pass a resolution censuring President Donald Trump for “the repulsiveness” of his “words and actions.”
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Case against Wasserman Schultz’ ex-IT aide expands with 4-count indictment
The federal case against Imran Awan, a former IT aide for Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, expanded Thursday with an indictment on four counts including conspiracy and making false statements.
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Apple Donates $1 Million to SPLC, Claims Trump Equated ‘Nazis and Those Who Oppose Them’
In a memo to employees of Apple, Inc., CEO Tim Cook announced that the tech giant would be donating $1 million each to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Anti-Defamation League (ADL), matching donations by employees “two-for-one,” and allowing iTunes users to directly support “the work of the SPLC.”
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Texas about to legalize open-carry of big knives and swords
The katana once was the weapon of the samurai. But a new law soon will make it perfectly legal for Texans to publicly carry the warrior blade – along with a range of swords and other long knives.
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America’s ‘Confederate infrastructure:’ Too big to hide, move or raze
Although a few communities are removing a few statues, the nation’s Confederate memorial infrastructure — estates, plantations, battlefields, graveyards, birthplaces, shrines and at least two huge obelisks — is too vast and diverse to be moved, hidden or destroyed.
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Show Notes 08-18-2017

Friday Show Notes 8-18-17

Bannon breaks silence: Issues epic warning to POTUS Trump’s enemies
In an interview with Bloomberg News, Bannon issued the following warning: “If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents — on capitol hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon said Friday in an interview hours after his departure was announced by the administration.
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The Conway Cabal
Thomas Conway came from an Irish-born Catholic family that had fled to France because of English oppression when he was six. He served for years in the French military and also under the legendary Prussian Frederick the Great before coming to America, “to increase my fortune and that of my family,” in 1777, when he was forty-two.
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Feds force $1.1 million fine from farmer prosecuted for plowing own land
A farmer in California prosecuted under the Clean Water Act for plowing his own land without federal permission agreed to a $1.1 million settlement after the feds threatened $45 million in penalties.
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Oregon becomes first state to offer free abortions for all, including illegal aliens
Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has signed a landmark bill to provide free abortions for all, including illegal immigrants, by requiring insurance companies to cover the procedures and putting taxpayers on the hook for the tab.
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Another state bans taxpayer funding of abortion
On Tuesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law barring taxpayer-subsidized insurance plans and Medicaid funds from covering abortions, except for cases when the mother’s life is in danger.
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Trump Administration Calls to End Marketing of 3-Parent Embryo Experiments
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has demanded a fertility doctor halt all marketing on an unapproved IVF experiment that creates a human embryo by combining DNA from three separate people.
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Marijuana use holds three-fold blood pressure death risk: study
People who smoke marijuana have a three times greater risk of dying from hypertension, or high blood pressure, than those who have never used the drug, scientists said on Wednesday.
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Show Notes 08-12-2017

Saturday Show 8-12-17

Thomas Jefferson on guns
In 1785 Thomas Jefferson wrote to his fifteen-year-old nephew, Peter Carr, regarding what he considered the best form of exercise: “…I advise the gun.
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The Latest: Canada sends soldiers to migrant border crossing
Canada has sent about 100 soldiers to a remote spot on the Quebec-New York border where asylum seekers are crossing illegally.
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Judicial Watch sues Justice Department for Comey documents
Judicial Watch sued the Justice Department on Friday in an effort to obtain any non-disclosure agreements signed by former FBI Director James Comey.
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California billionaire ordered to restore public access to $32.5M beachfront property
A California court has ordered a billionaire to reopen access to a popular formerly public beach, creating an important precedent for public right-of-access cases across the country.
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‘Hero’ bus driver saves students before bus catches fire
Bus driver Teresa Stroble was wrapping up her morning route about 7 a.m. when a pair of 9th-grade students sitting in the back of the bus alerted her to smoke. She then turned the car into a nearby car wash, evacuated the kids in under one minute, just before the bus became engulfed in flames.
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You will get chipped — eventually
For now, Three Square Market, or 32M, hasn’t offered concrete benefits for getting chipped beyond badge and log-on stats. Munster says it was a “PR stunt” for the company to get attention to its product and it certainly succeeded, getting the small start-up air play on CBS, NBC and ABC, and generating headlines worldwide.
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Preschool teachers cause children to be heterosexual, peer-reviewed paper suggests
Why not suggest you can play house with two moms? A recent research paper suggests that preschool teachers are the reason most people identify as heterosexual.
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School bus companies across U.S. facing driver shortage
School transportation companies seek drivers year-round but put the pedal to the metal to hire for the start of the school year. This year, many school bus companies around the U.S. say they face a driver shortage.
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Virginia college student gets 100 days in jail for registering dead voters for Democrats
James Madison University student was sentenced to prison Tuesday after pleading guilty to registering dead voters for the Democratic Party during the 2016 election.
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A danger to public health? Uproar as scientist urges us to eat more salt
Public health experts in the UK have spoken out against a new book that claims many of us should be eating more salt, not less – claiming the advice could endanger people’s health.
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Official Who Met With Michelle Obama at WH Indicted for Stealing School Lunch Funds
A Los Angeles food services director who was invited to the White House by former First Lady Michelle Obama to share his tips for getting kids to eat healthy has been indicted for stealing $65,000 in public funds.
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The Conway Cabal

This is a piece of history never talked about. It is a pretty long essay, but well worth the read. The parallels between what is happening to President Trump now and what happened to General George Washington during the Revolutionary war are stunning. There truly is nothing new under the sun.

Thomas Conway came from an Irish-born Catholic family that had fled to France because of English oppression when he was six. He served for years in the French military and also under the legendary Prussian Frederick the Great before coming to America, “to increase my fortune and that of my family,” in 1777, when he was forty-two.
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