Show Notes 07-28-2016

Thursday Show 7-28-16

As Obama speaks, chaos and arrests outside DNC
As President Barack Obama took the stage at the Democratic National Convention inside the Wells Fargo Center on Wednesday night, a chaotic situation erupted nearby that led to seven arrests.
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DNC hiring actors to fill convention seats?
A Bernie Sanders delegate says that the DNC is replacing Bernie supporters with paid seat fillers in order to create a fake image of “unity” as the convention goes into its final day.
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Portland doughnut shop criticized for job posting
At Pip’s Original Doughnuts & Chai in Northeast Portland, owner Nate Snell is hiring. “I want people who are passionate about what they sell,” said Snell. “If you can’t eat it, how can you be passionate about it?”
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Brazilian Doctor on Rio Games: ‘Foreign Athletes Will Literally Be Swimming in Human Crap’
Olympic athletes competing in the waters off Rio’s shore dodge human feces, the invisible rotavirus, and dead bodies in pursuit of gold. This game ranks not as an official Olympic sport but as a necessity for athletes competing on the open waters during the August event in Rio.
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A 49-year-old Iraqi refugee who came to the U.S. in 2003 has fled the country 48 hours before he was to stand trial in Kennewick, Washington, for allegedly raping a grade-school girl.
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US Troops Move Down to Battalion Level with Iraqis
U.S. troops have gone forward with Iraqi forces for the first time on the battalion level in a prelude to the expected assignment of more troops closer to the front lines in the effort to retake Mosul, a U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday.
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Army Announces 800-Soldier Aviation Unit to Deploy to Afghanistan
The U.S. Army has announced an 800-soldier aviation unit will deploy later this summer to Afghanistan.
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Show Notes 07-26-2016

Tuesday Show 7-26-16

Ryan Gives Grieving Mothers the Cold Shoulder
A small group of bereaved mothers went all the way to Speaker Paul Ryan’s doorstep over the weekend to demand answers — but were given only a cold shoulder.
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Obama Thinks All is Well with Crime, Immigration
President Obama expressed his resentment for the attacks leveled at his leadership during last week’s Republican National Convention by insisting the levels of crime and illegal immigration are at their lowest levels in the past few decades.
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Mexican border agency seen as aiding illegal immigration
South of the border, Grupo Beta is seen as a humanitarian organization that steers north-bound migrants through the crossfire of warring drug cartels. But in Texas, many view it as part of a pipeline that sends humans and drugs pouring into the U.S., all with the funding and backing of the Mexican government.
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Government to BAN etc and e.g. – for the sake of non-English speakers
Roger Wemyss Brooks of the Latin Mass Society of England and Wales, which teaches Latin language courses, said: “Latin is part of our cultural heritage and it’s part of the basis of English.
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ISIS claims they shot down US military jet over Iraq
Amaq, a news agency that supports the terrorist organisation claimed ISIS shot down a plane flying near Ain Al-Asad air base in Anbar.
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U.S. Hits Record 129 Months Since Last Major Hurricane Strike
No major hurricane has made landfall in the continental United States for a record-breaking 129 months, according to data going back to 1851 compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
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7- Eleven Delivers Slurpees By Drone
The convenience store 7- Eleven conducted the first-ever commercial delivery to a customer’s home by drone, flying Slurpees, candy, donuts, hot coffee, and a chicken sandwich to a customer’s backyard in Reno, Nevada last week.
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As UN pushes radical Sustainable Development Goals, scientists are trying to make sense of them
Less than a year after the United Nations embraced the all-encompassing, socialist-oriented agenda known as the Sustainable Development Goals, scientists are just beginning to try to figure out what the new goals may entail, how they can even be measured, and where the high-flown objectives contradict or impede themselves.
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Show Notes 07-24-2016

Sunday Show 7-24-16

AAA Rescued Record 32 Million Drivers in 2015; Blames New Technology for Breakdowns
Despite technological advances in newer vehicles, the American Automobile Association (AAA) rescued a record 32 million drivers nationwide in 2015, including 900,000 in the Washington, D.C. area alone, AAA announced Wednesday.
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Safe GOP convention boosts Cleveland’s image to the world
Cleveland’s safe and successful turn as host of the Republican National Convention has helped establish it as an ideal location for large events but also a city that people will consider when deciding where to live and do business, Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said Friday.
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Kerry: Air conditioners as big a threat as ISIS
Secretary of State John Kerry said in Vienna on Friday that air conditioners and refrigerators are as big of a threat to life as the threat of terrorism posed by groups like the Islamic State.
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Hundreds honor teen suffering from fatal disease at prom themed party
More than 1,000 people converged on a Wisconsin town Friday to honor a 14-year-old girl with a fatal illness who has chosen end-of-life hospice care over surgery.
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ASEAN split on how to deal with China in South China Sea row
Southeast Asia’s main grouping opened a meeting of their foreign ministers Sunday, deeply divided on how to deal with China’s territorial expansion in the South China Sea that has impacted some of its members and whipped up an increasing diplomatic quagmire.
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Obama administration mun as Turkey’s post coup crackdown expands
The Obama administration’s relative silence on Turkey’s alarming crackdown following last week’s failed coup attempt is tantamount to a green light for President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to continue his assault on democracy in the NATO nation, experts said.
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Virginia high court strikes down Governors order giving felons right to vote
Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s action restoring the voting rights of more than 200,000 felons was unconstitutional, Virginia’s highest court ruled Friday, siding with Republican lawmakers who said the governor overstepped his authority.
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Dems open convention without Wasserman Schultz
Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she is stepping down as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee at the end of the party’s convention, which is set to begin here Monday.
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Despite a Republican convention featuring public rules fights and Donald Trump being stiff-armed by his closest rival to the nomination, one of the leading conservative insurgents in Congress believes the party is unifying around core principles and could get a lot of good done for the American people if GOP congressional leaders would just do it.
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Show Notes 07-21-2016

Thursday Show 7-21-16

‘Fact-Checkers’ vs. the Benghazi Mom
When FBI Director James Comey came before the press to deliver his bizarre proclamation — that Hillary Clinton had lied relentlessly about her private email server but shouldn’t be prosecuted because no prosecutor would ever dare take her to court (even though prosecutors all over the country rose to say they’d do so immediately) — many were shocked and angered.
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Syria is demanding the UN take action after it says French war planes killed more than 120 civilians during airstrikes on Tuesday near the Turkish-Syrian border. The deaths came just a day after US air assaults killed a further 20 people in Manbij.
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BBC suggests calling “terrorists”, terrorists is politically incorrect
If you thought that the insanity of political correctness had reached its peak, then think again. Never mind Obama refusing to use the term “radical Islamic terrorism,” now the BBC has suggested that calling terrorists “terrorists” might be a bigoted thought crime.
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CBO: ‘The Projected Amounts of Debt Would…Make a Fiscal Crisis More Likely’
In its Long-Term Budget Outlook published this week, the Congressional Budget Office said that the additional debt it projects the federal government will accumulate in the coming years if it continues on its current path would make a fiscal crisis in the United States more likely.
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Congressional Committee: Holder ‘Misled Congress’ on ‘Too Big to Jail’ Wall St. Bank
Former Attorney General Eric Holder “overruled internal recommendations” and “misled Congress” when the Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to prosecute HSBC Bank USA and its UK-based holding company for “serious violations of U.S. anti-money laundering and sanctions laws” involving drug cartels and foreign terrorist groups, according to a new congressional report.
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Rep. Brady: ‘Bust Up the IRS’ and Put Tax Code ‘on a Postcard’
Rep. Kevin Brady (R-Texas) says with the Republican Tax Blueprint, “we propose to bust up the IRS” and that the blueprint includes “for families and individuals a code so simple and fair it will fit on a postcard.”
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47 years ago today Apollo 11 landed on the Moon
Wednesday marked the 47th anniversary of when NASA astronauts first landed on the moon, a giant leap of an accomplishment that still resonates today, over four and a half decades later.
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Battle of Brewster Island
On this day in 1775, Patriot minutemen in whaleboats, commanded by Major Joseph Vose, raid Nantasket Point, also known as Little Brewster Island, in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts. The raiders temporarily drive off the island’s British guard and confiscate lamps, oil, gunpowder and boats, before burning the wooden parts of the point’s lighthouse.
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Show Notes 07-19-2016

Tuesday Show 7-19-16

Jaguar Land Rover develops autonomous system for off-roading
Jaguar Land Rover is in the process of developing autonomous technology that can handle any type of terrain a vehicle may encounter.
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Thousands of Venezuelans enter Colombia for food, medicine
Tens of thousands of Venezuelans poured into neighboring Colombia to buy food and medicine on Saturday after authorities briefly opened the border that has been closed for almost a year.
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Federal housing watchdog under fire for move to ‘gut’ office
In a case of who’s watching the watchdog, the inspector general’s office for a top housing agency is facing tough questions from Congress over what ex-employees say are efforts to “gut” a key office and allegations of retaliation.
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Bureaucrats misquote Pope on vaccines, teach parents ‘religion’
The dispute between concerned parents and the medical industry over whether or not vaccines can be harmful to children has gone on for decades, with no middle ground appearing.
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Caregiver gets Zika from man who died in medical mystery
Utah health officials say a man who died after being infected with Zika virus passed it to a caregiver, creating a medical mystery about how it spread between them.
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Americans Are Buying Gene-Edited Food That’s Not Labeled GMO
Products made possible through gene-editing have landed on grocery shelves. Whether they’ll stay there is up to shoppers wary of technological tinkering.
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This week I was going to write Part II on the jobs best suited for men vs. women in prepping, but the national and international terrorist attacks on police and civilians has been troubling me so much that I felt the need to lay out the case for a reordering of prepper acquisition priorities.
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