Show Notes 03/28/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 03/28/2013

Marine Veteran fights cancer and government
Marine veteran Tom Gervasi has spent the last 10 years fighting cancer and the U.S. government.
The 76-year-old Sarasota man has a rare form of breast cancer that he believes is due to contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, where he trained in the mid-1950s.

Limbaugh hits O’Reilly for bible thumpers comment.
Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly argued Tuesday that opponents of same-sex marriage have not “been able to do anything but thump the Bible.”

Movie Mad Matthews: Pro-Second Amendment Voices Are Like the Nazis in Casablanca
Chris Matthews on Thursday took a break from comparing conservatives to Nazis and instead compared them to movie Nazis. The Hardball anchor opened the program by referencing the classic movie Casablanca.

WAPO’s Sally Quinn attacks Ben Carson for prayer breakfast speech
Maybe we should take to ironically nicknaming Sally Quinn as “Scoop” for this: On March 27, in a column headlined “Does Ben Carson Have a Prayer?” the Washington Post On Faith editor attacked Dr. Ben Carson for his National Prayer Breakfast speech delivered on February 7.

The Armed Citizen
Roger Mundell, Jr. entered his garage one morning only to be confronted by a seemingly rabid bobcat that had gained entry through an open door.
Senator John Cornyn R-TX doubles down on imaginary friends and border crossers
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is at it again—apparently making up Texas friends with property overrun by border crossers.

New Space station crew to launch and dock today in cosmic first
After blasting off on a Russian rocket ride Thursday, March 28, three men are poised to make history by reaching the International Space Station faster than any astronauts to fly there before.
Splashdown! SpaceX Dragon Capsule Returns to Earth
An unmanned SpaceX space capsule  splashed down in the Pacific Ocean Tuesday (March 26), reaching the wet finish line of the spaceflight company’s second cargo delivery flight to the International Space Station for NASA.