Show Notes 08-25-2016

Thursday Show 8-25-16

Mega military base breaks silence on martial law memo
U.S. military drills on American streets and roads, on public lands and in cities and towns long have prompted fears that the federal government is preparing to impose martial law.
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Army general testifies no one swayed him in Bergdahl case
The Army general who ordered Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s court martial testified Wednesday that he wasn’t swayed by negative comments from a powerful U.S. senator, saying that he takes his duty “very, very seriously.”
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WW11 Veteran gets surprise and honored at his home
KTLA reports a World War II veteran had one of the best days of his life after being honored by chief selects in front of his California home recently.
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Park Service celebrates 100 years, seeks minorities’ support
When Asha Jones and other Grand Canyon interns arrived for their summer at the national park, they were struck by its sheer immensity, beauty and world-class hiking trails. Soon, they noticed something else.
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Texas college students rally against gun laws with sex toys
Hundreds of University of Texas students waved sex toys at a campus rally during the first day of classes, protesting a new state law that allows concealed handguns in college classrooms, buildings and dorms.
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Preparing kids to say pledge to Mexican flag
The U.S. Supreme Court in 1943 ruled that schools cannot force students to participate in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory.
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Faith based colleges win mafor religious freedom battle for now
Faith-based colleges and universities in California dodged a major threat to their existence from Democrat state lawmakers, but the leader of an effort to block financial aid from the state to schools that do not adhere to the left’s position on sexuality vows to bring the matter back next year.
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Feds Spend $1 Million for Refugees to Become Farmers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is spending nearly $1 million to teach refugees how to farm. New grants announced last week include two projects in Idaho and Kansas to “cultivate the next generation of farmers” by helping refugees get land leases to start their own farms.
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Show Notes 04-22-2015

Thursday show 04-22-15

Census: Record 51 million immigrants in 8 years, will account for 82% of U.S. growth
Legal and illegal immigrants will hit a record high of 51 million in just eight years and eventually account for an astounding 82 percent of all population growth in America, according to new U.S. Census figures.
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ACLU demands Catholic groups pay for illegal’s abortions
The American Civil Liberties Union has launched a lawsuit against the federal government to force Catholic groups that take taxpayer dollars to provide birth control and abortions for illegal immigrants.
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European man sets up his own Libertarian nation
Czech man Vit Jedlicka has claimed a 7km2 stretch of land on the west bank of the Danube river as the Free Republic of Liberland, after disputes between Serbia and Croatia rendered it technically no man’s land.
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Obama: ‘I’ve Set Aside More Public Lands and Waters Than Any Administration in History’
In an Earth Day speech delivered today in the Florida Everglades, President Barack Obama boasted the he has set aside more “public land and waters” than any president in the history of the country.
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Cesar Chavez receives Navy honors 22 years after death
Hundreds gathered Thursday to see military honors rendered belatedly for Cesar Chavez, the legendary rights and labor leader but also a Navy veteran.
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Mass. Stuck With $113M Marine Terminal Built for Failed Offshore Wind Farm
Massachusetts taxpayers are stuck with a $113 million marine terminal started by former Gov. Deval Patrick as a construction staging area for a failed wind farm project that was supposed to provide clean energy and hundreds of jobs for the state’s residents.
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‘Certain variables’ may cause Benghazi probe to last into 2016, Gowdy says
The chairman of the House select committee probing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s response to the Benghazi terror attacks signaled Wednesday that the release of a final report could slip to just months before the 2016 presidential election if the Obama administration delays producing documents and witnesses.
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Phoenix woman in arranged Muslim marriage allegedly raped and beaten by groom to be
A Muslim woman expected to enter an arranged marriage in Phoenix was raped, beaten and sexually assaulted by her groom-to-be after she refused to marry the man, Fox 10 News Phoenix reported on Wednesday.
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“Real” ripped by council on American Islamic relations
Daytime show “The Real” has been slammed by the Council on American-Islamic Relations for alleged discrimination against Muslim women.
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White House: American, Italian hostages killed in US strike
An American and an Italian held hostage by Al Qaeda were accidentally killed in a U.S. counterterrorism operation earlier this year, the White House said Thursday, in a stunning and tragic admission.
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IG: ‘Notable Security Deficiencies’ Persist at U.S. Diplomatic Posts
“Protecting people who work in the department is our top priority,” State Department Inspector General Steve Linick told Congress on Tuesday. Although his office has “stepped up” its security efforts after the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, “challenges still remain,” he said.
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Show Notes 04-19-2015

Sunday show 04-19-15

Entrance fees rising in some National Parks
After a six-year moratorium, the federal government is increasing the price of admission at some of its public lands and raising the fees charged for camping, boating, cave tours and other activities. The National Park Service says the money expected to be raised is just a fraction of the $11.5 billion needed to repair and maintain roads, trails and park buildings.
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Vermont lawmakers: Make pot legal or will ban booze
Two Vermont lawmakers fed up with delays to legalize marijuana in the state introduced a headline-grabbing measure this week designed to move things along: one that would outlaw alcohol. Legislators Chris Pearson and Jean O’Sullivan admit they have no interest in reinstating Prohibition, but they want to make a larger point, reports Vermont Public Radio.
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University wants teens for late term abortions
Officials at the University of Hawaii have begun recruiting children as young as 14 years old to be part of an “experiment” with late-term abortions, and a team of pro-life lawyers is raising questions about the legality of the strategy.
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Family wins back seized gold coins that could be worth $80 million
A family was awarded the rights to 10 rare gold coins possibly worth $80 million or more on Friday after a U.S. appeals court overturned a jury verdict.
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How American’s will lose their freedoms
On April 16, 1859, French historian Alexis de Tocqueville died. After nine months of traveling the United States, he wrote “Democracy in America” in 1835, which has been described as “the most comprehensive … analysis of character and society in America ever written.”
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US Military losing Christians because of  hostile work environment
Soon there may only be atheists in the foxholes. Christians are leaving the U.S. military or are discouraged from joining in the first place because of a “hostile work environment” that doesn’t let them express their beliefs openly, religious freedom advocates say.
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State: Striking marriage would undermine liberty
A U.S. Supreme Court decision redefining marriage would “undermine” liberty and leave to the whim of the federal judiciary a multitude of valid and valuable state laws, according to a brief.
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