Show Notes 09/18/2014

Thursday Show 9/18/14
Britain: Muslim kids outnumber Christian kids
Muslim children outnumber Christian children in Birmingham*, the second largest city in Britain, according to an analysis of the 2011 Census data, and the same holds true for the 10th largest city, Bradford, three sections of London, and in Leicester, the 12 largest city.
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Dems block Cruz bill to strip U.S. citizenship from Islamic State defectors
Sen. Ted Cruz tried to get the Senate to consider a measure Thursday providing that any American who joins the fight with terrorist groups such as the Islamic State would immediately renounce their U.S. citizenship, but a Democratic senator objected, saying more time is necessary to weigh the significant constitutional issues it raises.
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Family glitch in Obamacare to impact 1.9 million Americans
Vague language within Obamacare will result in nearly 2 million Americans being unable to afford health insurance, according to a new report by the American Action Forum (AAF).
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Sierra Leone to shut down for 3 days to slow Ebola
Shoppers crowded streets and markets in Sierra Leone’s capital on Thursday stocking up for a three-day shutdown that authorities will hope will slow the spread of the Ebola outbreak that is accelerating across West Africa.
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Horse power gains favor among small scale farmers
While most modern farmers work their fields accompanied by the rumble of a trusty tractor, sheep farmer Donn Hewes labors to the faint jingling of harnesses in rhythm with the hoofbeats of horses and mules.
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New protections for sharks take effect
Good news for shark lovers: This weekend, new international laws will go into effect to strengthen protections for five shark species that are threatened by overfishing.
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Air Force removes “so help me God” requirement from oath
A legal review of rules that required the phrase occurred after the American Humanist Association threatened to sue on behalf of an atheist airman. The unnamed airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada was denied re-enlistment Aug. 25 after crossing the phrase out of the oath.
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Federal court upholds US flag ban on Cinco De Mayo
A federal appeals court will not reconsider a unanimous February ruling upholding the actions of a principal in a Northern California high school who ordered students wearing American flag shirts inside out during a 2010 Cinco de Mayo celebration.
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Union boss millionaires lead income equality convention
Union boss millionaires lead ‘income equality’ conventionSeveral of America’s wealthiest union bosses spoke at the 2014 Ohio AFL-CIO convention in Cincinnati this week. The event’s theme? “Building the movement for income equality.”
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Giants star teams up with Dairy Council to tackle childhood obesity
Super Bowl champion Victor Cruz is teaming up with the NFL and the National Dairy Council (NDC) to tackle childhood obesity. The latest installation of the NFL’s Fuel Up to Play 60 campaign, called ‘For the Love of Play,’ is designed to inspire participants to fit 60 minutes of play into their daily routine.
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Federal school lunch program ends special-ed program at Georgia High School
Government limits on the calories in food sold to public school students have stifled both special education and culinary programs at Marietta High School, according to the Marietta Daily Journal. Students at the school learned baking and business skills by manning a cart that sold coffee and muffins to teachers and students every morning last year, but the business recently got the boot due to rules imposed by Washington.
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Show Notes 04/14/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Sunday 04/14/2013
Gun Bill Vote: Senate Overcomes GOP Filibuster Effort To Begin Debate
The Senate cleared a major procedural hurdle on Thursday as it voted to overcome a Republican filibuster effort and begin debate on a gun control package.
Suspects dead after attempted home invasion
Two men who attempted to invade a Fayetteville home early Friday morning died after a gun fight with the homeowner, according to WTVD.
WTVD reports the exchange of gunfire happened shortly after 3:30 a.m. at a house in the 7500 block of Levi Road.

Pope tells priests to practice what they preach otherwise Church will loose credibility
Pope Francis told priests on Sunday to practice what they preach, saying the church’s credibility was on the line. During a Mass to formally take possession of one of the Vatican basilicas in Rome, Francis said ordinary Catholics need to “see in our actions what they hear from our lips.
Mother of Sandy Hook Victim Delivers White House Weekly Address
In a message traditionally reserved for the president, Francine Wheeler, whose 6-year-old son Ben was among the 20 students and six educators killed at Sandy Hook Elementary last year, delivered the White House’s weekly address today, urging the country to come together to support measures that proponents say will alleviate gun violence.
Who mailed live explosive to Sheriff Joe?
Authorities have confirmed that an apparent bomb addressed to Maricopa, Ariz., County Sheriff Joe Arpaio was uncovered and diverted, and now investigators are beginning to look into a list of his enemies for any links or connections.
Protesters removed from Massachusetts Senate during finance debate
A group of anti-tax protesters has been evicted from the Senate gallery after briefly disrupting debate Saturday on a transportation finance plan that calls for about $500 million in new state taxes.
Obama moves to take horse meat off menu
Buried inside President Obama’s budget this week is a demand that Congress stop inspections of horse meat slaughter plants — a move that would halt the industry, just as it’s poised to ramp up again.

Man tries to take photo of beaver; it kills him
A fisherman in Belarus was bitten to death by a beaver, and all he was doing was trying to take its picture, Sky News reports. The man spotted the beaver while fishing with friends at Lake Shestakov, but as he approached to take a photograph, the beaver bit him on the thigh.
Sundance the dog goes viral
The saga of Sundance, the $100-bill-eating dog, apparently appealed to a lot of people.A Google search Wednesday turned up 34,600 results for Wayne Klinkel’s story of his dog Sundance, who ate five $100 bills last Christmas, and his tale of woe in trying to pick up the digested remnants to recoup some of his loss.