Show Notes 12-30-2017

Saturday Show 12-30-17

Thanking Trump has gone viral
You may have noticed the idea of thanking President Trump for his amazing and voluminous first-year achievements has become popular. One might even say the concept has gone viral.
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In a U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit opinion
Judge Stephen Williams did not rule on the merits of the case but instead said the plaintiff — the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) — is “not a voter” and therefore has no legal standing to sue for alleged violations of the 2002 E-Government Act.
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Court turns back challenge to Trump’s voter fraud commission
It’s been said that good fences make good neighbors. But in Aspen, Colo., this week, Vice President Mike Pence has something different posted between his vacation lodging and that of the people next door.
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New Synagogue opens under Temple Mount
While there may not be a Third Temple at which Israeli Jews can worship atop the Jerusalem Temple Mount, there is a brand-new synagogue under the foundation of the holy site – and it’s open for prayer.
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Trump ramps up Border Patrol recruitment, in bid to hire thousands of new agents
President Trump doesn’t yet have his “big, beautiful” border wall, but the administration is ramping up recruitment of border agents going into the new year in a bid to enhance security with more manpower  if not bricks and barbed wire.
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Victory! No Amnesty in CR — See how your Senators Voted…
Congress passed a Continuing Resolution on Thursday night to fund the federal government through Jan. 19 without an amnesty for young-adult illegal aliens despite a months-long push by dozens of Democrats and Republicans to do so, and despite threats by many to shut down the government if it didn’t happen.
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Iowa Supreme Court Lifts Ban On Guns In Courthouses
There are a couple of places you’re guaranteed to find violence felons. One is in jail, and the other is in courthouses. However, many courthouses require citizens to be completely disarmed on the premises, leaving only law enforcement officers with the ability to protect anyone.
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BATFE considering changing position on bump stocks
Following the horrific events of October 1 in Las Vegas, the subject of bump stocks flared into a firestorm of controversy. The legal devices were sold over the internet after the BATFE had given their approval on the things several years earlier.
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Show Notes 02/20/2014

Thursday Show 2/20/14
Critics want FCC media study thrown on trash heap
Critics of a proposed Federal Communications Commission study that would send researchers into newsrooms across America say the new chairman’s vow to tweak the plan doesn’t go far enough — with one leading media group calling on the agency to scrap the study entirely.
Lawmakers mock Common Core
Parents across America are beginning to recognize the truth behind conservative predictions regarding the federal education guidelines known as Common Core. Instead of emphasizing traditional academic standards, teachers are now stuck with a curriculum that puts an adherence to political correctness above all else.
Broward Teacher Arrested For Forcing Child To Clean Dirty Urinal
A Broward County charter school teacher is facing battery charges after she allegedly forced a 10-year-old student to clean a dirty urinal that she thought the student clogged, according to the Coral Springs Police Department.
Government looking into ATF operations in 4 cities

The Justice Department’s inspector general is conducting a four-city examination into storefront undercover operations run by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to assess whether they pose a danger to the public.

Show Notes 10/11/12

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 10/11/12

Special Guest Pastor Stephen E. Broden.

President of the Fair Park Friendship Center and Senior Pastor of the Fair Park Bible Fellowship. And Founder Of The Constitutional Defenders Of Texas.

Constitutional defenders of Texas mission statement 
To identify and hold accountable those elected representatives in government who have violated their oath to uphold and protect the Constitution, either by action or omission. To ensure the Founder’s original intent for the Constitution, which was established as a compact between the several states, to protect the fourth
branch of government, the people and their rights, from all enemies; both foreign and domestic.

ATF whistle-blower fired, claims complaints about ‘Fast and Furious’ played role
A well-known whistle-blower in the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives confirmed to that he was fired this week, and he claims his complaints about Operation Fast and Furious played a role in his dismissal.

Spain seals deal with US on NATO missile shield 

The Spanish government has agreed to participate in NATO’s anti-missile shield that will see specialized United States warships based at a Spanish base already used by the U.S. Navy.

Show Notes 10/04/12

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 10/4/12

DNC attacks Romney as too aggressive 
Faced with a humiliating and complete defeat for their candidate in last night’s debate, the only recourse from the Democratic National Committee was to release an ad claiming Mitt Romney wasn’t gentle enough on the President.

AARP to Obama: Don’t mention us again 
President Obama invoked AARP to defend his health care law last night, prompting the influential group to release a statement telling him not to do that again.

ATF’s latest gun grab 
The Obama administration is making it easier for bureaucrats to take away guns without offering the accused any realistic due process.
Is Obama a Marxist-Leninist? 
Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Dr. John C. Drew, a political scientist who tried, without success, to alert the media and the John McCain campaign back in 2008 that young Occidental sophomore Obama had been a Marxist socialist looking forward to an inevitable Communist revolution.

Morocco denies entry to Dutch “abortion ship” 
Morocco blocked a Dutch “abortion ship” from entering one of its harbours on Thursday during a campaign group’s first attempt to visit to a Muslim country to raise awareness about safe methods of abortion.

Orders to US factories plunged in August on planes and computers 
Orders placed with U.S. factories fell in August by the most in more than three years, signaling that slowdowns in business investment and exports restrained the economic expansion.

Show Notes: 07-26-2012

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 7/26/12

Fiat Currency: Using the Past to See into the Future
The history of fiat money, to put it kindly, has been one of failure. In fact, EVERY fiat currency since the Romans first began the practice in the first cent
ury has ended in devaluation and eventual collapse, of not only the currency, but of the economy that housed the fiat currency as well.

Milford man pays off mortgage with pennies

Thomas Daigle says he was looking for a hobby during those long rainy and snowy afternoons in Milford. So he started counting his change and rolling his pennies.

BATFE Director issues veiled threat to whistleblowers

Lawmakers and government accountability advocates have expressed concern over a July 9 video message directed at Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents by ATF Acting Director Todd Jones, which they say is a veiled threat to government whistleblowers.

PBS Bill Moyers trashes America and NRA

With the first heart-breaking headlines out of Colorado, gun-rights advocates just had to know that leftist lecturers in our media would mount their soap boxes and trash this country for its gun culture and trash the National Rifle Association as an “enabler of death — paranoid, delusional, and as venomous as a scorpion.”