Show Notes 04-06-2018

Friday Show Notes 04-06-18

Steve Forbes: Lefty mayors’ frivolous climate change lawsuits need to stop
Who or what is actually responsible for “global warming” and how should the individuals, businesses or industry sectors be held accountable? If you listen to New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and the California mayors of San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond and others, the entire blame rests exclusively with our oil and natural gas industry.
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Obama EPA officials protest Scott Pruitt’s ‘secret science’ reforms. Here’s why they’re wrong.
Should the public be allowed to know how bureaucrats develop policies that have major impacts on our lives? Or should we simply be left in the dark? That seems like a silly question, right? Hopefully, the answer is obvious.
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Acting consumer bureau leader asks Congress to limit its power
Trump budget director Mick Mulvaney, who is pulling double duty as the acting CFPB chief, asked Congress to take control of the bureau’s funding, make his successors fireable at will by the president, install an inspector general and give itself the sole power to finalize the bureau’s rules.
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New details about basis for Andrew McCabe’s firing from FBI revealed
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was fired last month for committing three violations of the bureau’s ethics code, an investigative source told Fox News on Thursday.
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Jill McCabe, wife of fired FBI official Andrew McCabe, breaks silence on campaign money
Jill McCabe, the wife of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, denied Monday that contributions to her 2015 Virginia Senate campaign from a top Hillary Clinton ally’s political organization played any role in the FBI investigation into Clinton’s personal email server.
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Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
Trump is not the first president to deploy the National Guard to the U.S.-Mexico border
President Trump is taking a lot of heat for his decision to deploy the National Guard to America’s southern border, but he is repeating a move made by many of his predecessors.
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Congress opens all U.S. ports to international trade
On this day in 1776, the Continental Congress takes the first step toward American independence by announcing their decision to open all American ports to international trade with any part of the world that is not under British rule.
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