Show Notes 10-21-17

Saturday Show 10-21-17

Hysterical Judge refuses to let go of Sheriff Joe
A federal judge whose control over a contempt citation she issued against former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio vanished when President Trump pardoned him is insisting that while the lawman won’t be punished, the conviction must remain on his record.
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Google admits its new smart speaker eavesdropped on user
A major flaw has been detected in the newly-unveiled Google Home Mini speaker that allows it to secretly record conversations without users knowing.
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Melaina saves taxpayers a Fortune By Making Shocking Cuts In Number of Aides At White House Compared To Lavish Michelle Obama
Melania is trying a new approach in the White House as our first lady, it’s called “respecting” the taxpayer. We all know by now how much Michelle Obama suffered in the White House, and if you don’t, you haven’t’ been watching the news, as she travels around speaking about how much she endured for the sake of appearances.
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Group: Memo shows Obama team obstructed deportation cases
A newly obtained memo shows that a top Obama legal office interfered with key immigration investigators in deportation cases, bolstering a congressional charge that the government was losing half of those legal cases on purpose, according to an immigration reform group.
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Exclusive: Grandmother who thwarts kidnapper says she told him don’t move or I’ll shoot
A pistol-packing grandmother says she kept her cool and waited for the right moment to pull her gun on a kidnapper with a knife.
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Trump admin scraps EPA’s Deceitful sue and settle trick
Limited government advocates and property-rights champions are cheering Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt for publicly announcing he will scrap the tactic known as “sue and settle” for as long as he is in office.
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Michigan university offering first-ever degree in marijuana studies
Looking to capitalize on the rising demand for cannabis, Northern Michigan University is offering a marijuana-focused degree — but stoners need not apply.
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Father of soldier slain in Niger Defends President Trump: “My Son Knew What He Signed Up For”…This Is “Not About Donald Trump And This Isn’t About a Damn Phone Call!”
When Americans heard about the tragic deaths of the four U.S. troops, killed in an attack by Islamic extremists in Niger, on October 4, their first thought for most of us, was sadness for the families of the brave troops.
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Air Force could recall up to 1,000 retired pilots after Trump order
The Air Force could recall up to 1,000 retired pilots after President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at addressing what the Pentagon has described as an “acute shortage of pilots.”
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IG: 13 Afghan Military Trainees Have Disappeared Inside the U.S.
Thirteen Afghans who came to the United States for military training between 2005 and 2017 went AWOL here and have not been accounted for, according to an inspector general’s report.
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Scientists Just Found the Perfect Spot to Build an Underground Colony on the Moon
For years, scientists have wondered if dark, crater-like features on the lunar surface might be entrances to giant caverns carved long ago by flowing lava.
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NAACP urges people NOT to fly with American Airlines, citing numerous complaints that 'suggest a corporate culture of racial insensitivity and possible racial bias'

From The Daily Mail:

The NAACP is warning members of the African-American community about flying with American Airlines following a string of ‘disturbing incidents.’

Issuing an advisory on Tuesday, the civil rights organization suggests a ‘corporate culture of racial insensitivity and possible racial bias’ is being fostered at the airline and urged passengers to exercise caution before flying with the company.

‘The NAACP for several months now has been monitoring a pattern of disturbing incidents reported by African-American passengers, specific to American Airlines,’ the NAACP said in a statement.

This was abuse of power, because of his actions causing his expulsion from the plane. Muslims have played the airline prejudice card and now the naacp

Show Notes 10-20-17

Friday Show Notes 10-20-17

Las Vegas security guard resurfaces on Ellen show
The plot thickened Wednesday in the race to find Jesus Campos, the “hero” security guard who took a shot in the leg from gunman Stephen Paddock during the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
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Doctors describe dangers of puberty blockers
Many children and families struggling with gender dysphoria are not receiving the facts about the permanent consequences associated with “experimental” puberty-blocking and sex-reassignment treatments, nor are they being told that justification for such treatments are not backed by strong scientific evidence, doctors warned Wednesday.
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Mother in vaccination fight loses primary custody
The Michigan mother sent to jail after refusing to comply with a court order to vaccinate her 9-year old son has more legal woes. Rebecca Bredow lost primary custody of the boy Wednesday.
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Still bruised from Clinton loss, left takes aim at Electoral College in court
A liberal-led push to overhaul the Electoral College could be moving from the op-ed pages to the courtroom, as a Harvard professor who flirted with a dark-horse Democratic presidential bid last year vows litigation to change the system.
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George W. Bush comes out of retirement to throw shade at Trump as he denounces ‘bullying and prejudice’ in politics and praises the value of immigration
George W. Bush hinted Thursday at his dissatisfaction with Donald Trump, complaining in a New York City speech that ‘bullying and prejudice’ has become a caustic norm in American public life.
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Frank DeMartini : Maxine Waters is ‘prime example of what is wrong with Washington’
Movie producer Frank DeMartini, an outspoken conservative, has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination to oppose 14-term Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters in California next year.
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Sherrod Brown: 'Studies' show white supremacists have allies 'sprinkled around the White House'

“Instead of performing theatre for the extreme left fringe, his time would be better spent fighting for everyday people by supporting the Trump agenda of pro-worker trade and immigration policies that will raise wages and living standards for all American”


From The Washington Examiner

Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said Sunday white supremacists are “sprinkled” around the White House, adding he wished President Trump would apologize for his call to the family of one of the four soldiers killed during a deadly ambush in Niger.

“I agree that Steve Bannon is a white supremacist and Stephen Miller seems to be,” Brown told CNN, referring to Rep. Frederica Wilson’s comments on Friday that the Trump administration is “full of white supremacists.” “And I know that studies have shown that they have their allies sprinkled around the White House.”

He didn’t say which “studies” he was referring to.

Brown waded into the controversy surrounding Trump’s dealings with members of Gold Star families by saying the president should apologize and admit that what he told Sgt. La David Johnson’s grieving widow “didn’t come out right.”

“It would be a nice touch if the president would once in a while act that way instead always attack, always attack, always demean the way he does too often,” Brown said before continuing that Trump had a habit of insulting people by not naming them.

According to Wilson, Trump was needlessly insensitive during his condolence call with Myeshia Johnson on the death of her husband, who was killed during a reconnaissance patrol as part of an advise-and-assist mission in the west African country earlier in October. The family has backed up Wilson’s version of the call, while Trump and the White House disputes it.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders hit back at Brown’s “outrageous and slanderous” remark, saying “the nonstop name-calling from the left continues to show an inability to build consensus and fix the problems ailing hardworking Americans.”

“Sen. Brown needs to understand that when he calls out public servants who are part of the Trump administration, he is indicting the voters in Ohio themselves who overwhelmingly voted for the president’s agenda,” Sanders said in a statement. “Instead of performing theatre for the extreme left fringe, his time would be better spent fighting for everyday people by supporting the Trump agenda of pro-worker trade and immigration policies that will raise wages and living standards for all Americans.”

I do not agree that Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller are white supremacists. What is with all the batshitcrazy black females in govt?
Pass the Raise Act!

Show Notes 10-14-2917

Saturday Show 9-14-17

Crowds On Demand Recruited Crisis Actors for Las Vegas Event
A California based company called Crowds on Demand placed an advert on Craigslist back in August for crisis actors in the Las Vegas area. Today, the Craigslist advert is gone.
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Las Vegas Shooting Witness Who Identified Multiple Shooters, Found Dead
A key witness in the Las Vegas shooting attack, who identified multiple shooters, has been found dead at her home.
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Calif. Democrat Tells HUD Secretary to Get Familiar With Procedure for Removing Trump
A California Democrat urged Housing Secretary Ben Carson to get familiar with a provision in the U.S. Constitution that allows for the removal of a president who is declared “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”
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Party City’s ‘Wall’ costume outrages Twitter users
Halloween is on the horizon, which means that the early contenders for offensive costumes are hitting the stores. Party City has become the latest retailer to come under fire after releasing its “Adult Wall Costume.”
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Arizona restaurant closes following backlash from its pro-Trump Facebook post
An Arizona restaurant was forced to close its doors indefinitely this week after a politically charged Facebook post the eatery’s owners wrote prompted mass criticism from social media users.
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Muslim Mafia trains teachers to combat Islamophobia
‘The Philadelphia School District invited the controversial Council on American Islamic Relations – which claims to be a defender of Muslim civil rights but was shown in court to be a front for the Islamic terrorist organization Hamas – to conduct sensitivity training for its teachers last year.
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Sessions Cites ‘Shocking Statistics’ on Surge in Illegal Alien Asylum Claims Since 2009
The number of claims for asylum by illegal aliens has skyrocketed since 2009, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the Executive Office for Immigration Review in Falls Church, Virginia on Thursday.
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Police put hoods, earmuffs on protesters detained outside ICE facility
Dozens of protesters lined up Wednesday afternoon outside a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in Portland. They blocked the entrance and exit for several hours while several activists linked themselves together.
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Illegal dreamer accused of murdering teen
A man accused of killing a South Carolina high school student had been protected from deportation under the DACA program, U.S. officials confirmed to Fox News Thursday evening.
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Trump: ‘America First Means Putting American Truckers First’
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that his administration is removing barriers that have slowed down American truckers, including eliminating regulations that “drive up the cost of energy.”
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Rep. Maxine Waters: ‘Housing Is a Necessary Human Right’
Prominent liberals, Sen. Bernie Sanders among them, insist that health care is a human right, and the same can be said about housing, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) said on Thursday.
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