Show Notes 08-30-2016

Tuesday Show 8-30-16

Anti-Terrorism Training Attended By San Diego Sheriff’s Deputies Draws Criticism
The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department this week sent deputies to a two-day symposium intended to prepare law enforcement officers for Islamic terrorist attacks.
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Caught between two allies, US makes a clear choice
For much of the Syrian civil war the United States has been walking one particularly fine line.It’s the one between Turkey and the Syrian Kurds. For the US, Turkey is a problematic but crucial NATO ally and a bridge between Europe and the East.
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General Says Obama & Clinton Ignored Reports on the Middle East
Because President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wanted to maintain a “happy narrative” concerning the Middle East, they ignored reports from Lieutenant General Mike Flynn and did not make changes on how they handled radical Islamic terrorist groups.
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Oregon fair generates buzz
Living marijuana plants went on display last week at the Oregon State Fair, with organizers saying it’s the first state fair in the nation to allow cannabis for public viewing.
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Ten Immigration Questions for Hillary Clinton
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has not been asked to detail her positions on a variety of immigration-related issues.
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State Dept. to foreigners: Here’s where free money
The poorest and least literate segments of Guatemala are about to get an education on labor and health-care entitlements they can pursue in the U.S., thanks to a media bombardment that the Obama administration is planning in that Central American nation.
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Eating a Mediterranean diet is better for the heart than taking Statins
Mediterranean diet better for the heart than taking statins, major study suggests
A Mediterranean diet could be better than statins at reducing the risk of an early death for millions of Britons, research suggests.
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Show Notes 08-28-2016

Sunday Show 8-28-16

Anti-Trump Republicans to launch swing-state ad buy
Anti-Trump Republicans are preparing to launch a broadcast TV ad in a handful of swing-state suburbs urging Donald Trump to quit the presidential race so the party can replace him with a more electable nominee.
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Exclusive: ‘Black Men for Bernie’ Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters… by Campaigning for Trump
Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter’s mission to restore black communities didn’t end when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary.
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Latest Scientific Research Says Homosexuals are Not “Born that Way” and Transgenderism is “Not Supported” by Science!
What is likely the most important scientific report ever conducted on the issue of sexual preference and gender confusion has just been released and it is sending SHOCKWAVES throughout the world.
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President Obama to create world’s largest marine protected area off the coast of Hawaii 
President Barack Obama on Friday expanded a national monument off the coast of Hawaii, creating a safe zone for tuna, sea turtles and thousands of other species in what will be the world’s largest marine protected area.
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Sweden sees record numbers of asylum seekers withdraw applications and leave
A record 4,542 asylum seekers withdrew their applications and left Sweden in the first eight months of 2016 as a result of long processing times, strict new rules on family reunion, and payouts to migrants who voluntarily returned to their country of origin.
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Web campaign warns against online voting
A new Web campaign is warning voters against using the Internet to cast their ballots this year, a new report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin explains.
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Show Notes 08-25-2016

Thursday Show 8-25-16

Mega military base breaks silence on martial law memo
U.S. military drills on American streets and roads, on public lands and in cities and towns long have prompted fears that the federal government is preparing to impose martial law.
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Army general testifies no one swayed him in Bergdahl case
The Army general who ordered Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s court martial testified Wednesday that he wasn’t swayed by negative comments from a powerful U.S. senator, saying that he takes his duty “very, very seriously.”
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WW11 Veteran gets surprise and honored at his home
KTLA reports a World War II veteran had one of the best days of his life after being honored by chief selects in front of his California home recently.
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Park Service celebrates 100 years, seeks minorities’ support
When Asha Jones and other Grand Canyon interns arrived for their summer at the national park, they were struck by its sheer immensity, beauty and world-class hiking trails. Soon, they noticed something else.
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Texas college students rally against gun laws with sex toys
Hundreds of University of Texas students waved sex toys at a campus rally during the first day of classes, protesting a new state law that allows concealed handguns in college classrooms, buildings and dorms.
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Preparing kids to say pledge to Mexican flag
The U.S. Supreme Court in 1943 ruled that schools cannot force students to participate in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to Old Glory.
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Faith based colleges win mafor religious freedom battle for now
Faith-based colleges and universities in California dodged a major threat to their existence from Democrat state lawmakers, but the leader of an effort to block financial aid from the state to schools that do not adhere to the left’s position on sexuality vows to bring the matter back next year.
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Feds Spend $1 Million for Refugees to Become Farmers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is spending nearly $1 million to teach refugees how to farm. New grants announced last week include two projects in Idaho and Kansas to “cultivate the next generation of farmers” by helping refugees get land leases to start their own farms.
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Show Notes 08-23-2016

Tuesday Show 8-23-16

The real story behind “Don’t give up the ship”
In 1804, Captain Lawrence was second-in-command of an expedition to destroy the captured frigate USS Philadelphia held in Tripoli’s harbor. Lawrence also commanded the USS Enterprise which fought gunboat battles with Muslim pirates.
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1,690-Page ‘Climate Change’ Reg Increases Cost of Tractor-Trailer Up to $15,119
The Environmental Protection Agency and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration jointly issued a new regulation last week that is meant to help protect the world from “climate change” by limiting “greenhouse gas emissions” and improving fuel efficiency in medium- and heavy-duty vehicles operated in the United States.
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Police: Man, 91, shoots suspected robber in Eastpointe
A 91-year-old concealed pistol license holder shot a man who was attempting to rob him Monday in Eastpointe, according to police.
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Andrea Tantaros Sues Fox News, Ensnares Bill O’Reilly, Scott Brown, and Others
The latest sexual-harassment lawsuit against Fox News and deposed CEO Roger Ailes alleges that the network’s executives actively retaliated against on-air personality Andrea Tantaros after she repeatedly complained about inappropriate conduct in the workplace.
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Planned Parenthood Clinic in Wisconsin Permanently Closes
A Planned Parenthood clinic in Appleton, Wis., is permanently shutting down due to an inability to meet proper security standards, Planned Parenthood officials said Monday.
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Judge Rules Funeral Home Can Fire Transgender Employee for Violating Dress Code
U.S. District Judge Sean Cox ruled on Thursday that a Michigan funeral home may abide by sincerely held religious beliefs in maintaining a dress code that requires its employees to dress according to their biological sex and not their “gender identity.”
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Have Scientists Found Another Earth?
Researchers have discovered the possibility of another earthlike planet that could sustain life. German news outlet Der Spiegel first broke the story, saying the European Southern Observatory found a previously unknown neighboring planet that could contain water.
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Sprawling Blue Cut Wildfire in California Spied by NASA Satellites
As a wildfire blazes through a mountain pass in Southern California, two NASA satellites were able to snap photos of the smoke from space.
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Show Notes 08-21-2016

Sunday Show 8-21-16

Ben Hur: epic movie for all times
“Ben-Hur,” the 2016 edition, is a modern film telling a very old-fashioned story set in biblical times from an 1880 novel by Civil War Gen. Lew Wallace. It’s such a compelling story that it’s been retold many times by successive generations.
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Woman Sentenced for Exporting US Military Gear to China
A California woman has been sentenced to more than four years in federal prison for illegally exporting U.S. military gear to China including jet fighter engines and a drone aircraft.
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103 year old woman celebrates birthday with a beer
A Mount Pleasant woman who’s about to turn 103 years old celebrated a couple of weeks early with a beer. Mildred Bowers, called Millie by her friends, lived through the Great Depression and outlived two husbands.
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Obama offends Louisiana flood victims
Mr. Obama has come under fire for sticking to his two-week golf vacation on Martha’s Vineyard instead of taking time to survey the flooding in the Baton Rouge area, which has left 13 dead.
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This black family of geniuses show off benefits of homeschooling
A multi-talented family has taken Boca Raton, Florida by storm with their incredible academic achievements. The family of 11 includes two teenage daughters who have graduated college with master’s degrees and a mother who is an architect and attorney.
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Chinese illegal immigrants still in U.S. years after N.Y. asylum fraud ring busted
Four years after busting a massive asylum fraud ring in New York, federal agents still haven’t revoked any of the 3,700 potentially bogus cases handled by the fraudsters, raising questions about just how serious the Obama administration is in rooting out immigration scams.
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Sen. Kaine: Immigration Is ‘Like Transfusion Of Fresh Blood Into The Bloodstream’
“What immigration has done for Virginia is what it’s done for the nation since its very first days,” Kaine said. “It’s been like the transfusion of fresh blood into the bloodstream that has continued to revitalize us and make us stronger.”
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The church that changed American history
300,000 miles on horseback, from the Atlantic to the Appalachians, from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico, for 45 years, he spread the Gospel. This was Francis Asbury, Methodist circuit riding preacher who was born Aug. 20, 1745.
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City of Seattle offering class to help people understand ‘white fragility’
An academic and author is offering courses for white people teaching them how to cope with their ‘white fragility’ – and tickets for the lectures have sold out.
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Princeton begins to remove “man” fro official school material
Princeton has become no man’s land. The famed Ivy League institution rolled out a series of gender-neutral terms aimed at removing the word “man” and other male-leaning language from official school material.
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