Show Notes 09/07/2014

Sunday Show 9/7/14
Bill Cosby bashes thugs and welfare moms: “We can’t blame white people
Bill Cosby’s rant against uneducated and apathetic Americans is forcing the country to reevaluate the lifestyles of lifetime welfare recipients.
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Top CIA officer in Benghazi delayed response to terrorist attack, US security team members claim
A U.S. security team in Benghazi was held back from immediately responding to the attack on the American diplomatic mission on orders of the top CIA officer there, three of those involved told Fox News’ Bret Baier.
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In Jesus name, Navy Chaplain running for public office
The chaplain who fought the Navy for the right to pray “in Jesus name” and lost his job while winning the war is running for state representative in Colorado, and he’s still vowing to defend Christians targeted by secular agendas. It was in 2006 when WND reported Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt was dismissed from the Navy when he insisted his religious-freedom rights allowed him to pray “in Jesus name,” which conflicted with Navy policy.
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Respiratory illness believed to have hospitalized hundreds of children
Health officials suspect that a rare respiratory virus is the reason that hundreds of children across America have been sickened in recent weeks, according to a published report.
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New York schools drop Michelle O’s lunch program
Central New York’s Fayetteville-Manlius and Baldwinsville school districts are the latest to ditch the National School Lunch Program, which was revamped in 2010 under the guidance of First Lady Michelle Obama in an effort to fight childhood obesity.
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Is nothing sacred? Forest Service says drop chocolate and add fruit to your smores
One of the great moments in history came when an unsuspecting camper sandwiched a marshmallow and a piece of chocolate between two graham crackers — creating an American masterpiece — the s’more.
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USDA seizes more illegal giant snails
The giant African snail damages buildings, destroys crops and can cause meningitis in humans. But some people still want to collect, and even eat, the slimy invaders.
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Detroit Satanists say they won’t sacrifice animals, people
A new religious group aims to bring the devil to Detroit. The Satanic Temple today marks the launch of its first chapter outside New York. But leaders say they don’t worship Satan. They don’t practice cannibalism, or sacrifice people or animals.
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Wealthy French Jews Are Fleeing Anti-Semitism and Bringing Their Money
For this Jewish population, there are two main options when it comes to moving: the United States or Israel. While Israel feels more familiar to many of those seeking to migrate – it’s nearby and many already have Israeli passports — Mr. Kruzhkov notes that their businesses are often the key to determining a location.
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Dutch Politician: ‘If You Are Waving an ISIS flag You Are Waving an Exit Ticket. Leave!’
A Dutch lawmaker once put on trial for his views on Islam called Thursday for Dutch Muslims supportive of groups like the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS/ISIL) to leave the country and never be allowed to return.
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Show Notes 09/04/2014

Thursday Show 9/4/14

Victory over Japan Day
Japan’s devastating surprise aerial attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor on Oahu, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, capped a decade of deteriorating relations between Japan and the United States and led to an immediate U.S. declaration of war the following day.
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UN Climate Chief: ‘Not Very Far’ from Considering ‘Climate Change as a Public Health Emergency’
Secretary of State John Kerry has called climate change “the biggest challenge of all that we face right now,” and his French counterpart has warned of climate “chaos” in 500 days.
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New data backs ice age prediction
As the United Nations prepares for its 2014 Climate Summit in New York this month with an agenda to advance a new carbon-emissions regulatory agreement to supersede the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the Russian scientist who correctly predicted the lack of global warming over the past 19 years has gained new scientific support for his belief that Earth is in the beginning of a prolonged ice age.
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ABC, CBS, NBC schooled on covering IRS scandal
The bombshell revelation about the surging IRS scandal last week was that Lois Lerner’s emails – those described as lost forever by the federal agency – were in fact backed up.
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Mystery fake cell phone towers intercepting calls
Seventeen fake cellphone towers were discovered across the U.S. last week, according to a report in Popular Science. Rather than offering you cellphone service, the towers appear to be connecting to nearby phones, bypassing their encryption, and either tapping calls or reading texts.
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CVS stores stop selling all tobacco products
At a CVS store near Times Square, the shelves are notable for what they no longer display: cigarettes. Now the only smoking products to be found are those that could help customers quit.
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Coburn: Let’s change Constitution
Sen. Tom Coburn is pushing for a national convention to amend the Constitution. The Oklahoma Republican, who has grown disenchanted with gridlock in Washington, will officially launch his effort after he retires from the Senate in a few months.
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Show Notes 08/31/2014

Sunday Show 8/31/14
Gun tourism grows in popularity in recent years
The death of an Arizona firearms instructor by a 9-year-old girl who was firing a fully automatic Uzi displayed a tragic side of what has become a hot industry in the U.S.: gun tourism.
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Christianity’s central doctrine is being twisted
At a time when the American church is undergoing seismic changes, one threat is particularly insidious, argues renowned scholar, professor and radio host Michael Brown.
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San Jose police to return military grade armored vehicle
Fearing backlash from the public, San Jose police have opted to get rid of a heavily armored 15-ton truck, a military hand-me-down the city received from the Pentagon earlier this year.
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Hawaii gov. blames political loss on gay marriage
Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie said he lost his bid for re-election in a Democratic primary because of his decision to call a special session to legalize gay marriage.
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In states, a legislative rush to nullify federal gun laws
Across the country, a thriving dissatisfaction with the U.S. government is prompting a growing spate of bills in state legislatures aimed at defying federal control over firearms – more than 200 during the last decade, a News21 investigation found.
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Show Notes 08/28/2014

Thursday Show 8/28/14
Feds sue St. Anthony over rejection of Islamic Center
The federal government announced its plans to sue the city of St. Anthony for rejecting a proposed Islamic center a couple of years ago. U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger formally announced the civil rights lawsuit at a news conference Wednesday afternoon.
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‘You’re Next,’ Israeli PR Campaign Warns West
A leading private Israeli marketing firm believes the Jewish state can do a whole lot better when it comes to public relations during war time, and provided an object lesson to that effect in the form of a graphical banner campaign that quickly went viral on Facebook.
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U.S. to allow some immigrant deportees to return under settlement
Homeland security officials will not use threats and intimidation against immigrants facing possible deportation, and will allow some — perhaps thousands — with ties to Southern California to return under an agreement announced Wednesday.
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Illegal Aliens storm San Diego; second attempt thwarted
Illegal aliens successfully landed on a San Diego beach in a panga boat on Monday and ran to shore – but, when another group tried the same thing on Tuesday, U.S. Customs and Border (CBP) agents were waiting for them.
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NASA: dangerous sunspot aligning with Earth
A direct hit on Earth from an X-class flare could cause major disruptions, or even destruction, to the U.S. electrical grid, which already is very vulnerable, as well as to life-sustaining critical infrastructures dependent on the grid to function.
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California law calls for schools to teach about the significance of Obama’s election
The measure, AB 1912, requires the California Instructional Quality Commission to consider including instruction on Obama’s election during its next revision of history-social science curriculum. This curriculum hasn’t been updated in nine years, the bill’s sponsor, Assemblyman Chris Holden (D), said in a statement, and will not be updated until the 2015-2016 school year.
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Here’s your ticket out of Common Core
The Common Core school standards imposed on teachers by Washington bureaucrats have been rejected by multiple states, targeted by lawsuits and criticized as more indoctrination than education.
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