Show Notes 09/25/2014

Thursday Show 9/25/14

Autumn Equinox
In the Northern Hemisphere, the sun is rising later now, and nightfall comes sooner. This is our autumn equinox, when the days are getting shorter in the Northern Hemisphere.
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Rosh Hashanah
The festival of Rosh Hashanah—the name means “Head of the Year”—is observed for two days beginning on 1 Tishrei, the first day of the Jewish year. It is the anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, and their first actions toward the realization of mankind’s role in G‑d’s world.
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American Indians are embracing the ‘decolonized diet’
Bit by bit, the farm at Little Earth is growing. So, too, is a movement among American Indians in Minnesota and elsewhere to improve their health by rediscovering ancestral foods and connections to lands once lost.
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Hundreds of Colorado students protest proposed history curriculum changes
Hundreds of students walked out of classrooms around suburban Denver on Tuesday in protest over a conservative-led school board proposal to focus history education on topics that promote citizenship, patriotism and respect for authority, in a show of civil disobedience that the new standards would aim to downplay.
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Climate change? China rebuts Obama
While President Obama challenged China at the United Nations to follow the U.S. lead in pushing for drastic reductions in national carbon emissions to save the planet from “climate change,” it appears that China has dramatically different ideas. As in: no.
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Adults who leave guns accessible to kids could gace tougher penalites under bill passed by NJ State Senate
Adults who leave loaded weapons in places where children can gain access to them would face stiffer penalties if someone gets hurt under a bill passed by the state Senate today.
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‘F’ Is for Firearm: More Teachers Authorized to Carry Weapons in Classroom
“Stop. Drop your weapon. Don’t shoot.” Kasey Hansen yelled as she pointed the barrel of her loaded handgun at a target’s chest at a shooting range outside Salt Lake City.
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Seattle OKs $1 fine for adding too much food to garbage bins
The Seattle City Council passed a new ordinance Monday that could mean $1 fines for people who toss too many table scraps into the trash. Under current Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) rules, people living in single-family homes are encouraged but not required to dispose of food waste and compostable paper products in compost bins.

Show Notes 09/21/2014

Sunday Show 9/21/14
Upton Sinclair
Upton Sinclair was born in Baltimore, Maryland. His family came from a ruined Southern aristocracy family. His father, Upton Beall Sinclair, was a liquor salesman and an alcoholic – he drank himself to death. Priscilla Harden, Sinclair’s mother, came from a relatively wealthy family – one of her sisters was married to a millionaire. She hated alcohol and did not even drink coffee or tea.
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New Executive Order — Combating Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
Section 1. Policy. The discovery of antibiotics in the early 20th century fundamentally transformed human and veterinary medicine. Antibiotics save millions of lives each year in the United States and around the world.
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Christian Artist, Lecrae, Tops Charts at #1
Lecrae, a self-proclaimed Christian, is a leading voice amongst Christian artists in today’s popular culture, and according to his bio, he has “released six bestselling albums and two mixtapes, won a Grammy award in the process and landed a global distribution deal with Red Distribution/Sony Music for the record label he co-owns, Reach Records.”
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Federal Judge Envisions ‘Rape License’ for ‘Right to Rape’
Judge Richard Posner advocated issuance of a “license to rape” in a 2011 book he wrote. Posner contradicts the presupposition that it’s always wrong for a man to rape a woman. This idea, according to Posner in his 2011 book “Economic Analysis of the Law” (8th edition), is evidently an equally archaic tradition that, like the institution of natural marriage, needs a significant overhaul. 
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Oklahoma Judge dismisses Ten Commandments lawsuit
The privately funded Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the Oklahoma Capitol does not violate the state constitution and can stay there, an Oklahoma County judge said Friday in a ruling that attorneys who filed the lawsuit vowed to appeal to the state Supreme Court.
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HHS Spending Millions to Stockpile Ventilators in Case of ‘Public Health Emergency’
The Department of Health and Human Services announced Wednesday it is spending almost $14 million over three years to develop “low-cost, user-friendly ventilators” that can be stockpiled in case of a “pandemic or other public health emergency.”
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Anti-Religion Group & Satanic Temple to Distribute Materials in Public Schools
Despite their continued verbal commitment to keeping religious materials out of public schools, both the Satanic Temple and The Freedom From Religion Foundation have publicly announced plans to disseminate printed information among public school students in Orange County, Florida.
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Windham School Board rejects, then accepts Constitution booklets
The School Board first rejected a gift of copies of the U.S. Constitution, then reversed course hours later. Former Windham resident John Grieco offered the school district 2,800 copies of the Constitution Tuesday night, in advance of Constitution Day Wednesday. Last year, the School Board accepted 2,841 booklets from Grieco, whose granddaughter attends Windham High School.
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High school cheerleaders defy prayer ban at football games
For many on the Oneida High School cheerleading squad, faith has always gone hand and hand with Friday night football. “We need prayer for so many reasons especially in our community now and the troubles we face every day,” said junior Kayla King.
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Federal Immigration and Nationality Act
“Any person who . . . encourages or induces an alien to . . . reside . . . knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such . . . residence is . . . in violation of law, shall be punished as provided . . . for each alien in respect to whom such a violation occurs . . . fined under title 18 . . . imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”

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Show Notes 09/18/2014

Thursday Show 9/18/14
Britain: Muslim kids outnumber Christian kids
Muslim children outnumber Christian children in Birmingham*, the second largest city in Britain, according to an analysis of the 2011 Census data, and the same holds true for the 10th largest city, Bradford, three sections of London, and in Leicester, the 12 largest city.
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Dems block Cruz bill to strip U.S. citizenship from Islamic State defectors
Sen. Ted Cruz tried to get the Senate to consider a measure Thursday providing that any American who joins the fight with terrorist groups such as the Islamic State would immediately renounce their U.S. citizenship, but a Democratic senator objected, saying more time is necessary to weigh the significant constitutional issues it raises.
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Family glitch in Obamacare to impact 1.9 million Americans
Vague language within Obamacare will result in nearly 2 million Americans being unable to afford health insurance, according to a new report by the American Action Forum (AAF).
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Sierra Leone to shut down for 3 days to slow Ebola
Shoppers crowded streets and markets in Sierra Leone’s capital on Thursday stocking up for a three-day shutdown that authorities will hope will slow the spread of the Ebola outbreak that is accelerating across West Africa.
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Horse power gains favor among small scale farmers
While most modern farmers work their fields accompanied by the rumble of a trusty tractor, sheep farmer Donn Hewes labors to the faint jingling of harnesses in rhythm with the hoofbeats of horses and mules.
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New protections for sharks take effect
Good news for shark lovers: This weekend, new international laws will go into effect to strengthen protections for five shark species that are threatened by overfishing.
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Air Force removes “so help me God” requirement from oath
A legal review of rules that required the phrase occurred after the American Humanist Association threatened to sue on behalf of an atheist airman. The unnamed airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada was denied re-enlistment Aug. 25 after crossing the phrase out of the oath.
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Federal court upholds US flag ban on Cinco De Mayo
A federal appeals court will not reconsider a unanimous February ruling upholding the actions of a principal in a Northern California high school who ordered students wearing American flag shirts inside out during a 2010 Cinco de Mayo celebration.
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Union boss millionaires lead income equality convention
Union boss millionaires lead ‘income equality’ conventionSeveral of America’s wealthiest union bosses spoke at the 2014 Ohio AFL-CIO convention in Cincinnati this week. The event’s theme? “Building the movement for income equality.”
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Giants star teams up with Dairy Council to tackle childhood obesity
Super Bowl champion Victor Cruz is teaming up with the NFL and the National Dairy Council (NDC) to tackle childhood obesity. The latest installation of the NFL’s Fuel Up to Play 60 campaign, called ‘For the Love of Play,’ is designed to inspire participants to fit 60 minutes of play into their daily routine.
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Federal school lunch program ends special-ed program at Georgia High School
Government limits on the calories in food sold to public school students have stifled both special education and culinary programs at Marietta High School, according to the Marietta Daily Journal. Students at the school learned baking and business skills by manning a cart that sold coffee and muffins to teachers and students every morning last year, but the business recently got the boot due to rules imposed by Washington.
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Show Notes 09/14/2014

Sunday Show 9/14/14
The untold story of The Star Spangled Banner
This weekend marks the 200th anniversary of the writing of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Not only our national anthem, the Star-Spangled Banner was the flag that flew during the War of 1812 during the Battle of Baltimore at Fort McHenry, inspiring Francis Scott Key to write the words that would become the famous song.
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Baseball movie brings Dads home
Little boys grow up with lots of heroes – caped crusaders in comic books, movie and music icons, teachers, uncles, grandfathers and sports stars, to name a few. But what about Dad? What would it take to make Dad a hero?
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Bundy says land is not owned by Feds
Controversial figure Cliven Bundy said Thursday a transfer of public land from federal to state control was unnecessary, on grounds that Nevada already has a right to most of the land. Many local officials advocate for such a transfer, but Bundy said you can’t ask for something you already own.
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Benghazi panel begins hearings with questions on US diplomats’ safety
The select Benghazi Committee holds its first open hearing Wednesday, employing broad congressional powers to try to answer lingering questions ranging from what led to the fatal 2012 terror strikes on a U.S. outpost in Libya to what is being done to better protect U.S. diplomats worldwide.
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‘It doesn’t make sense’: Concerns over enlisting DoD in Ebola response
The Obama administration’s decision to enlist the Defense Department in responding to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is raising concerns that the task is pulling the already-stretched military away from other missions, including vital counter terrorism operations.
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Heroic Marines hunted Taliban in the bloodiest battle
American military personnel are smarter and savvier than previous generations, but they share the same love for country and desire to take the fight to the enemy, according to Bing West, the tireless embed reporter who has chronicled the work of men and women in uniform throughout the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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American shakedown: Police won’t charge you but they’ll grab your money
On its official website, the Canadian government informs its citizens that “there is no limit to the amount of money that you may legally take into or out of the United States.” Nonetheless, it adds, banking in the U.S. can be difficult for non-residents, so Canadians shouldn’t carry large amounts of cash.
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Public school receive mine resistant ambus protected vehicle
The police department for San Diego’s public schools recently revealed that they have acquired a large armored combat vehicle from the U.S. military. The $700,000 mine-resistant ambush protected vehicle (MRAP), which is designed to withstand blasts from improvised explosive devices and mines, was given to law enforcement for the Unified School District in April.
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Militia threatens to block traffic at international bridges
Law enforcement officials and city leaders from across the Rio Grande Valley are preparing for what they say could result in tense moments or violence. Officials say they received word that members of a militia are threatening to block ports of entry.
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I Pencil
I am a lead pencil—the ordinary wooden pencil familiar to all boys and girls and adults who can read and write. Writing is both my vocation and my avocation; that’s all I do.
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Wasted! Feds spend millions of tax dollars getting monkeys drunk
There’s a whole lot of drinking going on in the name of government science, and some watchdogs think it’s the American taxpayer who is getting hammered. Right now the National Institutes of Health is spending $3.2 million to get monkeys to drink alcohol excessively to determine what effect it has long term on their body tissue.
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Show Notes 09/11/2014

Thursday Show 9/11/14
Democrat Senate candidate doges questions about ties to communist group
The Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Montana last month dodged questions about her ties to a group that explicitly advocates the abolition of capitalism in the United States. “That sounds like contemporary communism,” said Montana Public Radio reporter Edward O’Brien of the Industrial Workers of the World, a labor group for which Montana legislator Amanda Curtis’ husband is a representative.
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How the world responded to Obama’s Islamic State speech
From Tehran to Berlin, commentators are chewing over President Barack Obama’s speech last night on fighting the self-named Islamic State (IS). And while the prospect of expanded US intervention in the Middle East alarms some, he gets plaudits from others for his combative message.
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James Madison: “President can use force without authorization only to repel sudden attacks”
Editor’s note: Can the president unilaterally initiate the use of military force without a prior authorization from Congress? In his notes from the Constitutional Convention, James Madison stated that the Executive could only do so when it was necessary “to repel sudden attacks.”
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Utah teacher accidently shoots self in leg at school
Officials say a Utah elementary school teacher has been rushed to the hospital after a concealed firearm she was carrying accidently discharged in a school bathroom and shot her in the leg.
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Announcing He’s Leaving CNN, Piers Morgan Has This Warning for the NRA
Piers Morgan, in a series of tweets Tuesday, announced he is officially leaving CNN to seek “pastures new.” In his typical bombastic fashion, however, the former television host did not go quietly, hinting he planned to continue his controversial campaign against guns in America and the NRA. Morgan went on to say CNN President Jeff Zucker had offered him a chance to work for two years on an interview show, but that declined.
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Jurassic squirrels push back clock on emergence of mammals
The fossil remains of squirrel-like mammals with a hefty dose of cute are helping reset the clock for mammalian evolution, according to a new study. Over the past three years, a team of researchers has uncovered six 160-million-year-old fossils that represent three new species who were living in trees at the time of the dinosaurs.
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US Military’s New Laser Gun Zaps Drones
Boeing recently announced that its mobile laser weapon, dubbed the High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD), successfully shot down more than 150 drones, rockets and other mock enemy targets in a third round of tests. The trials prove that the laser weapon is reliable and capable of consistently “acquiring, tracking and engaging a variety of targets in different environments,” according to Boeing.
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Look Ma, No Hands! GM Announces ‘Intelligent’ Driving Tech
Forget what you learned in driver’s ed. The newest must-have feature for cars lets drivers navigate without putting their hands on the steering wheel or even stepping on the gas pedal.
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