Show Notes 03/28/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 03/28/2013

Marine Veteran fights cancer and government
Marine veteran Tom Gervasi has spent the last 10 years fighting cancer and the U.S. government.
The 76-year-old Sarasota man has a rare form of breast cancer that he believes is due to contaminated drinking water at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, where he trained in the mid-1950s.

Limbaugh hits O’Reilly for bible thumpers comment.
Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly argued Tuesday that opponents of same-sex marriage have not “been able to do anything but thump the Bible.”

Movie Mad Matthews: Pro-Second Amendment Voices Are Like the Nazis in Casablanca
Chris Matthews on Thursday took a break from comparing conservatives to Nazis and instead compared them to movie Nazis. The Hardball anchor opened the program by referencing the classic movie Casablanca.

WAPO’s Sally Quinn attacks Ben Carson for prayer breakfast speech
Maybe we should take to ironically nicknaming Sally Quinn as “Scoop” for this: On March 27, in a column headlined “Does Ben Carson Have a Prayer?” the Washington Post On Faith editor attacked Dr. Ben Carson for his National Prayer Breakfast speech delivered on February 7.

The Armed Citizen
Roger Mundell, Jr. entered his garage one morning only to be confronted by a seemingly rabid bobcat that had gained entry through an open door.
Senator John Cornyn R-TX doubles down on imaginary friends and border crossers
Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) is at it again—apparently making up Texas friends with property overrun by border crossers.

New Space station crew to launch and dock today in cosmic first
After blasting off on a Russian rocket ride Thursday, March 28, three men are poised to make history by reaching the International Space Station faster than any astronauts to fly there before.
Splashdown! SpaceX Dragon Capsule Returns to Earth
An unmanned SpaceX space capsule  splashed down in the Pacific Ocean Tuesday (March 26), reaching the wet finish line of the spaceflight company’s second cargo delivery flight to the International Space Station for NASA.

Show Notes 03/24/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Sunday 03/24/2013

What is Palm Sunday?
On Palm Sunday Christians celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection.

What is Passover?
Passover is the Jewish celebration lasting seven to eight days (seven in Israel, eight outside of it) that marks the freedom of the Jews from enslavement by the Egyptians.

Pope Francis: I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam
Speaking on Friday at an audience held for diplomats accredited to the Vatican, Pope Francis said that he hoped to “intensify dialogue” with other religion, particularly Islam.

Brian recommends this site for anyone who wants to work on their own computer for Free!!
VFW blasts CBS for Amazing Race Vietnam segment
The Veterans of Foreign Wars is slamming the CBS network over an episode of “The Amazing Race” that features the competitors in Hanoi learning to sing a communist victory song as part of their competition.

Cookies not carrots as Michelle Obama brings sugary treats to children
First Lady Michelle Obama visited children at the Fisher House in Bethesda, Maryland on Wednesday, bringing with her cookies and an invitation to attend the White House Easter Egg Roll on the Monday following Easter.
Actor Jim Carrey’s “Cold Dead Hand”
Actor Jim Carrey’s whole tweet: ‘Cold Dead Hand’ is abt u heartless motherf%ckers unwilling 2 bend 4 the safety of our kids.Sorry if you’re offended by the word safety! ;^}
The Armed Citizen
Bryan Lee, owner of the Almond Avenue Pharmacy, had no choice but to fire his .45-cal. pistol when a 31-year-old male entered his store firing a similar model.
Supreme Court tackles gay marriage, as advocates line up for historic argument.
The front-lines of the gay marriage debate move this week to the Supreme Court, as it considers two cases which have the potential to redefine marriage on a national level.

Show Notes 03/21/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 03/21/2013

The Spring Equinox
The dawning of spring comes on different dates (from March 19-21) and different times each year for two reasons. First, the year is not an exact number of whole days; it takes the Earth about 365 and one-quarter days to orbit the sun (which is why we have a leap day every four years).
Oregan homeowner shoots suspected intruder
Police say a homeowner in the coastal community of Hammond shot and wounded a suspected burglar. Warrenton Police Chief Matthew Workman says an officer heard the shot Friday night, a few minutes after dispatchers received a call from a neighbor saying the homeowner was holding an intruder at gunpoint.

California seizes guns as owners lose right to bear arms
Wearing bulletproof vests and carrying 40-caliber Glock pistols, nine California Justice Department agents assembled outside a ranch-style house in a suburb east of Los Angeles. They were looking for a gun owner who’d recently spent two days in a mental hospital.

Illegal Immigrants make commercial demanding free healthcare
A new ad campaign has been launched to extend medical coverage to illegal aliens in the state of California.The California Endowment, a private foundation that advocates for affordable healthcare, wants county-run Medicaid expansion programs called Low-Income Health Programs to be “retooled” to provide insurance for this population.

Americas first slave owner was a Black man
According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man. Prior to 1655 there were no legal slaves in the colonies, only indentured servants. All masters were required to free their servants after their time was up.

Who is Harrison J. Bounel
Who is Harrison J. Bounel? According to the 2009 tax return submitted by President Barack Obama, he’s the President of the United States. All nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices are scheduled to discuss this anomaly today.

Schumer on Judicial appointees: We will change rules and fill DC Circuit
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Democrats will “fill up the DC circuit one way or another,” even it means changing the rules in the Senate to get nominees confirmed.

Google glass could one day let you control objects around you
You may eventually be able to operate your TV, refrigerator, or garage door through Google Glass.
Published today by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, a Google patent application called “Wearable Computer with Superimposed Controls and Instructions for External Device” describes a technology in which a Google Glass wearer could control a real object via a virtual display.

Show notes 03/17/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Sunday 03/17/13

Special Guest Mitchell Mason CEO of
American Heritage Girls
The American Heritage Girls (AHG) is a faith-based Christian Scouting organization, that was founded in 1995 by Patti Garibay and other parents from West Chester, Ohio who “want a wholesome program for their daughters,” since the Girl Scouts allowed girls to substitute another word for “God” in the promise and banned prayer at meetings.
Feds spend1.5 million to study why lesbians are fat
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded $1.5 million to study biological and social factors for why “three-quarters” of lesbians are obese and why gay males are not, calling it an issue of “high public-health significance.”
Saint Patrick
Saint Patrick (Latin: Patricius) was a Christian missionary to Ireland, the son of Calpornius and Conchessa. It is likely that he was born in AD 387, and died in AD 493, although the exact dating of his life is uncertain. Nonetheless, evidence suggests Patrick was active as a missionary in Ireland during the latter part of the fifth century.
With Steven Seagal in tow Putin pushes for Soviet era phys-ed revival
As he often likes to do, Vladimir Putin hobnobbed with a Hollywood celebrity – macho actor Steven Seagal – Wednesday. The two opened a Moscow martial arts center and Mr. Putin rolled out his plan to reinstate a Soviet-era mass sports program designed to make Russian youngsters more healthy, active, and fit for military service.

The Armed Citizen
Two men targeted the home of Jerry Stremovihtg, 62, and Kenneth Conley, 53, one evening. Conley was having a meal on the front porch when the two suspects approached him. They beat him and repeatedly used a taser to subdue him.

Show Notes 01/14/13

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 03/14/13

The National Guard State Partnership Program (scary stuff folks, pay very close attention)
The National Guard’s 65-nation, 20-year-old State Partnership Program provides unique partnership capacity-building capabilities to combatant commanders and U.S. ambassadors through partnerships between U.S. states, territories and the District of Columbia and foreign countries.
Interview with John Stevens
John Stevens author of The Sissification of America: A Fifty-Year Decline in American Exceptionalism, is currently a conservative public school teacher in Redlands, California with more than twenty-five years of practical teaching experience in the classroom.

NJ mother arrested and guns confiscated by attending property tax dispute forum
Eileen Hart and her husband, Keith, are property owners in Newfield, New Jersey. On Saturday, March 9 there was an informal meeting at the Gloucester Community Center, to discuss the findings on “revaluations” by Appraisal Systems, Inc.- a company which has been contracted by the state of New Jersey- to assess the fair market property values for each county or borough- for the tax assessor’s offices.