Slavery Reparations

No no, we will pay reparations, but will deduct all the welfare, from said reparations, meaning black people owe us money! What is this new thing they claim 400 YEARS OF SLAVERY? WE. the USA, HAVE NOT EXISTED FOR 400 YEARS. iT WAS THE JEWS WHO WERE SLAVES FOR 400 YEARS! Reparations??? 3 million fought – 600,000 paid the ultimate price for freedom! Sounds like we paid our price for just over 100 years of slavery. Plus the muzzie africans sold them into slavery and slavery came here from europe and we always intended to end it!

Show Notes 01-13-2018

Saturday Show 01-13-17 

Cliven Bundy case: How big a problem is prosecutorial misconduct?
Cliven Bundy wanted to walk out of the courtroom in his jail jumpsuit and ankle shackles. Deputy marshals blocked him from doing that. But if it hadn’t been for “flagrant misconduct” committed by federal prosecutors and investigators in the case, the Nevada cattleman may not have been walking out at all.
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‘Pro-America’ Black Rifle Coffee becoming popular among conservatives, founder says
Black Rifle Coffee Company is not where you go to get your average cup of Joe. The Salt Lake City-based venture is making waves with high-quality coffee while taking a pro-Trump, pro-gun and pro-military stance.
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Florida races to accommodate influx of Puerto Rican migrants
At Leslie Campbell’s office in the central Florida city of St. Cloud, the phone will not stop ringing. Director of special programs for the Osceola County School District, Ms. Campbell helps enroll students fleeing storm-ravaged Puerto Rico.
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‘Stable genius’ is a merch windfall’
According to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 3 people have already applied for rights to slap “stable genius” all over apparel. Problem is … only one can own the rights to put it on clothes.
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Congress raises concerns over Florida drilling exemption
The Trump administration may have violated federal law by exempting Florida from a national plan to expand offshore drilling, a Democratic senator charged Thursday.
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‘Give 3 good reasons for slavery:’ 4th-grade homework assignment sparks backlash, apology in Wauwatosa
 A homework assignment asked fourth-graders at a private school in Wauwatosa to argue why slavery was a good thing. It prompted an apology from the principal of Our Redeemer Lutheran School, who said the question wasn’t supposed to have an answer because there are no good reasons for slavery.
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Entire class punished for ‘microaggressive’ comments
A Columbia University professor recently described how an entire class was punished after some students used “microaggressive” language in an online chat.
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San Diego State College Republicans out professors they say indoctrinate students
One professor gave her students a white privilege quiz. Another declared classrooms as tools for “civil resistance.” A third called John McCain a “war criminal.”
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Veterans behind bars: US jails set aside special cellblocks
The military veterans playing cards in the Albany County jail wear the same orange uniforms as everyone else, with “INMATE” printed down the legs. But their service offers one distinct privilege: a special cellblock where they can work through problems they often share, such as substance use and post-traumatic stress disorder.
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Senior Pentagon Soldier to ISIS: Surrender or Get Beaten with a Shovel
In a blunt warning to the remaining ISIS fighters, Army Command Sgt. Maj. John Wayne Troxell said the shrinking band of militants could either surrender to the U.S. military or face death.
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VA Hospitals Could Be Left Vulnerable to Violence: Watchdog Report
The Department of Veterans Affairs isn’t following certain security standards at its hospitals and clinics that are required of all federal buildings, potentially putting patients and visitors at risk, the Government Accountability Office concluded in a report released Thursday.
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Show Notes 03/21/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 03/21/2013

The Spring Equinox
The dawning of spring comes on different dates (from March 19-21) and different times each year for two reasons. First, the year is not an exact number of whole days; it takes the Earth about 365 and one-quarter days to orbit the sun (which is why we have a leap day every four years).
Oregan homeowner shoots suspected intruder
Police say a homeowner in the coastal community of Hammond shot and wounded a suspected burglar. Warrenton Police Chief Matthew Workman says an officer heard the shot Friday night, a few minutes after dispatchers received a call from a neighbor saying the homeowner was holding an intruder at gunpoint.

California seizes guns as owners lose right to bear arms
Wearing bulletproof vests and carrying 40-caliber Glock pistols, nine California Justice Department agents assembled outside a ranch-style house in a suburb east of Los Angeles. They were looking for a gun owner who’d recently spent two days in a mental hospital.

Illegal Immigrants make commercial demanding free healthcare
A new ad campaign has been launched to extend medical coverage to illegal aliens in the state of California.The California Endowment, a private foundation that advocates for affordable healthcare, wants county-run Medicaid expansion programs called Low-Income Health Programs to be “retooled” to provide insurance for this population.

Americas first slave owner was a Black man
According to colonial records, the first slave owner in the United States was a black man. Prior to 1655 there were no legal slaves in the colonies, only indentured servants. All masters were required to free their servants after their time was up.

Who is Harrison J. Bounel
Who is Harrison J. Bounel? According to the 2009 tax return submitted by President Barack Obama, he’s the President of the United States. All nine U.S. Supreme Court Justices are scheduled to discuss this anomaly today.

Schumer on Judicial appointees: We will change rules and fill DC Circuit
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Democrats will “fill up the DC circuit one way or another,” even it means changing the rules in the Senate to get nominees confirmed.

Google glass could one day let you control objects around you
You may eventually be able to operate your TV, refrigerator, or garage door through Google Glass.
Published today by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, a Google patent application called “Wearable Computer with Superimposed Controls and Instructions for External Device” describes a technology in which a Google Glass wearer could control a real object via a virtual display.