Show notes 03/07/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 03/07/13
Armed Citizen Stories
1) Hazel Poole, 85, was at home playing with her puppy around 8:30 p.m. when there was a knock at the front door.
2) Jeremy Reed, 30, and Anna Soto, 24, were asleep in the same room as their one-week-old baby girl when they woke to a loud banging sound.
Administration strips Veterans of gun rights
Veterans who bore arms to defend their country are receiving letters that they may be declared mentally incompetent and have their Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms stripped from them. Welcome home.

Interview with Robert Spencer, Director of Jihad Watch

‘Marijuana cannon’ used to fire drugs over US border seized in Mexico
Police in the border city of Mexicali say they have recovered a powerful improvised cannon used to hurl packets of marijuana across a border fence into California.

Conservation legislation at the top of Wyden’s list
Despite the failure of the last Congress to act on dozens if not hundreds of conservation bills, new Senate Energy Committee Chairman Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) intends to tackle the backlog first thing this year.