Show Notes 06-24-2017

Saturday Show 6-24-17

Pentagon wasted $28 million on uniforms for Afghan soldiers, report says
The Pentagon wasted as much as $28 million over the past decade buying uniforms for the Afghan army with a woodland camouflage pattern appropriate for a tiny fraction of that war-torn country, according to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.
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Airman convicted of federal crime for being 6 minutes late to meeting
At the end of the week, Mario Manago, 33, will be out of the Air Force after 12 years. But he’s not just out of a job — he’s now convicted of a federal crime. His offense? Being six minutes late to a meeting.
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President Trump on Friday signed into law Friday legislation designed to increase accountability at the Department of Veterans Affairs, taking a small step at making good on a campaign promise to improve services and health care for vets.
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Show Notes 09/11/2014

Thursday Show 9/11/14
Democrat Senate candidate doges questions about ties to communist group
The Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate in Montana last month dodged questions about her ties to a group that explicitly advocates the abolition of capitalism in the United States. “That sounds like contemporary communism,” said Montana Public Radio reporter Edward O’Brien of the Industrial Workers of the World, a labor group for which Montana legislator Amanda Curtis’ husband is a representative.
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How the world responded to Obama’s Islamic State speech
From Tehran to Berlin, commentators are chewing over President Barack Obama’s speech last night on fighting the self-named Islamic State (IS). And while the prospect of expanded US intervention in the Middle East alarms some, he gets plaudits from others for his combative message.
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James Madison: “President can use force without authorization only to repel sudden attacks”
Editor’s note: Can the president unilaterally initiate the use of military force without a prior authorization from Congress? In his notes from the Constitutional Convention, James Madison stated that the Executive could only do so when it was necessary “to repel sudden attacks.”
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Utah teacher accidently shoots self in leg at school
Officials say a Utah elementary school teacher has been rushed to the hospital after a concealed firearm she was carrying accidently discharged in a school bathroom and shot her in the leg.
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Announcing He’s Leaving CNN, Piers Morgan Has This Warning for the NRA
Piers Morgan, in a series of tweets Tuesday, announced he is officially leaving CNN to seek “pastures new.” In his typical bombastic fashion, however, the former television host did not go quietly, hinting he planned to continue his controversial campaign against guns in America and the NRA. Morgan went on to say CNN President Jeff Zucker had offered him a chance to work for two years on an interview show, but that declined.
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Jurassic squirrels push back clock on emergence of mammals
The fossil remains of squirrel-like mammals with a hefty dose of cute are helping reset the clock for mammalian evolution, according to a new study. Over the past three years, a team of researchers has uncovered six 160-million-year-old fossils that represent three new species who were living in trees at the time of the dinosaurs.
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US Military’s New Laser Gun Zaps Drones
Boeing recently announced that its mobile laser weapon, dubbed the High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator (HEL MD), successfully shot down more than 150 drones, rockets and other mock enemy targets in a third round of tests. The trials prove that the laser weapon is reliable and capable of consistently “acquiring, tracking and engaging a variety of targets in different environments,” according to Boeing.
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Look Ma, No Hands! GM Announces ‘Intelligent’ Driving Tech
Forget what you learned in driver’s ed. The newest must-have feature for cars lets drivers navigate without putting their hands on the steering wheel or even stepping on the gas pedal.
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Show Notes 07/13/2014

Sunday Show 7/13/14

15 year old whose 6 family members were killed is recovering
A 15-year-old girl who survived being shot by her uncle in an attack that left her parents and four younger siblings dead said Saturday that she was on the road to recovery.
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An identity theft ring in Washington was running a real Mickey Mouse operation
Police in Bellevue, Wash., were investigating stolen construction signs last week when they stumbled upon an identity theft operation, KIRO-TV reported.
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Liberty Bell tolls to announce Declaration Of Independence
On this day in 1776, a 2,000-pound copper-and-tin bell now known as the “Liberty Bell” rings out from the tower of the Pennsylvania State House (now Independence Hall) in Philadelphia, summoning citizens to the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.
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Arkansas family and school district spar over cost of service dog for epileptic boy
Majesty, a two-year-old Golden retriever and service dog, is essential to 7-year-old Zachary Sorrells’ life, accompanying the Arkansas boy with cerebral palsy and epilepsy at his public elementary school and preventing life-threatening seizures by signaling an alert in advance, his family says.
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Army to replace pistol MM pistol with more reliable gun packing better knock down
The Army wants to retire its supply of 9mm handguns and replace it with a more accurate and user-friendly model that also will provide soldiers with more “knock-down” power.
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Pentagon gives pink slips to hundreds of soldiers including active duty officers
The Pentagon is laying off thousands of military officers, including those serving or who have recently served in Afghanistan. Defense Department officials said the reductions are the result of mandatory spending cuts imposed by sequestration and are part of their larger plan to reduce the number of U.S. soldiers from 520,000 to 450,000.
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Are these natrual sweeteners good for you?
With regular sugar taking a nutritional beating and artificial sweeteners unable to shake their sketchy made-in-the-lab connotations and unpleasant aftertaste, it’s no wonder newcomers like stevia and agave are conquering our morning coffee (and the world of packaged foods).
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Virginia County takes on Federal government that refuses to do its job
This week, the Prince William County Board of Supervisors voted 5-1 to file a request under the Freedom of Information Act demanding to know the whereabouts of the roughly 7,000 illegal immigrants who have committed crimes, been arrested by county police and been placed in the hands of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement since 2008.
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Workers told to pay back salary raise by Florida County
County government officials in Florida are taking back pay raises from 25 government workers, saying the recent salary boosts were a mistake. Officials in Manatee County tell My Fox Orlando that it wouldn’t be fair to ask taxpayers to pay for their goof, which totals some $12,000.

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Show Notes 02/27/2014

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Thursday Show 2/27/14
Censorship election
President Obama won re-election last November despite handicaps that would have doomed other incumbents: a terrible economy, historic unemployment, a soaring national debt, the unpopularity of ObamaCare, and debacles such as his administration’s inept handling of the September 11 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that left a U.S. ambassador and three other Americans dead.
GOP derails Senate Dems’ bill boosting vets benefits amid disputes over spending, Iran
A divided Senate on Thursday derailed Democratic legislation that would have provided $21 billion for medical, education and job-training benefits for the nation’s veterans. The bill fell victim to election-year disputes over spending and fresh penalties against Iran.
Rumsfeld: Clinton responsible for lack of protection in Benghazi
Donald Rumsfeld, a man who doesn’t mince his words, placed the blame for the Benghazi disaster squarely on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in an interview posted by Breitbart TV on Thursday.