Show Notes 04-28-2016

Thursday Show 04-28-16 

Top Twenty-Five Stories Proving Target’s Pro-Transgender Bathroom Policy Is Dangerous to Women and Children
As the boycott of Target stores over its pro-transgender bathroom policy grows, the question of just who such a policy puts in danger is a natural one to ask.
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Homeland Security releasing thousands of illegal immigrants
Homeland Security has made some gains in detaining criminal aliens but still released into the community nearly 20,000 immigrants last year who’d already been convicted of crimes — including hundreds charges with sexual assault, kidnapping or homicide — according to figures sent to Congress this week.
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Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam signed into law a bill that underscores the rights of therapists, counselors and other mental-health professionals to refuse clients with issues they believe violate their personally held convictions and beliefs – but some say the measure was a back-door attempt to undercut the current LGBT community’s demand for certain rights.
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Recycle this! City’s garbage spies kicked to curb
The city of Seattle’s policy of inspecting residents’ garbage and issuing fines for throwing away too much food has been declared an unconstitutional violation of privacy.
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Alabama city makes bathroom access by gender identity a crime
An Alabama city appears to be the first in the country to specify criminal penalties for violators of an ordinance requiring people to use bathrooms that match the gender on their birth certificates, civil rights groups said on Wednesday.
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Anti gun professor wrestles over whether to write reference for pro-gun student
A science professor’s personal feelings about firearms is leading her to consider instituting her own form of gun control — refusing to write a letter of recommendation for a student gun enthusiast.
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TSA hits new record after confiscating 73 guns in one week from carry on bags
Airport screeners established a new record last week when they stopped passengers from boarding planes with 73 firearms in carry-on luggage.
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What raised America to its ‘present happy state’?
Leading the charge at the battle of Trenton, a musket ball struck his shoulder, hitting an artery. He recovered and continued to fight for General Washington, becoming friends with French officer Lafayette. His name was James Monroe, born April 28, 1758.
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Thursday Show Notes 07-02-15

Thursday Show Notes 07-02-15
Polygamous trio vows lawsuit if Montana wedding license is denied
HELENA, Mont. — A Montana man said Wednesday that he was inspired by last week’s U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage to apply for a marriage license so that he can legally wed his second wife.
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128 Unaccompanied Alien Children Caught at Mexican Border Per Day in  May
Data obtained by from U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CPB) shows about 128 unaccompanied alien children (UACs) were apprehended at the Southwest U.S. border every day during the month of May. In total, 3,965 children were caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border illegally during that month alone.
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19.8% of U.S. Workforce Was Foreign-Born in June
The unemployment rate for foreign-born workers in the United States increased slightly in June, according to data released Thursday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). BLS counted a total of 24,816,000 foreign-born workers in June, 282,000 fewer than last month’s total. The unemployment rate for the group increased from 4.7 percent to 4.9 percent.
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Homeland Security: Give Transgender Illegal Alien Detainees Their Choice of ‘Undergarments’
After six months of study, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, a division of the Department of Homeland Security, has issued new guidelines on how to care for transgender illegal aliens who end up in detention facilities, awaiting possible deportation.
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Famous Iwo Jima flag goes gay
An image of Marines raising the U.S. flag over Iwo Jima that was changed to reflect the “gay” lifestyle with a rainbow banner has been making the social-media rounds in the days since the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex unions – and Twitter posters are in an uproar.
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Navy yard in lockdowm as police hunt shooter
The Navy Yard in Washington, D.C., was put in lockdown mode Thursday morning as police searched for what they believed was an active shooter – but investigators ultimately determined the incident was nothing, and issued an “all clear” ruling an estimated two hours later.
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Show Notes 03-05-2015

Sunday show 03-05-15

Easter Sunday
On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. It is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches. Christians believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life, or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross.
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The eight-day festival of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan. It commemorates the emancipation of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt. And, by following the rituals of Passover, we have the ability to relive and experience the true freedom that our ancestors gained.
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Tax refunds for many take hit from health law
As the April 15 tax deadline nears, people who got help paying for health insurance under President Barack Obama’s law are seeing the direct effect on their refunds – hundreds of dollars, for better or worse.
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Fictional character warns of losing God
“The Man Without a Country” was a classic novel written by Edward Everett Hale, who was born April 3, 1822. It was loosely based around Aaron Burr, who had been vice-president under Thomas Jefferson.
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Where American’s most dislike buying groceries
Walmart was ranked at the bottom of the pile in Consumer Reports’ annual supermarket survey, tying with A&P and Waldbaum’s. All three retailers earned 64 points, the lowest out of more than 60 supermarket chains that were ranked based on almost 63,000 responses to the magazine’s survey.
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White House Declares War on Three Antibiotic-Resistant ‘Superbugs’
Trying to avert what some clinicians are calling “the post-antibiotic era,” the White House has declared war on three antibiotic-resistant “superbugs.”
Drug-resistant bacteria have caused  23,000 deaths and more than 2 million illnesses in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

DC Delegate Norton: ‘Nothing Is More Under Attack Than Reproductive Choice in America Today’
“Nothing is more under attack than reproductive choice in America today” Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) said at an event last week titled “On the Offensive: Protecting Reproductive Choice against State and Federal Attacks,” featuring a panel of abortion advocates at George Washington University Hospital.
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One of the biggest stories for years in the alternative media was the mysterious and foreboding purchase by Homeland Security of more than 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition.
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Christians not ashamed to let the world know
Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., was assassinated April 4, 1968.
Pastor of Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church, he rose to national prominence through the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Awarded the Nobel Prize in 1964, Congress set aside his birthday as a national holiday.
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Show Notes 03-26-15

Thursday show 03-26-15
Special Guest Green Beret Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mann
Scott Mann, a military advisor for Concerned Veterans for America, is a retired Green Beret Lieutenant Colonel with 23 years in the U.S. Army – 18 of that in Special Forces. He has deployed around the world in places like Peru, Colombia, Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan. Lieutenant Colonel Mann helped implement a program late in the Afghan war known as Village Stability that he believes could defeat violent extremists all over the world. He has an upcoming book entitled Game Changers that explains how going local into rough areas around the world can win this war. Scott is also the CEO and Founder of the Stability Institute, an on-line community that trains military and stability professionals and advocates for policy change in defeating extremists.
Twitter: @dscottmann
Student barred from class for disputing rape statistics
A student at Reed College has been banned from class for denying the existence of “rape culture” in the United States and arguing that the oft-repeated statistic that one in five women are raped at college is bogus
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Top 2 U.S. Jobs by Number Employed: Salespersons and Cashiers
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported Wednesday that retail sales clerk and cashier were the two largest occupations in the United States in May 2014, with their numbers increasing slightly since 2013.
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“I, for the most part, kept my silence, waiting … and waiting … and waiting for the GOP House leadership to circle back and fix their mess,” Stanek elaborated in a blog post titled “Why I’m protesting Speaker Boehner’s office on March 25.” “The GOP must have mistaken our silence for indifference.”
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Islam needs to reform or leave says Canadian leader of PEGIDA movement
Islam needs to change or it needs to leave. That’s the message from one of the leaders who has brought to Canada a controversial European movement that unites political conservatives, anti-immigration activists and neo-Nazis with the goal of beating back a perceived rising tide of Islamic fundamentalism.
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Homeland chief likens Quran to American values
Jeh Johnson, the secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, raised some eyebrows recently when he likened the Quran to American values and Martin Luther King.
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Show Notes 01-04-2015

Sunday 01-04-15
Now Boehner has opponent for speaker post
With polls showing House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, extremely unpopular even among Republican voters, Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert, a former judge, has announced a challenge to Boehner’s bid for holding the second most powerful position in the federal government.
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Nearly 200 Christian churches destroyed in surge of violence
There was a surge of anti-Christian violence by Muslims around the world that included the destruction of nearly 200 Christian churches in Nigeria during a short period around October, according to a new report from the GateStone Institute.
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Shipping container is home remedy for Detroit
An unusual home taking shape inside General Motors’ sprawling Detroit-Hamtramck Assembly plant is intended to be part of a movement to rebuild the city’s economy and deteriorating, disappearing housing stock.
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Sexting scandal teacher hired for homeland security
A former South High School teacher who resigned last year over allegations of inappropriate behavior with students has found work as a grant coordinator with the regional homeland security agency. Larisa Oringdulph was named the South All-Hazards Regional Homeland Security Coordinator on Monday. The job pays $48,000.
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The real meaning of Separation of Church and State
On Jan. 1, 1802, the people of Cheshire, Massachusetts, sent a giant block of cheese to President Thomas Jefferson, being presented by the famous Baptist preacher, John Leland. 
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