Show Notes 08-07-2016

Sunday Show 8-7-16

Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Will Register Voters in One Room, Abort Them in Another
In one of Planned Parenthood’s newest disturbing schemes, women now can both register to vote and have their unborn babies aborted in its facilities across the country.
Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Will Register Voters in One Room, Abort Them in Another
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Theses states added work requirements for food stamp recipients, here’s how its working out
Several states have grappled with welfare reform. A few states that have incorporated work requirements have seen encouraging outcomes that should provide a blueprint for greater welfare reform efforts nationwide.
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Cash for Compliance? ABC15 uncovers surprise about group flooding Valley with ADA lawsuits
They call themselves Advocates for Individuals with Disabilities – AID for short.
On its website, videos show AID giving out things like a special therapeutic brace, a scooter, and a window air conditioning unit.
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Thomas Jefferson and John Adams explain why Muslims turn to terrorism
The first countries to declare war on the newly formed United States were the Muslim Barbary States of North Africa….From 1783, until the Presidency of George Washington in 1789, the newborn Republic had no strong central authority, and that is when the Barbary pirates struck.
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Iran executes nuclear scientist reputed to have spied for U.S
The Iranian government has executed a nuclear scientist who was believed to have cooperated with U.S. intelligence but who returned to Iran after claiming he had been abducted and tortured by the CIA.Iran executes nuclear scientist reputed to have spied for U.S.
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Show Notes 08-04-2016

Thursday Show 8-4-16

Clinton One Day After Benghazi: ‘We Know That the Attack … Had Nothing to Do With the Film’
In their “Additional Views” supplement to the House Select Committee on Benghazi report, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Mike Pompeo (R-Kansas) conclude that “the administration misled the public about the Benghazi attack,” which occurred on Sept. 11, 2012.
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Police shootings strike nerve among Marine Vets
Back-to-back attacks on police in Texas and Louisiana by former military men have touched a nerve among veterans who traditionally share a close bond with law enforcement.
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Sharing Military Health Records Between VA and DOD Won’t Work, VA Official Says
A top IT official from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) told Congress that the VA is currently unable to maintain military health records on one system shared by the Department of Defense (DOD).
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Expert on Military Readiness: ‘Geriatric Air Force’ Is ‘Least Ready in History’
A military expert said on Friday that the United States Air Force’s readiness is at stake because of aging equipment, decades of engagement and a lack of effort to modernize the country’s military.
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Twitter stock plunges as Conservatives purged
The social networking giant Twitter is facing serious problems as it is reporting disappointing earnings to stockholders even as it struggles to grow, or even maintain, its user base.
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Libertarian Candidates Expose Themselves as Anti-Trump Shills for Hillary Clinton
Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson and his running mate William Weld exposed themselves as shills for Democrat Hillary Clinton during an extensive primetime town hall with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.
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‘Socialist experiment’ Venezuela in ruins as soldiers delete videos of 12-hour food queues
VENEZUELANS face 12-hour queues for food as the Latin American nation’s economic and political crisis has lead to a severe shortage of essential resources.
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Feds Spend Over $2M for ‘Developing an Eastern Broccoli Industry’
Over $2 million in taxpayer funds are going to “Developing an Eastern Broccoli Industry” through a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Grant. “Eastern consumers’ demand for local broccoli is high, but that demand cannot be met until sufficiently adapted varieties are available and the distribution network is expanded,” the non-technical summary for the project explains.
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Show Notes 08-02-2016

Tuesday Show 8-2-16

9 Things You May Not Know About the Declaration of Independence
Independence Day, or the Fourth of July, celebrates the adoption by the Continental Congress of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. On the 236th birthday of the United States, explore nine surprising facts about one of America’s most important founding documents.
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The US Banking System: Origin, Development, and Regulation
Banks are among the oldest businesses in American history—the Bank of New York, for example, was founded in 1784, and as the recently renamed Bank of New York Mellon it had its 225th anniversary in 2009.
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Rural America confronts a new class divide
The rows of low-slung plants under the hot Georgia sun are deceptive: It’s what grows underground that counts.
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Show Notes 07-31-2016

Sunday Show 7-31-16

Harlem burgeons as an art gallery district
The opening of the Clara Francis Gallery on Wednesday in a renovated Harlem storefront was an exciting moment for Haile King Rubie. It was the first solo show for the 26-year-old painter, whose expressive works are all the more remarkable because he was born with Down syndrome.
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Human Rights Leader: Justice Needed for Thousands of Yazidi Women and Girls Being Raped by Terrorists
The head of a human rights organization dedicated to helping save the Yazidis in Iraq and Syria from kidnapping, rape and death at the hands of terrorists said at a conference on Thursday that the world cannot expect the Yazidis to reconcile with the perpetrators and others in the region while thousands of women and girls are still being held captive, many of whom are “being raped every day.”
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The New Chipotle restaurants won’t serve Mexican food
The new restaurant, Tasty Made, will stick to Chipotle’s concept of serving, “food with integrity.” They’re simply swapping the beans and fajita veggies for burgers, fries and milkshakes.Chipotle’s founder, Steve Ells, says he wanted to create a restaurant that had a very focused menu, reminiscent of the early days of fast food restaurants.
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Megyn ‘Eve’ Kelly Has Meltdown Over Trump Muslim Ban — Is Rebuked By Huckabee
On Friday’s Fox News Channel broadcast of “The Kelly File,” host Megyn Kelly confronted former Gov. Mike Huckabee (R-AR) about GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s proposed temporary ban of Muslim refugees.
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How California’s Sand Fire kindles hearts determined to help
Loading his trunk with seven cases of bottled water for donation, the high school history teacher drove nearly an hour from his home in Duarte, Calif., to Hart High School here in Santa Clarita, just north of Los Angeles. The campus was serving as a shelter for evacuees of the Sand Fire, which by midweek had burned through more than 38,000 acres of Angeles National Forest since sparking the Friday before.
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They’re not just gender voters.
“I am a Hillary supporter because we live in serious times and we need a serious person to be President of the United States. I think Hillary is the best woman for the job. She was first lady of Arkansas for nine years or ten years, almost ten years.”
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Western societies being told “get used to terrorism”
Terrorist attacks in Europe have become an almost daily occurrence. Attacks on police officers within the United States have increased dramatically within the last year. And the Republican candidate for president has staked his campaign on a promise of “restoring law and order.”
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Think black lives matter is helping blacks? 
A Washington Times columnist is counseling people to think twice about the White House-supported Black Lives Matter movement after a series of violent attacks against police officers.
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Yellowstone and beyond: Are the national parks being loved to death
Over the course of its venerable history, Yellowstone – America’s “wild wonderland” – has become the most iconic nature preserve on Earth, a place of pilgrimage for generations of travelers.
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