Show Notes 08-18-2016

Thursday Show 8-18-16

Fire chairman seeks ‘compromise’ after American flag controversy
Will flags return to Arlington Fire District trucks after their removal attracted national attention and criticism? A compromise may be in the works.
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A report out of Pravda quotes President Vladimir Putin as saying that Russia has moved strategic nuclear missiles to Cuba in response to the United States’ continuing efforts to encircle Russia in Eastern Europe.
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Russian Aircraft Approach USS Ronald Reagan, Prompting Jet Scramble
The USS Ronald Reagan scrambled its fighter jets earlier this week after two Russian naval reconnaissance aircraft flew within one nautical mile of the U.S. aircraft carrier as it sailed in international waters east of the Korean Peninsula, according to 7th Fleet officials.
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Indications that the U.S. Is Planning a Nuclear Attack Against Russia
On Wednesday, June 11th, CNN headlined “U.S. Sends B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe,” and reported that “they arrived in Europe this week for training.”
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Anti-Shariah activist Pamela Geller’s campaign to get halal meat labeled on American supermarket shelves has been sent down the memory hole by the federal government.
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After shooting of Imam NY Muslims confront climate of fear
Over a decade ago, Sahabuddin Chowdhury opened his modest auto repair and body shop on Atlantic Avenue in Queens, right on the northernmost border of Ozone Park, when his teenage daughter and son were still very young.
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Feds Investigating Massachusetts Town for Rejection of Muslim Cemetery
Federal prosecutors are investigating whether a Massachusetts town violated the civil rights of an Islamic group when officials there rejected plans for a Muslim cemetery.
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Delta IV launch to help detect threats to satellites
For most of the public, space represents a peaceful expanse where astronauts push humanity’s boundaries, science probes explore the solar system and great observatories peer back in time.
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The Outer Space Treaty 
The Outer Space Treaty was considered by the Legal Outerspace Subcommittee in 1966 and agreement was reached in the General Assembly of the UN in the same year ( resolution 2222 (XXI).
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“Bill of Rights doesn’t give freedom to those who would kill it”
“A conservative among liberals, and a liberal among conservatives,” he was not consistently conservative enough for Republican President Warren G. Harding and he was not consistently liberal enough for Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt.
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Show Notes 08-16-16

Tuesday Show 8-16-16

Taxpayers on the Hook as Obamacare Exchanges Near the Edge of Collapse
The health insurance exchanges that are the beating heart of Obamacare are on the edge of collapse, with premiums rising sharply for ever narrower provider networks, non-profit health co-ops shuttering their doors, and even the biggest insurance companies heading for the exits amid mounting losses.
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New medical marijuana policy hinders researchers
Medical research on marijuana probably won’t get any easier, experts say, despite a new government policy aimed at boosting the supply of the drug for medical studies.
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Why more black parents are home schooling their kids
Nikita Bush comes from a family of public school teachers: Her mom, aunts, uncles – nearly all of them have been involved in public education at some level. But her own teaching career ended, she says, “in heartbreak” when she had to make a decision about where her own child would go to school.
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Breaking: Hillary’s VP pick has deep ties to radical Islam
Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, has deep ties to radical Islam. These ties have inexplicably evaded Federal investigation — which many believe stems from Muslim Brotherhood influence inside the Obama Administration.
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Hillary Clinton and Electoral Fraud
I would have voted for Hillary Clinton three months ago. I believed that our elections are just, verifiable, and democratic—but then discovered how easy it is to hack a voting machine without a trace.
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Show Notes 08-14-2016

Sunday Show 8-14-16

Obama economy rips doors off worlds largest store
Only two months ago, WND reported Macy’s stock had plunged precipitously after it summarily dropped its business connections to now-Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump when he announced his bid for the White House.
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Fidel Castro lashes out at Obama on 90th birthday
Fidel Castro marked his 90th birthday Saturday with a long letter to Cubans that reiterated the former president’s disdain for President Obama.
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Porn-Free Zone: McDonald’s Adopts ‘Friendly Wi-Fi’ to Protect Patrons from Smut
McDonald’s has recently started filtering the free Wi-Fi the company provides at most of its U.S. locations to protect patrons from pornography, sexual predation and cyberbullying.
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Violence erupts after police shooting in Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE — A standoff between police and an angry crowd turned violent Saturday night in the hours after a Milwaukee police officer shot and killed an armed suspect during a foot chase.
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Revealed: the new face of anti-terror policing in London
The heavily armed officers are part of a new wave of 600 highly trained marksmen deployed onto the streets of London.
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Survey: Canadians regretting Muslim refugees, believe mainstream Islam promotes violence
According to a new government survey to be released this week, the majority of those surveyed indicated their belief that Muslim immigrants hold “fundamentally different values” (including on the issue of women’s rights) and that “mainstream Islam promotes violence”.
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There’s growing opposition in India to plans for the nation’s first Shariah-compliant bank to open its doors, according to a new report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.
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South Dakota farmers sue feds for rigging wetlands process
A husband and wife farming land in South Dakota that has been in their family for more than a century are suing the U.S. Department of Agriculture after the federal agency determined their land contained wetlands – by looking at another parcel 33 miles away.
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Show Notes 08-11-2016

Thursday Show 8-11-16

Citizenship Through Parents
There are two general ways to obtain citizenship through U.S. citizen parents, one at birth and one after birth but before the age of 18.  The term “parents” includes:  the genetic father, the genetic mother, and the non-genetic gestational mother, if she is the legal parent at the time of birth under the law of the relevant jurisdiction.
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‘After School Satan’ Clubs To Be Offered to Schools
“The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced that this coming school year (2016) will find their organization operating in elementary schools across the nation where they will be offering their new After School Satan Club program to students,” a TST press release says.
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Exit plan: University boss installs escape hatch following student protests
Nicholas Dirks, the school’s chancellor, installed a $9,000 escape hatch in a hallway outside his office to “provide egress” if potential student protesters descend on the administration building, according to the campus newspaper, The Daily Californian.
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Roy Moore suspended from office: Alabama chief justice faces removal over gay marriage stance
For the second time in his career, Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore faces charges before the Alabama Court of the Judiciary and potential removal from office.
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Gay Hookup Ads on DC Metro ‘Conform with Our Board-Approved Ad Policy’
The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) in Washington, D.C. is currently running an advertisement for, an app that helps homosexuals find hookup partners. But the WMATA  refuses to run religious or political ads.
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DOJ Bills JW $50k to Search for Nonexistent Records about Anti-Terrorism Coalition Launched by AG Loretta Lynch
So much for the public’s (free) right to know about government decisions and actions—the Department of Justice (DOJ) has slapped Judicial Watch with a startling $50,000 bill to search for public records the agency claims don’t exist.
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BAR Association targets Christians for discrimination
The American Bar Association has adopted a new rule it says will crack down on discriminatory conduct in the legal profession, but conservative critics warn the real goal is to silence views contrary to the group’s liberal orthodoxy on gender identity and sexual orientation and drum attorneys who hold those views out of business.
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Religious Liberty Expert: Uninformed Educators Are Mistakenly Suppressing Students’ Religious Rights
Educators in the nation’s public schools are mistakenly suppressing their students’ constitutionally-protected religious rights because they are afraid of doing something wrong, a religious liberty expert said at a a Family Research Council (FRC) event in Washington on Monday.
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Show Notes 08-09-2016

Tuesday Show 8-9-16

Border Patrol detains Canadian teens who crossed border playing ‘Pokemon GO
HELENA, Mont. –  U.S. Border Patrol officials say two Canadian teenagers were briefly apprehended after they accidentally crossed the U.S. border into Montana while playing the game “Pokemon GO.”
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West Coast meth boss allegedly used Facebook to run drug ring from Mexico
A fugitive from Washington State allegedly used Facebook and WhatsApp to run a major methamphetamine ring that stretched from California to Alaska.
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Critics leery as aid groups clamor for federal refugee funds
Zeze Rwasama’s Idaho nonprofit gets $900 a head to meet Syrian refugees at the airport and help them adjust to their new lives in America, but some critics say the rush for federal tax dollars could put local communities at risk.
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Study of Tweets Shows Washington State Is Most Welcoming to Refugees
Based on thousands of tweets, Washington State is the most welcoming to refugees of all the 50 states, a recent study analyzing certain hashtags on Twitter since January 2015 found.
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Indian Government Abandons Costly Solar Power, Becomes World’s Largest Producer Of Greenhouse Gases
The Indian government is wasting huge amounts of solar power because the panels are too expensive to operate, according to a letter sent to the government Monday by the country’s green energy ministry.
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Moon Travel is Getting Cheaper
Moon Express wants to send you into outer space. During an interview on the FOX Business Network’s Varney & Co., co-founder and chairman Naveen Jain outlined the company’s plan to monetize the moon.
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Guy Johnson predicts Indian allegiances
On Staten Island on this day in 1776, Guy Johnson, British Superintendent of Indian Affairs, returns from England and shares his confidence that the Iroquois will choose to ally themselves with the British crown.
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