Show Notes: 07-12-2012

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 7/12/12

Occupy national gathering releases their vision

The attending members of the Occupy National Gathering worked really hard on July 4, and the end result was a document. That document is titled “A Vision For a Democratic Future.”

New food at the Wisconsin State fair

The Wisconsin State Fair is known for its famous cream puffs but each year they provide us with some new and unusual food choices. If you plan on attending the Wisconsin State Fair in Milwaukee County, here are a few of the new and unique food items on the menu.

Holder says Texas voter id law is discriminatory

It was like a hero being welcomed back. That was the type of reception US Attorney General Eric Holder received at the NAACP National convention. “Houston’s feeling a little bit like home today,” said Holder to a crowd at the George R. Brown Convention Center. discriminatory/

Show Notes: 07-08-2012

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Sunday 7/8/12

Psalm of Comfort
As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God.

Republican Representative Thaddeus McCotter resigns from Congress
U.S. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter of Michigan resigned from Congress on Friday, capping a bizarre political downfall that started after the Republican’s campaign failed to submit enough valid petition signatures to get him on the ballot for re-election.

Feds: Airlines must let passengers fly with pigs for emotional support
Pot-bellied pigs must be granted passage on airplanes if they are used for “emotional support” by their owners, states the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) draft manual on equity for the disabled in air travel.

Ernest Borgnine dies at 95
Oscar-winner Ernest Borgnine has died, his longtime spokesman Harry Flynn confirmed on Sunday. Borgnine was 95. Born Ermes Effron Borgnino in 1917 in Hamden, Connecticut, Borgnine began acting in the Navy during World War II. Sunday. Supreme

Court strikes down stolen valor law
That’s a nutshell synopsis of a decision the Supreme Court is expected to hand down this week—arguably, one of the year’s most important cases that few people have ever heard of.

Supreme Court Opinions
KENNEDY, J., announced the judgment of the Court and delivered an opinion, in which ROBERTS, C. J., and GINSBURG and SOTOMAYOR, JJ., joined. BREYER, J., filed an opinion concurring in the judgment, in which KAGAN, J., joined. ALITO, J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which SCALIA and THOMAS, JJ., joined.

Show Notes: 07-05-2012

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 7/5/12

Obama told to back off UN gun treaty
Over 100 members of Congress appear to share the concerns of a former Army general who has sounded the alarm over efforts by the Obama Administration to push through the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, or ATT.

7 stories Barack Obama doesn’t want told!
He thinks he’s playing with Monopoly money: Economists and business leaders from across the ideological spectrum were urging the new president on last winter when he signed onto more than a trillion in stimulus spending and bank and auto bailouts during his first weeks in office.

Aggressive Mountain Goats force WA trail closure
Olympic National Forest officials have closed a popular Washington trail due to hikers’ reports of menacing mountain goats, according to reports.–161428705.html

Has your County or City signed The U.N. Agenda 21 Agreement?

I CLEI Update: 138 ICLEI Members Quit ICLEI in 18 Months! We Got ‘Em on the Run!

The War on ICLEI and Agenda 21 – the One World Group of United Nations Globalists who want to decide everything you think, do and say is progressing well! In the past 18 months, 138 Cities and Counties have seen the light and that number will likely grow by 19 more to 157 as laws in Tennessee, Arizona and Alabama go into effect outlawing Agenda 21 / ICLEI in those states.

Find out if your city/county is listed! 

Show Notes: 07-01-2012

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Sunday 7/1/12

The family dinner is back!
Most nights, the American family dinner is anything but haute. There are the peas fed to the dog; the fibs fed to the parents; the thing that looks like grace but really is heads bowed, hands fervently texting, Mom’s on a diet.

New Hampshire legislature overrides Governors voter Id veto

On Wednesday, the Republican-controlled Senate and House of New Hampshire overrode Democratic Gov. John Lynch’s veto of Senate Bill 289, which requires photo identification to be presented when voting.

Eastern U.S. Storms Turn Deadly, Cut Power to Millions
Millions across the mid-Atlantic region sweltered Saturday in the aftermath of violent storms that pummeled the eastern U.S. with high winds and downed trees, killing at least 13 people and leaving 3 million without power during a heat wave.

What is a Derecho?
Derechoes are large clusters of thunderstorms that produce widespread wind damage, usually as a result of one or more curved lines of thunderstorms known as bow echoes.

Soyuz spacecraft lands safely in Kazakhstan
A Soyuz space capsule carrying a three-man multinational crew touch
ed down safely Sunday on the southern steppes of Kazakhstan, bringing an end to their 193-day mission to the International Space Station.

The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style Part Two

According to this insider, the Trayvon Martin case is just the tip of the iceberg. “You certainly don’t have to be a genius to understand how Obama and h
is team played the public on this issue, and it’s far from over. But that’s not the sole element of what we’ll see this summer.” unexpected.

DHS denies Virginia’s request for 287g agreement

On Tuesday, Gov. Bob McDonnell (R) announced that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has denied his request for the Virginia State Police to join the 287(g) program which trains local and state law enforcement to identify illegal aliens in cu
stody for possible deportation.

Socialized Healthcare vs. The Laws of Economics

The government’s initial step in attempting to create a government-run healthcare monopoly has been to propose a law that would eventually drive the private health insurance industry out of existence. Additional taxes and mandated costs are to be imposed on health insurance companies, while a government-run “health insurance” bureaucracy will be created, ostensibly to “compete” with the private companies.

What Soviet Medicine Teaches Us
In 1918, the Soviet Union became the first country to promise universal “cradle-to-grave” healthcare coverage, to be accomplished through the complete socialization of medicine. The “right to health” became a “constitutional right” of Soviet citizens.