Senate Bill 1639 Fails to Gain Cloture

Cross posted from    The Virtuous Republic

ust finished watching C-Span and the Senate just voted not to invoke cloture on the amnesty bill. There were 53 votes not to continue debate.The shocker, George Voinovich of Ohio, Republicrat, the same man who lost it on the Hannity show yesterday, voted no. My guess is that Mr. “If you vote for this bill, then it’s the end of your political career.” And I just want you to know, and I want everyone else to know: You. Do. Not. Intimidate. George Voinovich” got his ass handed to him yesterday from his constituents.

Voinovich wasn’t intimidated, he was scared. Even a pompous arrogant, and ignorant jackass like Voinovich can get the message. Though finally voting the way a Republican should, I still consider him an ignorant, pompous jackass not worthy of reelection.

Sherrod Brown, Democrat of Ohio, also voted no on cloture. Oddly enough, I received a very long and very thoughtful letter from Mr. Brown in response to a letter I had written him regarding the previous incarnation of this bill. In it he had said that if the bill remained in its current form, he ultimately could not support.

Senator Brown, you are a man of your word. Unlike Voinovich, your response to your constituent was informative and respectful. And most importantly, you kept your word. For what it is worth, my view of you has changed. Thank you.

And to Voinovich, you get no points for doing the right thing. As a Rep! ublican, you are expected to, on the big issues, to vote like a Republican. You arrogant ass.

To the members of the Coalition Against Illegal Immigration, a humble suggestion. We need to move from reaction, to setting the agenda. Minds far better than mine, need to start promoting these points, so that we the people take charge on this issue:

1. Real security on the border.

2. Employment of illegals is greatly reduced.

3. Welfare for illegals is stopped.

4. Without jobs and welfare, many illegals will leave this nation.

5. After we have secured the borders and cut off the attraction of jobs and welfare and allowed illegals to migrate back to Mexico, then we can talk about the legal status of the remaining aliens.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-

gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

Party over heeeaaar

Cross posted from Georgia Crime Watch




Please take the time to thank those Senators who voted NO to cloture and helped kill this bill.

CAPS: Congratulations. And thank you. Concerned Americans like you rose up and derailed the amnesty plan.

US Border Control: Dear Friend of Border Control: Just a brief note to thank you for all your hard work. There is no question in my mind that, without your phone calls, faxes and email letters, the outcome of today’s vote would have been quite different…

ALIPAC: The Empire Amnesty Bill is DEAD at 11:25 pm with the Senate phone system paralyzed with a mass volume of calls opposing the cloture motion on the Scamnisty Bill S 1639 53 yeas – 46 nays. William Gheen is conducting interviews in at Captiol Hill and will update us shortly. WAY TO GO ALIPAC TEAM!

GA Minutemen: Congratulations Patriots on winning another battle for our children and grand children!


The People’s Patriot: We’ve Done it Again!

The Virtuous Republic: Senate Bill 1639 Fails Cloture

**This was a production of The Coalition
Against Illegal Immigration
(CAII). If you would like to
participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards,
email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you
would like to participate.

(I think i’m getting EXTRA fireworks this 4th of July!) 🙂

ILL Eagle

Cross posted from   Bear Creek Ledger

Bwahahaha…….this is so totally not PC!


Front Back

The Mission:
Our mission is to inform the American people and it’s leaders about the increasing problem of immigrants crossing our borders illegally in total defiance of American Law and Order. We want to make people aware of the illegal immigration movement so that we can finally put an end to the “invasion” from our neighbors to the south.

Heard about this from someone who called into Phil Valentines radio program.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII).  If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate

One Battle, the war continues?..

Cross posted from   Tom’s Flashbacks
This was but one battle, another front to the war is the Fairness
Act, all these Shamnesty folks are so mad at talk radio for
informing us, the Sheep, so they want to curtail the freedom of
speech more to the Liberal favor, gotta fight that, even though
every other MSM area is so liberal i wanna throw up listening to

I think an attack on free speech will blow up in thier faces, where
would they stop, talk radio, bloggers, people getting put in jail
for not being PC, then yard signs, gotta have equal number of signs
for each canidate??? No, in todays global instant communications,
they had better step back and rethink….

Next battle is remebering to fight these Traitors at the elections,
REMIND, REMEMBER, and REMOVE….hey kinda catchy, that will be $.25
everytime someone uses that…hahaha gotta love a capitalist free

Nope, liberals are hide behind being all cuddly and friendly, till
you oppose them with free thought, then they attack like Stalin on a
Purge, Khmer Rougue looking for a river, Hitler on the Night of the
Long Knives (I watch alot of the History Channel, our DC rats should
start),,,they are true scoundrels hiding behind social denifits
while destroying everything they touch.

This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration
(CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above
link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com
and let us know at what level you would like to participate.

The North American Union Exposed At Last !!

Cross posted from   Freedom Fighter Radio

Finally! The full exposé of North American agenda Book documents plans for merger of U.S., Mexico, Canada

© 2007

WASHINGTON – Resistance to enforcing immigration laws and border security by political elites in the nation’s capital is, at least in part, a result of plans to promote political, social and economic integration of the U.S., Mexico and Canada, charges a new book, “The Late Great USA.” “It’s the only context in which the current immigration travesty makes sense,” says Jerome Corsi, co-author of the best-selling “Unfit for Command,” “and it must be stopped.”

Millions of Americans, shocked by the Senate “grand bargain” on immigration that gives the precious gift of legalization to millions of illegal aliens and felons, have taken to the phones to demand no amnesty. But, claims Corsi, there’s far more to the current Senate bill – a story documented in shocking detail in “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada,” published by WND Books.

“Prior to this ‘grand bargain’ cooked up in a backroom by our so-called representatives, many people had never heard of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, yet several amendments in the Senate bill are designed specifically to further the SPP’s agenda,” explains Corsi.

In “The Late Great USA,” Corsi shows how the SPP, an agreement signed in 2005 by Bush, Paul Martin of Canada and Vicente Fox of Mexico, is nothing less than a full-frontal assault on American sovereignty.

This aim to create a North American Union between the United States, Mexico and Canada is the real reason behind “comprehensive immigration reform.”

Says Corsi, “Bush’s goal to create a North American Union – with no borders, a shared currency, and utterly no voice for average Americans in their own futures – is the real reason he won’t enforce immigration laws.”

Utilizing thousands of documents released as a result of the Freedom of Information Act, “The Late Great USA” shows how unelected bureaucrats in faceless agencies such as the Department of Commerce have been given the power to foist the NAU on the American public incrementally.

“The European Union, which now holds millions of voiceless, voteless Europeans in thrall to a heedless Brussels bureaucracy, was put into place little by little over a 50-year period,” Corsi writes, “not by the citizens of the member states, but by elitists who disguised their goal of a regional government.”

In “The Late Great USA,” Corsi details:

1. The tactics unelected globalist business leaders, bureaucrats and taxpayer-funded academics are using to lead to the merger of the United States with Mexico and Canada

2. How the state of Texas is seizing millions of acres of privately owned land so foreign investors can cash in on a NAFTA “super-highway” from Mexico to the Canadian border.

3. How China, through its proxies in Mexico, plans to bring the world’s sole superpower to its knees economically – without firing a shot.

“A North American Union would not just be the end of America as we know it,” claims Corsi, “but the beginning of an EU-like nightmare – a bureaucratic coup d’etat foisted upon millions of Americans without their knowledge or consent.”

“The Late Great USA” is a meticulously researched story of deceit, the chapters of which are being written in secret.

For Corsi, “The Late Great USA” is nothing less than a wake-up call to the American people.

“The Security and Prosperity Partnership is not just unconstitutional, but an act of treason at the highest levels,” he says. “Anyone who cares about the future of this country – our children’s future – must act now against a North American Union and the underhanded way in which our sovereignty is being compromised, one illegal alien at a time.”

Corsi, a WND columnist, received a Ph.D. from Harvard University in political science in 1972 and has written many books and articles, including the No. 1 New York Times best-seller, “Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry.”

Corsi’s most recent book was authored with Michael Evans: “Showdown with Nuclear Iran.” Corsi’s other recent books include “Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil,” which he co-authored with WND columnist Craig. R. Smith, and “Atomic Iran.”

“The Late Great USA” is set for official release July 4, but is available now exclusively through WND. For a limited time, all first-edition copies of the book are autographed by the author at no additional charge.

Related offer:

Get a first-edition copy of Jerome Corsi’s “The Late Great USA” autographed for only $19.95 today.

Pardons now for our Border Agents-The Texas 4 please visit these sites for info on how you can help and to see their stories

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email stiknstein-at-gmail-dot-com and let us know at what level you would like to participate.