Show Notes 04-22-2017

Saturday Show 4-22-17

17th-century smart lock was really smart
Think cool technology is only a recent thing? A 340-year old smart lock may change your mind. As the Verge reports, the device in the collection of the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam is packed with clever tech that would stump any 21st-century thief.
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Three more students have joined a court fight against their school district over its decision to allow coed showers in which both boys and girls are allowed to change and shower in the same locker room under the guise of accommodating “gender orientation.”
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Pavement outside White House shut permanently to public
The decision was part of an “ongoing comprehensive review” of security measures at the White House and its surrounding grounds, the agency said. It comes one month after a man armed with pepper spray jumped the fence and was inside the grounds for 16 minutes.
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Skipping correspondents’ dinner, Trump will instead rally in Pennsylvania
President Trump has chosen to hold a campaign rally in Pennsylvania next Saturday rather than attend the annual dinner of White House correspondents.
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Christian Religious Freedom Group Wins UN Accreditation After Years of Rejection by Repressive Regimes
After having its application slapped down more than a dozen times by a committee often dominated by repressive regimes, a Christian non-governmental organization advocating religious freedom finally won official U.N. accreditation on Wednesday.
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Are frozen veggies healthy? Study suggests a surprising finding
When it comes to fruits and veggies, there’s little doubt grabbing a bag of pre-washed, prepped frozen peas from the freezer section is likely to be cheaper and easier.
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5 reasons why spicy food is good for you
The Spice Girls were onto something when they released their hit song “Spice Up Your Life” in the ’90s. Turns out, a wealth of research supports the idea that adding spice to your food can offer some major health benefits.
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SGA passes resolution supporting reparations for black students
Western Kentucky University’s Student Government Association passed a resolution Tuesday supporting reparations for African-American students.
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March for Science rallies take aim at climate change skepticism, proposed budget cuts
March for Science rallies were held across the country Saturday in response to what organizers and attendees see as increasing attacks on science and concerns about looming cuts in government spending.
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‘Panic Button’ Application Among Several New Aids Offered to Mexicans in US
The Mexican government has added a “panic button” to its mobile application aimed at helping Mexican migrants in the U.S., while two other applications for immigrants in the U.S. without legal permission – both announced to fanfare in the media last month – have yet to appear online.
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Deep-Blue Maryland turns down ‘sanctuary state’ status — Our activists also win in Tenn. on in-state tuition
Maryland has been one of the most Democratic and pro-illegal immigration states in the country. It was logical that it would be one of the first to respond to a nationwide effort to have states declare themselves in opposition to Pres. Trump’s announced efforts to greatly increase the removal of criminal aliens from the country.
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House Panel Votes Down Tennessee Immigrant Tuition Bill
A narrow vote in the Tennessee House killed an in-state tuition bill that had already passed the state Senate. The bill would have given taxpayer-subsidized in-state tuition to illegal border crossers and visa overstays.
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Show Notes: 07-22-2012

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Sunday 7/22/12

Prayer After Death of Loved One

FBI Did Not Investigate Fort Hood Shooter Because of Political Correctness, Report Says
The FBI was too concerned about political correctness and did not launch an investigation into a man who was later charged with killing 13 people in a 2009 attack at the Fort Hood military installation in Texas, despite significant warning signs that he was an Islamic extremist bent on killing civilians, according to a lawmaker briefed on a new report about the terrorist attack.

Guess who’s bailing out bankrupt western governments now?
Fourteen years ago during the Asian financial crisis, Indonesia endured a currency collapse, a severe 2-year recession, and an embarrassing IMF bailout.

Colorado Governor tells Candy Crowley stricter gun laws wouldn’t have prevented massacre

As her State of the Union interview with Hickenlooper proceeded, Crowley predictably asked, “Do you see any law anywhere that could stop a man with no record in a society that protects the second amendment that might have prevented this?”

Egg allergy treatment
Egg allegiance Children allergic to eggs are told to avoid the food completely. But in a promising new clinical trial, doing the exact opposite appears to have reduced and in some case eliminated
kids’ egg allergies.

Fewer teens want to drive yet automakers court them

As automakers increasingly try to market their cars to young drivers they will find themselves fighting over a shrinking percentage of teenagers who want to drive.

Is the Law of the Sea Treaty sunk?

As of today, (July 16 2012) 34 U.S. Senators are on record promising to oppose the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea if it comes to the Senate floor. Because two-thirds of Senators present and voting are required to ratify any treaty, the long-stalled Law of the Sea Treaty is effectively dead.

House votes to bar Pentagon’s deal with Russian firm
The House lashed out at Russia for its unwavering support for Syria, voting Thursday to stop the Pentagon from doing business with a Russian company that has armed Bashar Assad’s regime.