Show Notes 09-02-2017

Saturday Show 9-2-17

Study: 80% of San Fran Bay Area Marijuana Poses Health Hazards, Such as Cancer
“The greatest threat standing in the way of California’s march toward legalized marijuana isn’t Attorney General Jeff Sessions or Big Pharma. It’s the cannabis industry itself,” San Francisco Magazine reports.
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2 million views and surging: Pro-Life testimony goes viral
It was filmed some time ago – with well beyond 2 million views – but the video testimony of a British comedienne explaining why she defied a doctor’s advice and refused a recommended abortion is making waves again.
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SPLC Says Army Bases Are Confederate Monuments That Need To Come Down
The Southern Poverty Law Center has declared three of America’s largest Army bases Confederate monuments “with the potential to unleash more turmoil and bloodshed” if activists don’t “take down” the Army bases.
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Experts debunk Irma post rumors; warn people about other potential fake forecasts
A fake Facebook post is making the rounds on social media. This post shows a track for Hurricane Irma barreling straight for the Texas coast. At first glance, it looks pretty believable, but a tweet from the National Weather Service Friday exposed the image as phony, saying among other things that the organization only forecasts storm information five days out.
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Pope Francis reveals for first time that he consulted a psychoanalyst to ‘clarify a few things’
Pope Francis is believed to be the first Pope in history to have visited a psychoanalyst – or at least to have admitted to it. In a new book, he says that at the age of 42 – decades before he was made Pope – he went to a psychiatrist in Buenos Aires in his native Argentina for six months.
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US hands out first contracts for border wall prototypes
Four companies have been chosen to build prototypes for Donald Trump’s planned border wall, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said. The four concrete prototypes will be 30ft (9m) long and up to 30ft tall, and will be built in the coming months.
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Letter: Comey’s Hillary case decision came before witnesses
Two Republican senators say they’ve reviewed evidence that indicates former FBI Director James B. Comey began drafting a statement to announce the closure of the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server months before key witnesses, including the former Democratic presidential candidate, were interviewed.
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Judge orders FBI to release Clinton probe details
A federal judge ordered the FBI on Thursday to disclose more details about how it handled its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret email account.
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U.S. Commander in Iraq: ‘We Don’t Get 20 Questions’ From Trump White House
In a candid exchange with reporters on Thursday, the commanding general of coalition forces in Iraq expressed appreciation for President Donald Trump’s approach to the military.
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Air Force’s Mysterious X-37B Space Plane to Launch Next Week
The U.S. Air Force’s covert X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle is scheduled to launch Sept. 7. For the first time, the experimental space plane will hitch a ride aboard Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, the service announced Thursday.
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Mattis disputes reports of being at odds with Trump 
Where some see Defense Secretary Jim Mattis distancing himself from President Donald Trump on North Korea and other big issues, Mattis sees “someone’s rather rich imagination” at work creating a conflict where he insists none exists.
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Stars who were fired from TV shows
In a Hollywood minute you can go from star of a hit show to unemployed. That was the case for several actors who got booted from successful television series. Here’s a list of seven stars who got fired from their TV shows.
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Show Notes 08-12-2017

Saturday Show 8-12-17

Thomas Jefferson on guns
In 1785 Thomas Jefferson wrote to his fifteen-year-old nephew, Peter Carr, regarding what he considered the best form of exercise: “…I advise the gun.
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The Latest: Canada sends soldiers to migrant border crossing
Canada has sent about 100 soldiers to a remote spot on the Quebec-New York border where asylum seekers are crossing illegally.
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Judicial Watch sues Justice Department for Comey documents
Judicial Watch sued the Justice Department on Friday in an effort to obtain any non-disclosure agreements signed by former FBI Director James Comey.
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California billionaire ordered to restore public access to $32.5M beachfront property
A California court has ordered a billionaire to reopen access to a popular formerly public beach, creating an important precedent for public right-of-access cases across the country.
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‘Hero’ bus driver saves students before bus catches fire
Bus driver Teresa Stroble was wrapping up her morning route about 7 a.m. when a pair of 9th-grade students sitting in the back of the bus alerted her to smoke. She then turned the car into a nearby car wash, evacuated the kids in under one minute, just before the bus became engulfed in flames.
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You will get chipped — eventually
For now, Three Square Market, or 32M, hasn’t offered concrete benefits for getting chipped beyond badge and log-on stats. Munster says it was a “PR stunt” for the company to get attention to its product and it certainly succeeded, getting the small start-up air play on CBS, NBC and ABC, and generating headlines worldwide.
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Preschool teachers cause children to be heterosexual, peer-reviewed paper suggests
Why not suggest you can play house with two moms? A recent research paper suggests that preschool teachers are the reason most people identify as heterosexual.
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School bus companies across U.S. facing driver shortage
School transportation companies seek drivers year-round but put the pedal to the metal to hire for the start of the school year. This year, many school bus companies around the U.S. say they face a driver shortage.
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Virginia college student gets 100 days in jail for registering dead voters for Democrats
James Madison University student was sentenced to prison Tuesday after pleading guilty to registering dead voters for the Democratic Party during the 2016 election.
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A danger to public health? Uproar as scientist urges us to eat more salt
Public health experts in the UK have spoken out against a new book that claims many of us should be eating more salt, not less – claiming the advice could endanger people’s health.
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Official Who Met With Michelle Obama at WH Indicted for Stealing School Lunch Funds
A Los Angeles food services director who was invited to the White House by former First Lady Michelle Obama to share his tips for getting kids to eat healthy has been indicted for stealing $65,000 in public funds.
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