Show Notes: 07-15-2012

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Sunday 7/15/12

A prayer for healing

Lord, look upon me with eyes of mercy, may your healing hand rest upon me, may your life giving powers flow into every cell of my body and into the depths of my soul, cleansing, purifying, restoring me to wholeness and strength for service in your Kingdom. Amen.

Egyptian protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S. Secretary of State
Egyptian protesters threw tomatoes and shoes at U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s motorcade Sunday and shouted, “Monica, Monica, Monica” as she left the newly reopened U.S. Consulate in Alexandria.

Main lawmaker calls plummeting lobster prices disaster for state economy
The lobster crisis in Maine has reached a boiling point. As prices for the succulent shellfish drop, a top U.S. lawmaker is calling the situation a “disaster” and said measures must be taken to aid struggling fishermen and reform the lobster industry, which is vital to the state’s economy.

Ron Paul bid to be nominated for GOP President ends
Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s bid to be nominated for president at the party’s national convention ended Saturday when he failed to win enough delegates at Nebraska’s state GOP convention. Paul, R-Texas, won two of the state’s 35 convention delegates with presumptive nominee Mitt Romney securing the rest, according to The Hill newspaper.

United Arab Emirates open pipeline
The United Arab Emirates on Sunday inaugurated a much-anticipated overland oil pipeline that bypasses the Strait of Hormuz, giving the OPEC member insurance against Iranian threats to block the strategic waterway.

G4S boss discovered Olympic security guard shortfall only a few days ago
The chief executive of the security firm G4S has admitted he only discovered that his company would be unable to provide adequate numbers of security guards for the Olympics “eight or nine days ago”.

Drug Tunnel Discovered Under US-Mexico Border
The Mexican government says troops have discovered another drug smuggling tunnel beneath the U.S.- Mexico border and seized more than 40 tons of marijuana. The tunnel, beneath the Tijuana (Mexico) – San Diego (California) border was the fourth such discovery in the past week along the 3,200 kilometer boundary separating the two countries.

Ohio to be the first Major American City to be owned by China
It has been said that there are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One way is by using the sword, and the other is by using debt. Fortunately, America is not in danger of being conquered by the sword right now, but America is being conquered by debt. The borrower is the servant of the lender, and today we owe China more than a trillion dollars.
Letters of South Carolina Vietnam Soldier sent home
Four letters from a courageous South Carolina soldier who tried to tell his family about the fearsome battles that raged around him in Vietnam were returned to his family Saturday, some 40 years after he was killed.

Warrior Moms of History
Olympias, Mother of Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was one of the most successful military commanders of all time, securing an empire that stretched from the Mediterranean to the Himalayan Mountains. He seems to have inherited much of his moxie from mom.