Show Notes 04-23-2016

Saturday Show 04-23-16

Remake your backyard into a mini-farm
Why rethink your backyard? A typical backyard, made up of a big green lawn and maybe an area for grilling and eating outdoors, can be great for playing and entertaining — but it’s not the only way to work your outdoor space.
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Obama Wants Federal Agency to Create More of a ‘Free Market’ in TV
President Barack Obama said in his weekly address that he wants the Federal Communications Commission to create more of a “free market” in television in the United States by changing the way people rent cable boxes for their televisions.
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EPA chief: Obama and EPA won’t slow down on climate change agenda
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy says when it comes to the issue of climate change, “President Obama, his administration, the EPA – have absolutely no plans to slow down.”
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Obama’s federalization of police grows nationwide
Announced Friday, 53 police departments around the country have signed on so far to the White House-pressed Police Data Initiative, a plan by President Obama to make crime-fighting more technology-driven and accountable to higher-ups, but that is seen by critics as a not-so-subtle federal takeover of community policing.
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Transgender Restrooms and Fitting Rooms? 162,000 Sign ‘Boycott Target Pledge’ in 1 Day
A pro-family group has launched a boycott of Target after the retail store made it clear on Tuesday that its bathrooms and changing facilities can be used by anyone according to their gender identity.
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Former felons in Maryland now have right to vote
Convicted felons have long been unwelcome on Election Day, as 34 states block them from voting either permanently or for varying times after they leave prison. But ex-felons who are on parole or probation will be able to vote on Tuesday in Maryland’s primaries for the first time.
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Secretive group of Hollywood conservatives suddenly dissolves
The Friends of Abe has acted as a clandestine club for Hollywood conservatives for more than a decade, hosting secret events where they could vent rightwing views and hear speeches from visiting Tea Party luminaries.
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