Show Notes 08-19-2017

Saturday Show 8-19-17

Standing Ovations for Triumphant Dennis Prager, Conducting at Disney Hall
Conservative talk radio host Dennis Prager received a standing ovation from a near-capacity crowd the moment he walked on the stage Wednesday evening to conduct the Santa Monica Symphony Orchestra at Walt Disney Concert Hall.
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Pelosi Calls for Resolution to Censure Trump for His ‘Repulsiveness’
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi issued a statement today declaring her support for the Congress to pass a resolution censuring President Donald Trump for “the repulsiveness” of his “words and actions.”
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Case against Wasserman Schultz’ ex-IT aide expands with 4-count indictment
The federal case against Imran Awan, a former IT aide for Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, expanded Thursday with an indictment on four counts including conspiracy and making false statements.
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Apple Donates $1 Million to SPLC, Claims Trump Equated ‘Nazis and Those Who Oppose Them’
In a memo to employees of Apple, Inc., CEO Tim Cook announced that the tech giant would be donating $1 million each to the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and Anti-Defamation League (ADL), matching donations by employees “two-for-one,” and allowing iTunes users to directly support “the work of the SPLC.”
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Texas about to legalize open-carry of big knives and swords
The katana once was the weapon of the samurai. But a new law soon will make it perfectly legal for Texans to publicly carry the warrior blade – along with a range of swords and other long knives.
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America’s ‘Confederate infrastructure:’ Too big to hide, move or raze
Although a few communities are removing a few statues, the nation’s Confederate memorial infrastructure — estates, plantations, battlefields, graveyards, birthplaces, shrines and at least two huge obelisks — is too vast and diverse to be moved, hidden or destroyed.
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