Show Notes 08/04/2013

Show: Sunday 8/4/13
Lindsey Graham: I Will Run as Conservative in GOP Primary
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham compared himself to Ronald Reagan when asked about the growing number of Republican challengers seeking to unseat him in his bid for a third term.
Impeachment still and option says GOP Congressman
Earlier this week, Chaffetz was interviewed by the Salt Lake Tribune, and was asked if impeachment were within the realm of possibilities.
Citrus growers use predator wasp to fight disease
The pest is wreaking havoc in Florida’s 32 citrus-growing counties. In California, it’s been detected in nine counties, most of them south of the commercial growing areas in the Central Valley. Farmers are hoping the Tamarixia wasp can help keep it that way.
Competing Currencies in Somalia
For years a debate has raged in monetary economics over the credibility of the theory that a more stable monetary system would emerge were the system to allow for concurrent currencies operating under no legal restrictions.
Kerry to Recognize Same-sex Marriage for Travel Visas
Same-sex married partners seeking U.S. travel visas will now be recognized as legal couples under a new rule put forth by Secretary of State John Kerry, the Advocate reports.
Garden of Eden to become Iraqi national park
THE “Garden of Eden” has been saved, even as chaos grows all around. Last week, amid a wave of bombings on the streets of Baghdad, Iraq’s Council of Ministers found time to approve the creation of the country’s first national park – the centrepiece of a remarkable restoration of the Mesopotamian marshes in the south of the country.
Christians lose out to atheists for senior jobs as religious people are ‘held back from top positions’
Christians are less likely than atheists to be promoted to top jobs, official figures show.
Nearly a quarter of people with no religious belief live in homes headed by someone with a senior executive position or a job in one of the professions.

Show Notes: 07-26-2012

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Thursday 7/26/12

Fiat Currency: Using the Past to See into the Future
The history of fiat money, to put it kindly, has been one of failure. In fact, EVERY fiat currency since the Romans first began the practice in the first cent
ury has ended in devaluation and eventual collapse, of not only the currency, but of the economy that housed the fiat currency as well.

Milford man pays off mortgage with pennies

Thomas Daigle says he was looking for a hobby during those long rainy and snowy afternoons in Milford. So he started counting his change and rolling his pennies.

BATFE Director issues veiled threat to whistleblowers

Lawmakers and government accountability advocates have expressed concern over a July 9 video message directed at Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agents by ATF Acting Director Todd Jones, which they say is a veiled threat to government whistleblowers.

PBS Bill Moyers trashes America and NRA

With the first heart-breaking headlines out of Colorado, gun-rights advocates just had to know that leftist lecturers in our media would mount their soap boxes and trash this country for its gun culture and trash the National Rifle Association as an “enabler of death — paranoid, delusional, and as venomous as a scorpion.”