More Street Closings and Subsidized Food Mark the ‘Next Chapter’ of Michelle Obama’s ‘Let’s Move’ Initiative

I did this article on the radio show last night and thought it was so important it had to be revisited.

“Let’s Move,” Michelle Obama’s food-and-fitness project, is going local — because childhood obesity is a problem “that can’t be solved just at the national level,” Health and Human Service Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said.

Of course they can’t just invade your life from the “national level” they must reach inside your homes and refrigerators. That’s the “Chicago Way” don’t you know. Then there is this:

The administration also wants local leaders to create more play areas for children, and with that goal in mind, Sebelius announced that the BlueCross BlueShield Association has agreed to pitch in by funding city street closings. These so-called “play streets” allow children and their families to run, walk, bike or play outside without worrying about traffic. Sebelius said the BlueCross BlueShield Association has agreed to fund Play Street scholarships in 10 cities and towns across the country between now and October 2013 to create at least four Play Streets in each city or town.

As I said on the Uncooperative Radio show, you need to contact your local planning board and find out if this intrusion into your life and freedom and liberty is coming to a street near you. Then say NO!!! to it all.