Show Notes 03/24/2013

Uncooperative Radio Show Notes: Sunday 03/24/2013

What is Palm Sunday?
On Palm Sunday Christians celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, the week before his death and resurrection.

What is Passover?
Passover is the Jewish celebration lasting seven to eight days (seven in Israel, eight outside of it) that marks the freedom of the Jews from enslavement by the Egyptians.

Pope Francis: I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam
Speaking on Friday at an audience held for diplomats accredited to the Vatican, Pope Francis said that he hoped to “intensify dialogue” with other religion, particularly Islam.

Brian recommends this site for anyone who wants to work on their own computer for Free!!
VFW blasts CBS for Amazing Race Vietnam segment
The Veterans of Foreign Wars is slamming the CBS network over an episode of “The Amazing Race” that features the competitors in Hanoi learning to sing a communist victory song as part of their competition.

Cookies not carrots as Michelle Obama brings sugary treats to children
First Lady Michelle Obama visited children at the Fisher House in Bethesda, Maryland on Wednesday, bringing with her cookies and an invitation to attend the White House Easter Egg Roll on the Monday following Easter.
Actor Jim Carrey’s “Cold Dead Hand”
Actor Jim Carrey’s whole tweet: ‘Cold Dead Hand’ is abt u heartless motherf%ckers unwilling 2 bend 4 the safety of our kids.Sorry if you’re offended by the word safety! ;^}
The Armed Citizen
Bryan Lee, owner of the Almond Avenue Pharmacy, had no choice but to fire his .45-cal. pistol when a 31-year-old male entered his store firing a similar model.
Supreme Court tackles gay marriage, as advocates line up for historic argument.
The front-lines of the gay marriage debate move this week to the Supreme Court, as it considers two cases which have the potential to redefine marriage on a national level.

Author: Brian Bonner

USAF Veteran, Disabled NYC Paramedic, Oathkeeper, U.S. History and Constitutional Scholar, Internet Talk Show Host - Independent thinking. Constitutional Conservative, living off-grid in the Mountains of Montana - The Constitution is The Solution!

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