
My President is not only the “Great Apologizer” and the “Great Obownater”, he is now the “Great Whiner”. Thank you my fellow citizens for this one.
From Newsbusters.org

US to send additional $150 million to Palestine

This is extremely disturbing and needs to be spread all over the net.
From palestinenote.com:

Washington – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the press on Wednesday that the US would be sending an additional $150 million in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority.

Yea, I know where I found this story, but sometimes it is better to get it from the “horses mouth”!
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My President is not only the “Great Apologizer” and the “Great Obownater”, he is now the “Great Whiner”. Thank you my fellow citizens for this one.
From Newsbusters.org:

President Barack Obama is peeved with the American press. They never say “thank you,” he whined to journalists in Japan on Monday.

According to the pool report from the press conference, one reporter said “Thank you, Mr. President.” Someone said the reporter was Australian.

“I knew it must have been an Australian because my folks never say thank you,” Obama said.

At that, the entire American pool said in unison — admittedly with a bit of sarcasm — “Thank you, Mr. President.”

PM Gillard could be heard chiming in, “There are a few cheeky Australians here.”

At first glance, Obama’s comment reeks of arrogance. He seems to think that press access is a privilege, not a right, and that he is under no obligation to even speak to reporters.

I know all you libs out there are screaming at the top of your Obama loving lungs. STOP PICKING ON PRESIDENT OBAMA!!! Oh wait, you guys are pissed off at him too. What a great “uniter” he has turned out to be. Oh,Oh,wait, he is uniting us. He’s uniting everyone that is Pissed off at him. Good job my president, you really do mean what you say.

US to send additional $150 million to Palestine

This is extremely disturbing and needs to be spread all over the net.
From palestinenote.com:

Washington – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the press on Wednesday that the US would be sending an additional $150 million in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority.

Yea, I know where I found this story, but sometimes it is better to get it from the “horses mouth”!
Technorati Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

US to send additional $150 million to Palestine

This is extremely disturbing and needs to be spread all over the net.
From palestinenote.com:

Washington – US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told the press on Wednesday that the US would be sending an additional $150 million in direct aid to the Palestinian Authority.

Yea, I know where I found this story, but sometimes it is better to get it from the “horses mouth”!
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