Lawmakers Beg Times Co. to Spare Boston Globe

Please President Obama et al, please save me. Bail me out. Pay my bills. Pay for this blog. Pay for my/our radio show. Where is my government cheese???


BOSTON — The Massachusetts congressional delegation has sent a letter to the chairman of The New York Times Co. urging that a solution be found to prevent The Boston Globe from closing.

The letter to Arthur Sulzberger Jr., released Tuesday, was signed by Sens. Edward Kennedy and John Kerry and nine of the state’s 10 House members. It called the Globe “an immense asset for Boston and New England” and said closing it would be an “irreplaceable loss.”

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Author: Brian Bonner

USAF Veteran, Disabled NYC Paramedic, Oathkeeper, U.S. History and Constitutional Scholar, Internet Talk Show Host - Independent thinking. Constitutional Conservative, living off-grid in the Mountains of Montana - The Constitution is The Solution!

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