Blixseth justifies taking millions

One by One they all come tumbling down. Even in my state. But that is not a good thing. How many people will loose their jobs in a state that is considered the fifth largest land wise, but also the fifth or sixth poorest because of this.

From the Montana Standard:

MISSOULA — The mountain resort for the rich founded by Tim Blixseth has collapsed financially. But the flamboyant billionaire insisted in federal court Wednesday he was justified in taking hundreds of millions of dollars from the Yellowstone Club leading up to its bankruptcy.

Blixseth blames the worldwide economic crisis and his former wife’s supposed mismanagement of the club for its problems. His critics cast him as emblematic of the financial excesses that spurred the global crisis — even as rich players like Blixseth made off with millions.

“I assumed when no one said to me there’s something wrong with it, there’s nothing wrong with it,” Tim Blixseth said during testimony Wednesday in a trial connected to the club’s bankruptcy case. He was referring to one of several money transfers totaling at least $200 million that the club made to Blixseth and corporations he controlled.

“I was the manager, and I did what I felt was an appropriate decision at the time,” he said.

He added that in the club’s early years, when it was cash-strapped and looking for members, the situation was reversed, with Blixseth pumping in tens of millions of dollars to keep the resort afloat.

Now wait a minute, I thought as rich investors that’s what your supposed to do, “Invest”. The fact that the entire world is consumer based is not sustainable. There is only so much money and credit to spend to go around as we are witnessing now. The current economy’s time is running out. What’s the alternative. Self Sufficiency. Start now people.
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Gun Owners Worried Over Limbaugh Stance

Now I know the Left is going nu-nu bananas over this one. Good, read first and then listen.

From Newsmax:

Rush Limbaugh’s new pet project — fighting animal cruelty for the Humane Society of the United States — is riling sportsmen from coast to coast, prompting fears that the talkster typically supportive of gun rights is aiding a group they say has a secret agenda to end all hunting in America.

Almost 30 groups representing millions of hunters and sportsmen are demanding that the conservative radio commentator end his collaboration with the Humane Society and stop “helping them to mainstream their image in the minds of reasonable people.”

First off, this is not paranoia, guns owners of all types are constantly under attack by the commie left. So we/I as a gun toten momma have to always be on guard. Ha sometimes with my gun, ha he, he. Second, conservatives do not think with their hearts, but with their minds. And as such everything in in question, even other conservatives. It’s about whats right, not how popular the issue is or the person behind the issue.

Mr. Limbaugh did not answer requests for comment and has had little to say about his tacit endorsement of the Humane Society. During an interview on Fox News last week, Greta Van Susteren asked him, “Who do you admire and why?”

As Mr. Limbaugh paused, citing “brain freeze,” this exchange occurred:

“You like the Humane Society,” Mrs. Van Susteren said.

“Who?” Mr. Limbaugh asked.

“The Humane Society.”

Laughing, the radio host, who spends three hours a day talking politics, said, “Well, now, you’re getting into politics,” and quickly moved off the topic.

Oh come on now, the man eats, breeeaths and sleeeeps, “politics”. How lame an answer was that. I listen to him all the time but missed this interview and his response to the issue on his radio show; which I’m sure he addressed. I just wanted to point out that just because conservatives don’t always agree with other conservatives, it means “we are imploding”. No, it means we are “thinking”. I only hope Rush starts thinking about what this organization stands for. I mean he has “people” to research this doesn’t he. He’s rich enough to have “people” doesn’t he?
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Gun Owners Worried Over Limbaugh Stance

Now I know the Left is going nu-nu bananas over this one. Good, read first and then listen.

From Newsmax:

Rush Limbaugh’s new pet project — fighting animal cruelty for the Humane Society of the United States — is riling sportsmen from coast to coast, prompting fears that the talkster typically supportive of gun rights is aiding a group they say has a secret agenda to end all hunting in America.

Almost 30 groups representing millions of hunters and sportsmen are demanding that the conservative radio commentator end his collaboration with the Humane Society and stop “helping them to mainstream their image in the minds of reasonable people.”

First off, this is not paranoia, guns owners of all types are constantly under attack by the commie left. So we/I as a gun toten momma have to always be on guard. Ha sometimes with my gun, ha he, he. Second, conservatives do not think with their hearts, but with their minds. And as such everything in in question, even other conservatives. It’s about whats right, not how popular the issue is or the person behind the issue.

Mr. Limbaugh did not answer requests for comment and has had little to say about his tacit endorsement of the Humane Society. During an interview on Fox News last week, Greta Van Susteren asked him, “Who do you admire and why?”

As Mr. Limbaugh paused, citing “brain freeze,” this exchange occurred:

“You like the Humane Society,” Mrs. Van Susteren said.

“Who?” Mr. Limbaugh asked.

“The Humane Society.”

Laughing, the radio host, who spends three hours a day talking politics, said, “Well, now, you’re getting into politics,” and quickly moved off the topic.

Oh come on now, the man eats, breeeaths and sleeeeps, “politics”. How lame an answer was that. I listen to him all the time but missed this interview and his response to the issue on his radio show; which I’m sure he addressed. I just wanted to point out that just because conservatives don’t always agree with other conservatives, it means “we are imploding”. No, it means we are “thinking”. I only hope Rush starts thinking about what this organization stands for. I mean he has “people” to research this doesn’t he. He’s rich enough to have “people” doesn’t he?
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Blixseth justifies taking millions

One by One they all come tumbling down. Even in my state. But that is not a good thing. How many people will loose their jobs in a state that is considered the fifth largest land wise, but also the fifth or sixth poorest because of this.

From the Montana Standard:

MISSOULA — The mountain resort for the rich founded by Tim Blixseth has collapsed financially. But the flamboyant billionaire insisted in federal court Wednesday he was justified in taking hundreds of millions of dollars from the Yellowstone Club leading up to its bankruptcy.

Blixseth blames the worldwide economic crisis and his former wife’s supposed mismanagement of the club for its problems. His critics cast him as emblematic of the financial excesses that spurred the global crisis — even as rich players like Blixseth made off with millions.

“I assumed when no one said to me there’s something wrong with it, there’s nothing wrong with it,” Tim Blixseth said during testimony Wednesday in a trial connected to the club’s bankruptcy case. He was referring to one of several money transfers totaling at least $200 million that the club made to Blixseth and corporations he controlled.

“I was the manager, and I did what I felt was an appropriate decision at the time,” he said.

He added that in the club’s early years, when it was cash-strapped and looking for members, the situation was reversed, with Blixseth pumping in tens of millions of dollars to keep the resort afloat.

Now wait a minute, I thought as rich investors that’s what your supposed to do, “Invest”. The fact that the entire world is consumer based is not sustainable. There is only so much money and credit to spend to go around as we are witnessing now. The current economy’s time is running out. What’s the alternative. Self Sufficiency. Start now people.
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Lawmakers Beg Times Co. to Spare Boston Globe

Please President Obama et al, please save me. Bail me out. Pay my bills. Pay for this blog. Pay for my/our radio show. Where is my government cheese???


BOSTON — The Massachusetts congressional delegation has sent a letter to the chairman of The New York Times Co. urging that a solution be found to prevent The Boston Globe from closing.

The letter to Arthur Sulzberger Jr., released Tuesday, was signed by Sens. Edward Kennedy and John Kerry and nine of the state’s 10 House members. It called the Globe “an immense asset for Boston and New England” and said closing it would be an “irreplaceable loss.”

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