Do I Believe Him? Hell No!

Cross posted from CommonSenseAmerica

Do I Believe Him? Hell No!

I just watched 20 minutes of the biggest bunch of BS that I think I’ve ever seen.  The thing that really makes my fur stand on end is that this man can look us straight in the eye and arrogantly try to shove his agenda down our throat by implying that we should be compassionate and accepting of the lawlessness in our nation by rewarding those who have spit on our legal system.

Every last one of his enforcement proposals were dangled before us back in the 1986 amnesty program.  Every last one of them, except for the amnesty, never came to fruition.

That we can be a nation of laws and compassion is impossible if our laws are not upheld, no matter how our President tries to sell it.  If our laws are so insignificant to even our own President that he would allow them to be ignored by anyone, ANYONE, then we are not a nation of laws and compassion but merely a nation of compassion alone.  At that point, we are no longer Compassionate Conservatives but merely bleeding-heart, tree-hugging, give-it-all-away-so-they-don’t-hurt-us liberals.

Make no mistake, this is a man that I have viciously defended for the past 5 years.  This is a man that had my total loyalty. This is a man that I trusted and believed in and what do I get?  What do all Conservative Republicans get in return?


Unadulterated betrayal.

This is how someone must feel when they come home and find their spouse in bed with another lover.  I honestly don’t know how to better express the level of betrayal I feel at this moment.

That a so-called Conservative could have such disregard for our nation and its laws is absolutely appalling.  It is nothing less than treasonous to look law abiding American citizens in the eye and say that no matter how you feel, we will do it my way and I’m siding with foreigners who have broken our laws.  He basically told us that if we don’t see it his way, then we are not being wise or realistic.

I have defended this man against liberals that have called him arrogant and a cowboy and dangerous.  Never again.

To all of the liberals I have ever debated, I sincerely apologize.  I was wrong.  This man is freaking dangerous.  This man is willing to sell out our nation.

**This was a production of The Coalition Against Illegal Immigration (CAII). If you would like to participate, please go to the above link to learn more. Afterwards, email the coalition and let me know at what level you would like to participate.**

Author: Brian Bonner

USAF Veteran, Disabled NYC Paramedic, Oathkeeper, U.S. History and Constitutional Scholar, Internet Talk Show Host - Independent thinking. Constitutional Conservative, living off-grid in the Mountains of Montana - The Constitution is The Solution!

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